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Livestock Terms Bovine (meat, dairy) Porcine (meat) Ovine (meat, wool)

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Presentation on theme: "Livestock Terms Bovine (meat, dairy) Porcine (meat) Ovine (meat, wool)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Livestock Terms Bovine (meat, dairy) Porcine (meat) Ovine (meat, wool)
Scientific name for cattle Porcine (meat) Scientific name for pigs Ovine (meat, wool) Scientific name for sheep Caprine (meat, hair, dairy) Scientific name for goats Equine (work, companion) Scientific name for horses Poultry – chickens, ducks, turkeys

2 Heifer (breeding/market)
Bull (breeding) A breeding male of the bovine species Cow (breeding) Mature female bovine that has calved Heifer (breeding/market) Young (less than 3 years) female bovine that has not born a calf Steer (market) Castrated male Calf Young (up to yearling or sexual maturity) animal of the bovine species Heifer-calf Bull-calf Calving: giving birth Gestation: 9 months Meat: Beef and veal Two different types Bos indicus Bos taurus

3 Boar Sow Barrow Gilt Piglet A breeding male hog, any age
Mature female hog Barrow Castrated male hog Gilt Immature female hog Piglet Young swine weighing less than 120 lbs. Farrowing: giving birth Meat: Pork Gestation: 3 months, 3 wks, 3 days

4 Ram Ewe Wether Lamb Mutton Mature male ovine
Female of the ovine species Wether Castrated male ovine Lamb Ovine less than 12 months of age Mutton Ovine greater than 2 years of age Lambing: giving birth Gestation: 5 months Meat: mutton

5 Billy Nanny Kid Cabrito Mature male of the Caprine species Female goat
Young immature goat, either sex Cabrito Young goat less than 3 months of age Meat Gestation: 5 months

6 Stallion Mare Gelding Foal Stud-Colt Filly
Mature male of the equine species Mare Mature female horse Gelding Castrated male horse Foal Young either sex Colt – 2 yrs of age, either sex, training to ride Yearling – 1 year of age, either sex, weaned off mare Stud-Colt Young male horse Filly Young female horse Foaling: giving birth Gestation: 11 months

7 Pullet - Female chicken less than 1 yr of age
Rooster Mature male chicken Plumage meaning feathers Hen Mature female chicken Broiler Meat chicken Pullet - Female chicken less than 1 yr of age Cockerel – Male chicken less than 1 yr of age Capon – castrated rooster Incubation period – 21 days at 100 F Hatching – giving birth Spent hen – stop laying eggs Chick – baby chicken

8 Hen Tom Jake Mature female turkey Mature male turkey Young male turkey
28 days for hatching turkey

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