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Presentation on theme: "DENISE BISSONNETTE WWW.DIVERSITYWORLD.COM Job Developer."— Presentation transcript:


2 QUESTIONS ARE EVERYTHING The questions you ask on a daily basis will shape your destiny as clearly as the skeleton shapes your body. Are you asking the right questions????

3 UNIVERSAL HIRING ROLE Any employer will hire any applicant so long as he or she is convinced that they will generate more revenue than it costs. Believe, Behold, Begin

4 THE 6 QUESTIONS 1.Where is this going to save money? 2. Where will it make money? (It will rarely do both 1 & 2) 3. What is the natural extension these businesses have not taken? 4. Where can I get a business the competitive edge? 5. How can we expand your customer base? 6. Improve your image?

5 NATURAL EXTENSIONS Painters 75% of the time your employee is not working at their highest level of skill. A painter spends more time setting up and cleaning up than actually painting. A worker could come in and prepare the area for painting, taping areas, and cleaning up– while being paid a lot less See Samples

6 25, 000 JOBS Can you list all 25, 000 jobs Of course not - WE as Career Development Teachers limit people when we help them – without really being aware of it.

7 GROUP WORK Divide into groups Question 1: If you had 5 additional lives how would you spend them? (Activity 1-14.1) What appeals to you most about this life? “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” Elenor Roosevelt

8 In your groups answer the questions from the bucket – expanding on your answers. Everyone else your job is to listen.

9 Now for 1 minute the others in your group will shower you with complements – and you must sit and listen to them all!

10 THE ANY GAME Read the Article So if a students loves Children Art Nature What are some occupations that would be a perfect fit? How do we discover what those interests are? Denise uses a different method…

11 Activity 2-14 Here are 3 workplaces – Which one would you like to do the most? Second Most? Least? Work at a zoo A private Investigator A chef

12 Why did you pick those occupations? Listen for the reasons – not the just the occupations that they pick

13 DO WHAT YOU LOVE Act 5-2.1 ‘Let the beauty of what you love be what you do’ Rumi, Sufi poet


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