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Two decades of Human Development Srijit Mishra Contemporary Issues in HDP Jan-May 2012, IGIDR, Lecture 1 4 January 2012, 1130-1300 hr.

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Presentation on theme: "Two decades of Human Development Srijit Mishra Contemporary Issues in HDP Jan-May 2012, IGIDR, Lecture 1 4 January 2012, 1130-1300 hr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Two decades of Human Development Srijit Mishra Contemporary Issues in HDP Jan-May 2012, IGIDR, Lecture 1 4 January 2012, 1130-1300 hr

2 4 Jan 12HDP2 Pluralist Conception Public Acclaim as a Measure of Success John Mill’s Subjugation, Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations, Mozart, Russell’s work on mathematical logic, Guru Dutt’s Kagaz ke Phool The success of HDRs Pluralist conception –Profundity of Mahbub ul Haq’s idea –HD accounting (cogent and coherent without overlooking pluralities) Pluralist concern and specific conception of health, education and income as envisaged in HDI

3 4 Jan 12HDP3 Utilitarianism and single- mindedness One variable – ethical accounting Happiness or desire fulfillment Analytically mistaken or ferociously clumsy to have many things as valuable Victory over other mono-concentration theories Not, ‘how should we value alternative possibilities’ but, ‘what one variable should we use to judge alternative possibilities’. Diminution of freedom is bad …

4 4 Jan 12HDP4 Rawls Against formulaic and reductionism Fairness of process Priority of liberty Resistance to arbitrary privileges Efficiency and equity Opened the door for many rival claims Development and mono-concentration Development – income –Messy if we bring in other concerns –Single operational metric

5 4 Jan 12HDP5 Plural concerns in development Basic needs, Children, Hunger and epidemics, Disparities, Physical Quality of Life, Social ethics (Mahbub’s integrating vision) – coordinating discontent and weaving them together Criticism: It does not have a single operational metric.. (social valuation vs engineering solution) Public discussion World was ready for it Agreement on diverse things (impatience with theory) – pragmatic reasoning Broad framework where we want to listen and include all views – reasoned social evaluation

6 4 Jan 12HDP6 The future Not concentrate too much on HDI Lack of general theory and openness (political freedom, human rights) Sensitive to the new reality –social intervention, but had problems in the economic domain; –vulnerability of those dependent on buoyant market without safety nets Democracy (accountability and sharing of social responsibility) Open-mindedness, scepticism and willingness to listen. Plural concerns, coordination, diverse and dynamic Stream, not pool.

7 4 Jan 12HDP7 20 Years on “People are the real wealth of a nation.” With these words the 1990 Human Development Report (HDR) began a forceful case for a new approach to thinking about development. That the objective of development should be to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and creative lives may appear self- evident today. But that has not always been the case. A central objective of the HDR for the past 20 years has been to emphasize that development is primarily and fundamentally about people.

8 4 Jan 12HDP8 Challenges Cannot assume future will mimic past Varied experience and specific context preclude overarching policy prescription New challenges like climate change need to be addressed. Challenges lie ahead – local context, global institutions and implications for research.

9 4 Jan 12HDP9 Challenges Celebrating 20 years – people first Enlarging choice and sustaining positive outcomes Plural principles such as equity, sustainability and human rights are key.

10 4 Jan 12HDP10 Issues Celebrating 20 years – people first Reaffirmation –“Human development is the expansion of people’s freedoms to live long, healthy and creative lives; to advance other goals they have reason to value; and to engage actively in shaping development equitably and sustainably on a shared planet. People are both the beneficiaries and the drivers of human development, as individuals and in groups.” Evolution of well-being

11 4 Jan 12HDP11 Issues Understanding patterns and drivers How institutions matter Good things do not always come together New measures (to be taken up when we come to the measurement)

12 4 Jan 12HDP12 References Sen, Amartya (2000) "A Decade of Human Development," Journal of Human Development and Capability, 1 (1), 17-23, 8033~frm=titlelink 8033~frm=titlelink UNDP (2010), 'Overview', Human Development Report 2010: The Real Wealth of Nations; Pathways to Human Development, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, Next lecture read: Sen, Amartya (1999), Development as Freedom, Oxford University Press, Delhi. pp. 1-34 (Introduction and Chapter 1).

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