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Roosevelt and His New Deal. VII. FDR and the New Deal.

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1 Roosevelt and His New Deal

2 VII. FDR and the New Deal

3 A. Election of 1932: Hoover vs. FDR 1.FDR – Franklin Roosevelt (Democrat) from New York – Believed Government could play a role in fixing the economy 2.Hoover – President – Believed private forces would fix the economy and the government shouldn’t get involved

4 3.Election Outcome – FDR wins the presidency by 7 million popular votes – Won all but 6 states

5 B. First 100 Days 1.New Deal – FDR wanted to accomplish many things during his first 100 days to get the economy going again – The New Deal was the programs created by FDR’s administration to combat the Depression – 3 types of programs: Relief – Temporary help for those who are suffering due to unemployment Recovery - To help the economy get over the previous depression Reform - To re-adjust or to fix the government to make sure that the depression doesn't happen again

6 2.Bank Holiday – March 5, 1933 – Orders all banks to close for at least 4 days – Inspectors would check out banks to reopen – Inspectors found that most banks were healthy

7 3.FDIC – Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation – Insured bank deposits – If a bank failed or closed you would get the money back that you deposited in it

8 4.SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission – Regulates the stock market 5.Off the Gold Standard – US currency is taken off the gold standard – Decreased the value of US currency – Hoped to raise the price of farm goods and other items – Hoped it would stimulate export trade

9 6.FERA – Federal Emergency Relief Act – Sent funds to local relief agencies – Put federal money into public works programs

10 NRA – National Recovery Act Made businesses work together. AAA – Agricultural Adjustment Act Paid farmers to grow less crops. CCC – Civilian Conservation Corps – Took city kids and gave them jobs in national forests and parks. TVA – Tennessee Valley Authority – Created electricity for the rural areas in Tenn. PWA – Public Works Administration – Had people build for the public - sidewalks, etc.

11 The 2 nd New Deal New programs for the country. Emergency Relief Act paid people for work. This was not a free handout of money. WPA – Works Progress Administration found over 8 million people jobs. Social Security – A pension for people 65 or older. NLRB – National Labor Relations Board worked with businesses and unions.


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