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Journal Questions 1). What Supreme Court case established judicial review? 2). What Supreme Court case stated that the federal government regulates interstate.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal Questions 1). What Supreme Court case established judicial review? 2). What Supreme Court case stated that the federal government regulates interstate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal Questions 1). What Supreme Court case established judicial review? 2). What Supreme Court case stated that the federal government regulates interstate trade? 3). What Supreme Court case established “separate but equal”? 4). What Supreme Court case overturned the Missouri Compromise?

2 FDR’s New Deal

3 New Deal = FDR’s plan to fix the Great Depression Will focus on three things –Relief –Reform –Recovery

4 FDR’s First 100 Days –He declared a “Bank Holiday” = Closed all of the banks –Why?

5 To get people behind him, FDR used Fireside Chats to tell America about his programs His chats helped to ease American’s fears

6 New Deal ProgramGoal of Program FDIC SEC AAA CCC WPA TVA Social Security Fair Labor Standards Act


8 Opponents of the New Deal The Supreme Court began to rule New Deal programs unconstitutional FDR proposed his court packing scheme He wanted to increase the number of judges on the Supreme Court His plan failed

9 How do we pay for the New Deal programs? Deficit spending, the government went into debt to start the programs


11 Big ideas about the New Deal –What branch of government was trying to fix the economy? The President –What economic philosophy was no longer being used? Laissez-faire economics The federal government was now seen as responsible for fixing an economic depression

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