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Oh, the places you’ll go!. Kimberly McSwain Reading, Writing and Social Studies Gloria Warren Math and Science

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Presentation on theme: "Oh, the places you’ll go!. Kimberly McSwain Reading, Writing and Social Studies Gloria Warren Math and Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oh, the places you’ll go!

2 Kimberly McSwain Reading, Writing and Social Studies Gloria Warren Math and Science

3 No early check out after 2:15 Bell to Bell instruction! School Hours are from 8:30 to 3:00

4 You can expect to receive weekly updates about what is happening in third grade via email. Check out our 3 rd grade web site: Weekly Updates

5 ID Tags Each child will be issued an ID tag and lanyard to be used for checking out books and purchasing lunch. Replacement tags are $5.00

6 School T-shirts Spirit Packs are now on sale for $30 in the cafeteria.

7 Students are encouraged to bring their own earphones for use with the school computers. Ear Phones

8 Students will need to come to school each day with at least 3-4 sharpened pencils. Mechanical pencils may be used. Pencils 0.9mm lead is recommended.

9 Dismissal Times Dismissal begins at 2:45 Walkers & Bikers dismiss at 3:00 Park and ride dismiss at 3:00

10 All Car Riders! Parents must register their car and obtain an official New Berlin Car tag. Your child will be assigned a number. Car tags are available tonight in the cafeteria. Please register your car tonight.

11 Transportation If the afternoon transportation changes for your child, we must have the change in writing preferably in your child’s agenda.

12 Be sure to check your child’s agenda daily for homework, conduct grade, and upcoming events.

13 Students will receive a card flip or grade change if not dressed according to the Code of Conduct.

14 Lunch Money We encourage you to pay for your child’s lunch using Lunch is $1.80 Adults $3.00 There is a small fee for this online service. Breakfast is $1.00


16 Join the PTA Help support our school by joining the PTA for only $6.00. The money will help to purchase supplies and other goodies for our school. You will be able to join at Open House.

17 Stay in touch with text reminders from our Principal. Text @nbefamily to 786-766-7489

18 Thank you for coming! Don't forget to register your car (cafeteria) Open House for 3 rd grade will be held September 17th at 6:00 and you can join PTA at that time. Buy a t-shirt Spirit Pack in the front office. Parent Portal passwords available in the front office Register for Extended Day in Media Center


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