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Regional seminar Framework Agreement 4 “Situation and needs analysis” Amman, Jordan 10 – 14 May 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional seminar Framework Agreement 4 “Situation and needs analysis” Amman, Jordan 10 – 14 May 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional seminar Framework Agreement 4 “Situation and needs analysis” Amman, Jordan 10 – 14 May 2015

2 FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT 4 January 2014 – December 2017

3 Luxembourg 537 000 inhabitants 2 586 km 2

4 General data SectorsData Countries 19 Projects 21 Duration (years) 4 Seminars & studies 7 seminars 4 studies Topics Physical rehabilitation Health and prevention(MCH, chronic diseases, etc.) Socio-economic integration (education, employment, training) Overall budget (€) < 12 700 000


6 Seminars

7 Capitalize and disseminate positive experiences (and lessons learnt) Share and promote innovative experiences Promote national partners et interact with the projects of the FA4 Gain competencies by inviting external experts to join the association OBJECTIVES


9 Regional seminars ‘Situation and needs analysis’

10 PROCESS 1) Cuba December 2014 → Spanish-speaking countries 2) West Africa April 2015 → French-speaking countries (African countries) 3) Jordan May 2015 → English-speaking countries (Middle East + Central,Africa + Asia) Final products June 2015 Cycle of 3 regional seminars 2014 – 2015:

11 1 language per seminar Regional dynamics Better collective productions (small groups) Compilation of practices and tools from the different contexts ADVANTAGES  Each seminar will enrich the next one  Each seminar will enrich the final products

12 PURPOSE Improve the diagnosis processes that were developed by HI and its partners to collect and analyze quality data allowing the planning and the implementation of relevant projects  Positive effects  Guarantee a better access to services  A better quality of life for our target public

13 OBJECTIVES Collective analysis of HI and its partners’ methodologies and good practices in order to: o Better apply key concepts(compulsory references and cross-cutting approaches) that need to be integrated in our diagnosis methodologies o Identify elements which constitute an analysis tool of the situation and needs

14 FINAL PRODUCTS Production of a methodological guide for the situation and needs analysis

15 AMMAN SEMINAR- OBJECTIVES 1.Use of concrete experiences from the Middle-East and Central African region 2.Comment on and enrich the draft of the analysis guide

16 PARTICIPANTS... 11 participants 7 participants from HI, 2 Partners 7 countries (Rwanda, Burundi, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, DRC, South Sudan) 1 France 1 Switzerland 1 Luxemburg

17 SEMINAR PROGRAM Presentation of the topics for each day : schedule

18 REMINDER This is not a training session! Forum for the sharing and the exchange of tools and practices so as to build products teaming up with HI and its partners

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