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Organic Compounds Hydrogen and other elements covalently bonded to carbon Four types of organic compounds: Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids.

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Presentation on theme: "Organic Compounds Hydrogen and other elements covalently bonded to carbon Four types of organic compounds: Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids."— Presentation transcript:


2 Organic Compounds Hydrogen and other elements covalently bonded to carbon Four types of organic compounds: Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids

3 What’s so special about Carbon? Carbon wants to make 4 bonds with other elements which leads to a big molecule ***Remember Carbon has 4 valence electrons***

4 1) Straight 2) Branched 3) Ringed What’s so special about Carbon?

5 Single bonds Double bonds Triple bonds With other carbons or other elements C-C-C-C C=C=C

6 Functional Groups Since most organic compounds are large molecules, the entire molecule does not take part in the chemical reaction Only a few atoms that are covalently bonded will take part in the chemical reaction These are called functional groups (groups of atoms that function in the molecule) Give organic compounds their different properties

7 Examples of Functional Groups Hydroxyl group - OH Amino group- NH 3 + Carboxyl group- COOH Phosphate group- PO 3 - Sulfhydryl group- SH

8 Types of Reactions Two main types of reaction happen in a cell Condensation/dehydration synthesis Condensation/dehydration synthesis = small molecules or monomers are joined together or condensed to make a larger molecule Cleavage or hydrolysis Cleavage or hydrolysis = large molecules or polymers are broken down or cleaved to form smaller molecules

9 Condensation

10 Hydrolysis A type of cleavage reaction Breaks polymers into smaller units An -OH group and an H atom derived from water are attached at exposed sites

11 Hydrolysis

12 Carbohydrates Elements: C H 2 O Basic building blocks or MONOMERS: Monosaccharides (simple sugars) Ex: Glucose, Fructose DIMERS or Disaccharides: Ex Sucrose, Maltose Function: Energy

13 Carbohydrates POLYMERS: Oligosaccharides ( short-chain carbohydrates ) And Polysaccharides ( long chain or complex carbohydrates )

14 Cellulose and Starch Cell walls component Stores of carbs in potato

15 Glycogen Sugar storage form in animals Large stores in muscle and liver cells When blood sugar decreases, liver cells degrade glycogen, release glucose

16 What is the function of carbs? A. Energy B. Support C. Energy storage D. All of the above E. A and B only

17 What is the function of carbs? A. Energy B. Support C. Energy storage D. All of the above E. A and B only

18 Which of these are monomers of carbs? A. Starch B. Glycogen C. Glucose D. Cellulose

19 Which of these are monomers of carbs? A. Starch B. Glycogen C. Glucose D. Cellulose

20 Common Characteristics of Carbohydrates 1) Hydrophilic- many hydroxyl groups (OH) 2) Mono and disaccharides dissolve in water = sugar solution 3) Cellulose and some starch do not dissolve in water because they are too big

21 Lipids Elements C, H, O Monomers are Fatty acids Glycerol Polymers are Fats Phospholipids Waxes

22 Fats Fatty acid(s) attached to glycerol makes Triglycerides Glycerol Fatty Acid Function: Energy stores Thermal Insulation

23 Fatty Acids Carboxyl group (COOH) at one end Carbon backbone (up to 36 C atoms) Saturated (bad fat)- Single bonds between carbons Unsaturated (good fat)- One or more double bonds

24 Phospholipids Main components of cell membranes

25 Waxes Long-chain fatty acids linked to long chain alcohols or carbon rings Firm consistency, repel water Important in water-proofing

26 Steroids No fatty acids Rigid backbone of four fused-together carbon rings Cholesterol - most common type in animals Estrogen, testosterone


28 Give two differences and two similarities between a carb and a lipid?

29 Lipids and carbs have CHO Lipids and carbs provide energy to the cell Both have OH functional group Carbs have CH2O, Lipids have no ratio Lipids are long term, carbs are short term Lipids have OH and COOH functional group, carbs have OH Hormones are lipids

30 Proteins Elements C, H, O, N, sometimes S Monomers: Amino acids Polymers: Polypeptides or proteins Examples: hair, muscle.

31 amino group carboxyl group R group 20 types of R groups = 20 types of amino acids


33 Polymer = two or more monomers joined by - Covalent bonds Specifically peptide bonds What is a dipeptide? Polypeptide?

34 Protein have Shapes Fibrous proteins Polypeptide chains arranged as strands or sheets Globular proteins Polypeptide chains folded into compact, rounded shapes

35 Primary Structure Sequence of amino acids Unique for each protein one peptide group

36 Secondary Structure Hydrogen bonds form between different parts of polypeptide chain These bonds give rise to coiled or extended pattern Helix or pleated sheet

37 Tertiary Structure Folding as a result of interactions between R groups heme group coiled and twisted polypeptide chain of one globin molecule

38 Quaternary Structure Some proteins are made up of more than one polypeptide chain Hemoglobin

39 Functions of Proteins 1. Enzymes which control and speed up all chemical reactions in our bodies 3. Hormones which act as signals to tell the body what to do and when 4. Antibodies help our bodies fight infection 5. Hemoglobin carries oxygen around our bodies

40 Functions of Proteins 6. Storage – in Milk, eggs, seeds etc 7. Structure of cell and body – web, silk, hair, skin, feathers 8. Motor – muscle proteins, cilia, flagella 9. Receptor proteins – recieves signals from nerves that help in response to stimuli

41 Important protein: Enzyme Structure and Function Protein that coordinates all cell activity Enzymes are catalytic molecules They speed the rate of reactions IMPORTANT: All enzymes are protein BUT all proteins are not enzymes

42 Process of enzyme activity

43 How enzymes work 1) Substrate ( reactant) fits into the active site of the enzyme 2) The enzyme breaks/forms bonds and releases the products 3) The enzyme can then be used again with another substrate

44 Four Features of Enzymes 1. Enzymes do not make anything happen that could not happen on its own. They just make it happen much faster. 2. Reactions do not alter or use up enzyme molecules. 3.The same enzyme usually works for both the forward and reverse reactions. 4.Each type of enzyme recognizes and binds to only certain substrates.

45 Activation Energy For a reaction to occur, an energy barrier must be surmounted Enzymes make the energy barrier smaller activation energy without enzyme activation energy with enzyme energy released by the reaction products starting substance

46 Factors Influencing Enzyme Activity Temperature pH Salt concentration Enzymes secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures change but the primary structure does not – why?

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