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@CRMUG Microsoft Dynamics CRM User Group (CRMUG ® ) Chapter Meeting WELCOME! Dallas, TX.

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Presentation on theme: "@CRMUG Microsoft Dynamics CRM User Group (CRMUG ® ) Chapter Meeting WELCOME! Dallas, TX."— Presentation transcript:

1 @CRMUG Microsoft Dynamics CRM User Group (CRMUG ® ) Chapter Meeting WELCOME! Dallas, TX

2 @CRMUG AGENDA 12:00 – 12:15Arrival and Networking 12:15 – 12:30Chapter Business & Introductions 12:30 – 1:00 Member Showcase – Robert McAnally (BizNet Software, Inc.) Issue Tracking Entity and Workflows 1:00 – 1:30Roundtables

3 @CRMUG NEXT MEETING?  Date: February 10, 2016  Time: 12:00-1:30pm  Place: EmployBridge  Topics: TBD

4 @CRMUG GET TO KNOW YOUR CRM PEERS Introductions ‒Name ‒Company (describe Company/Industry) ‒Your role in the company ‒What version are you on? ‒What do you hope to accomplish by attending the user group? ‒If you could have one super power, what would it be, and why? Tweet the most interesting thing you hear or the person you are most excited to network with using @crmug, #crmugDFW

5 @CRMUG Join our Chapter Community today to receive updates and access to the content library with presentation materials.

6 @CRMUG 6

7 CHAPTER LEADERSHIP BE A PART OF SOMETHING REALLY GREAT FACT: The most successful chapters have strong leadership teams. BENEFIT: Ignite Leadership Training available ONLY to chapter leaders. Develop your professional skills – public speaking, leadership, communication, organization, conflict resolution, and many more skills. IMPACT: Chapter Leaders have significant reach within the Dynamics CRM Community. Leaders are respected for their hard work and devotion to helping individuals and organizations attending meetings. Roles: Chair, Co-Chair, VP of Membership, VP of Communication, VP of Programming Take Action: Contact your chapter leader or email CRMUG Chapter Manager, Gretchen Ingbretson,

8 exploreengageelevate Connect, Learn, Share 23,000 of your Dynamics CRM peers are waiting for YOU to join the Community! Get Started Now Have Questions? Contact Bryan Erstad, CRMUG Membership Manager 877-324-8880 x1450 Join CRMUG Enroll Online … Being a member of CRMUG means… “learning from others to avoid mistakes and common pitfalls, relating and making connections with other users, and interacting with best minds in industry”

9 @CRMUG @GPU G 9 OCTOBER11-14, 2016 #INtampa16 #CRMUGSummit INcomparable Learning INnovative Ideas INfinite Experience Tampa, Florida

10 @CRMUG THANK YOU TO OUR ANNUAL CHAPTER SPONSORS! 10 Connect with us if you are interested in becoming a chapter sponsor! Deneen Dardis :

11 CRM Support entity CRMUG Robert McAnally – BizNet Software 13 January 2016

12 Default View (Active CRM Support)

13 Creating a new Ticket

14 Highlighted areas Subject – the concise version of the issue, request, etc. Contact You? – if Yes, has Process to email the Submitter

15 Highlighted areas Approval Needed? – if the Ticket will involve changes outside the Submitter’s department, I will check this This will allow me to select the affected Department’s Manager, and will send an email of the Ticket to them for review & approval

16 Highlighted areas Type = Issue, Request, Change or Suggestion also for Projects (e.g., lasting more than 30 days), which I will enter myself OKRs (Quarterly Goals) also listed here Priority (to Expected On field) High = 1 business day Normal = 7 business days Low = 21 business days Projects, OKRs and Suggestions do not require this field

17 Highlighted areas Microsoft Assistance? and 3 rd Party Assistance? will make required: Department / 3 rd Party Support ID Support Notes 3 rd Party = outside / non-Microsoft plug-ins, etc. Project Information = in-depth description of the Project

18 Highlighted areas Description – required upon creation; multi-line text area for fuller description of the issue, etc. Resolution / Action Resolution – is required if Resolved? is Yes; brief synopsis of the steps to resolve the Ticket Action – is optional if Resolved? is Yes instructions for the end-user prerequisites that are pending etc.


20 @CRMUG FEEDBACK A survey will be sent within 24 hours of the meeting. If you tweet, let us know how it went @crmug, #crmugDFW

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