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23 - 27 June, Rome 2015 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies Romano Tripodi ItRC Military Corps.

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Presentation on theme: "23 - 27 June, Rome 2015 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies Romano Tripodi ItRC Military Corps."— Presentation transcript:

1 23 - 27 June, Rome 2015 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies Romano Tripodi ItRC Military Corps

2 2 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies The Italian Red Cross Military Corps Volunteer Nurses Volunteers Over 139 thousands fellows

3 3 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies The Italian Red Cross Military Corps Volunteer Nurses Volunteers Auxiliary of the Armed Forces

4 Tasks of the It RC according to current Italian regulations 4 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies In Italy the CIVIL PROTECTION is organized in the so called «Servizio Nazionale» (National Service). This is a complex system which comprehends all the forces used in the field by the State. The It RC is one of the operative structures of this National Service (Law 225/92– art. 11)

5 Tasks of the Military Corps of the It RC according to current Italian regulations 5 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies The ItRC Military Corps contribute to the evacuation and to the nursing of the injured and the infirm caused by war as well as the victims of armed conflicts. They also carry out health and assistance tasks related to the activity of CIVIL DEFENSE. (Law 15 March 2010, n. 66 – art. 196)

6 6 The response in Italy to CBRN emergencies Civil Defense Civil Protection

7 7 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies The response in Italy to CBRN emergencies Civil Defense Civil Protection Military Corps Volunteer Nurses Volunteers

8 8 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies The response in Italy to CBRN emergencies Civil Defense Civil Protection Military Corps Volunteer Nurses Volunteers Surface health transportation Health Field Treatment Decontamination Biocontainment and transportation of patients with a high contagious risk Dead Bodies Management

9 9 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies It RC’s resources for the response to CBRN emergencies Health Units and Emplacements Public Healthcare Units Decontamination Unit Biocontainment Unit Biocontaminated Transportation Management of National Antidote Provisions Management of the Dead Bodies Unit Specific clinical analysis service

10 10 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies Health Units and Emplacements Public Healthcare Units Decontamination Unit Biocontainment Unit Biocontaminated Transportation Management of National Antidote Provisions Management of the Dead Bodies Unit Specific clinical analysis service It RC’s resources for the response to CBRN emergencies

11 11 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies Health Units and Emplacements Public Healthcare Units Decontamination Unit Biocontainment Unit Biocontaminated Transportation Management of National Antidote Provisions Management of the Dead Bodies Unit Specific clinical analysis service It RC’s resources for the response to CBRN emergencies

12 12 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies Health Units and Emplacements Public Healthcare Units Decontamination Unit Biocontainment Unit Biocontaminated Transportation Management of National Antidote Provisions Management of the Dead Bodies Unit Specific clinical analysis service It RC’s resources for the response to CBRN emergencies

13 13 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies Health Units and Emplacements Public Healthcare Units Decontamination Unit Biocontainment Unit Biocontaminated Transportation Management of National Antidote Provisions Management of the Dead Bodies Unit Specific clinical analysis service It RC’s resources for the response to CBRN emergencies

14 14 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies Health Units and Emplacements Public Healthcare Units Decontamination Unit Biocontainment Unit Biocontaminated Transportation Management of National Antidote Provisions Management of the Dead Bodies Unit Specific clinical analysis service It RC’s resources for the response to CBRN emergencies

15 15 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies Health Units and Emplacements Public Healthcare Units Decontamination Unit Biocontainment Unit Biocontaminated Transportation Management of National Antidote Provisions Management of the Dead Bodies Unit Specific clinical analysis service It RC’s resources for the response to CBRN emergencies

16 16 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies Health Units and Emplacements Public Healthcare Units Decontamination Unit Biocontainment Unit Biocontaminated Transportation Management of National Antidote Provisions Management of the Dead Bodies Unit Specific clinical analysis service It RC’s resources for the response to CBRN emergencies

17 17 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies The activation of the It RC Ministry of Defense Ministry of Health Prefectures Department of Civil Protection National Antidote Provisions Sector Plan of the Defense ItRC Health Units Decontam. Units Antidote Provision Tactical Ambulances Biocont.transport Other units

18 18 ItRC role of civil protection and civil defense in CBRN emergencies Civil Defense Civil Protection Military Corps Volunteer Nurses Volunteers Training Centers of the Armed Forces Combined Exercises Training Center of the It Rc The preparation of the personnel for the response to CBRN emergencies

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