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3 Church Growth Through Small Group Ministries

4 Building Christian Community Building Christian Community Small Group Ministry in Today’s Seventh-Day Adventist Church

5 Created for Community “Let US make man in our image… (Genesis 1:24) “I pray that they may all be one, Father!…just as You and I are one.” (John 17:21,22)

6 The Universal Human Need “The silent churning at the core of our beings is the … need to know and be known, to understand and to be under-stood, to possess and to be possessed, to belong un-conditionally and forever without fear of loss, betrayal, or rejection…It is the search …for the freedom to be who we really are.” Gilbert Bilezikian

7 A. EXPLOSIVE GROWTH IN THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH 120 disciples 120 disciples 3000 new converts 3000 new converts 5000 men 5000 men More and more More and more Increasing Increasing Grew in numbers Grew in numbers Church planting Church planting Many thousands Many thousands Acts 1:15 Acts 1:15 Acts 2:41,42 Acts 2:41,42 Acts 4:4 Acts 4:4 Acts 5:14 Acts 5:14 Acts 6:1,7 Acts 6:1,7 Acts 9:31 Acts 9:31 Acts 16:5 Acts 16:5 Acts 21:20 Acts 21:20

8 A. It is Biblical Moses followed the counsel of his father-in-law, Jethro, in having small groups of tens (Exodus 18). Moses followed the counsel of his father-in-law, Jethro, in having small groups of tens (Exodus 18). Jesus started His ministry by calling a small group of twelve disciples (Matthew 4:18-22). Jesus started His ministry by calling a small group of twelve disciples (Matthew 4:18-22). The Early Church grew in numbers although they did not have a big church building. They met from house to house (Acts 2:42-47). The Early Church grew in numbers although they did not have a big church building. They met from house to house (Acts 2:42-47).

9 Moses God Moses’ Method... The Multitude

10 The Jethro Principle... Moses GOD Leaders of 1000 Leaders of 100 Leaders of 50 Leaders of 10 The Multitude

11 Christ’s Method “Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me.’” (Ministry of Healing 143)

12 12 group members 12 group members “Inner” group of Peter, James and John “Inner” group of Peter, James and John Jesus’ Model

13 Heart to Heart “Your success will not depend so much upon your knowledge and accomplishments, as upon your ability to find your way to the heart. By being social and coming close to the people, you may turn the current of their thoughts more readily than by the most able discourse.” Gospel Workers, p193

14 The New Testament Church: A House-Based Church “Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the Good News that Jesus is the Christ.” (Acts 5:42) “Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the Good News that Jesus is the Christ.” (Acts 5:42) “Greet also the church that meets at their house.” (Romans 16:5 etc.) “Greet also the church that meets at their house.” (Romans 16:5 etc.)

15 New Testament Church Acts 1:15 120 Acts 1:15 120 Acts 2:41 3000+ Acts 2:41 3000+ Acts 4:4 10,000+ Acts 4:4 10,000+ Acts 5:14+++ Acts 5:14+++ Explosive Growth

16 Biblical Goals for Small Group Ministries Biblical Goals for Small Group Ministries Foster Biblical Love (John 13:35; 1 Cor. 13:13; Gal. 5:13; Eph. 5:2; 1 John 4:7, 11, 21). Promote Fellowship and Unity (Acts 4:32; Rom. 12:5; 1 Cor. 12:12, 25; Eph. 4:3, 5, 13; 1 John 3, 6-7).

17 Build the Body (Rom. 14:19; Eph. 2:19-22; 4:11-16; Col. 1:10-12, 28; 2:6-7). Nurture Spiritual Gifts (Rom. 12:6-8; 1 Cor.12:4-11). Prophecy Working Miracles Healing Discerning of Spirits Faith Wisdom Knowledge

18 Evangelism (Acts 42-47).

19 It’s a Fact... “Small group evangelism and dynamic church growth are two sides of the same coin. They are one.” Joel Comiskey

20 c. It is Inspired

21 Preparing for the Second Advent “The formation of small companies as a basis of Christian effort is a plan that has been presented to me by One who cannot err.” (Evangelism 115 )

22 Despite the absence of official pastoral leadership, churches that have been persecuted in countries such as China have flourished. How? Through the ministry of small groups.

23 “In England,about one million people are now involved in small groups. The Holy Spirit appears to be using small groups to win unbelievers to faith, revitalize the spiritual lives of individuals and congregations and focus attention on the study of the Bible.”

24 Martin Luther “But those who seriously want to be Christians and to confess the Gospel in deed and word would have to register their names and gather themselves somewhere in a house alone…” “…Here one could also conduct baptism and communion in a brief and fine manner, and direct everything to the word, prayer and mutual love…”

25 John Wesley’s Class System “According to the judge- ment of our Lord and the writings of His apostles, it is only when we are knit together, that we have nourishment from Him, and increase with the increase of God.”

26 John Wesley’s Class System Whitefield to John Pool: “My Brother Wesley acted wisely…the souls that were awakened under his ministry he joined in class, and thus preserved the fruits of his labor. This I neglected, and my people are a rope of sand...Wesley has been wiser than me because he penned his sheep.”







33 1. Empowering leadership 2. Gift-oriented lay ministry 3. Passionate spirituality 4. Functional structures 5. Inspiring worship service 6. Holistic small groups 7. Need-oriented evangelism 8. Loving relationships B. Eight Characteristics of Growing Churches

34 C. What Small Groups Will Do for You and Your Church: They will help you and your fellow believers grow as disciples of Jesus They will help you and your fellow believers grow as disciples of Jesus They will build deep relationships between believers and a strong sense of community in the church They will build deep relationships between believers and a strong sense of community in the church They will help believers develop their spiritual gifts, releasing the ministry potential of the church, and freeing pastors for the specific work they have been called to do They will help believers develop their spiritual gifts, releasing the ministry potential of the church, and freeing pastors for the specific work they have been called to do They will help more people come to faith in Christ They will help more people come to faith in Christ


36 A. How to Begin  Receive God’s vision on small group ministries.  Decide that small group ministries is God’s plan for the church.  Discuss and obtain permission of the church board.

37  Train pioneers in the implementation of small group ministries.  Let the pilot group multiply.  Choose pioneers for a pilot group.

38  Have a weekly group meeting for leaders.

39 WELCOME WITNESS WORD WORSHIP The Four Parts of a Small Group Meeting

40 Small Group Meeting Agenda WELCOMEWELCOME WORSHIPWORSHIP WORDWORD WITNESSWITNESS EntranceintoFellowshipEntranceintoFellowship Exaltation in His PresenceExaltation Presence Edification in the WordEdification Word Evangelism Vision & PrayerEvangelism Prayer YoutoMeYoutoMe UstoGodUstoGod GodthroughUsGodthroughUs GodtoUsGodtoUs ORDERACTIVITYRELATION FOCUS CHRISTCHRIST CHRIST’SPRESENCECHRIST’SPRESENCE CHRIST’SPOWERCHRIST’SPOWER CHRIST’SPURPOSECHRIST’SPURPOSE

41 The Four Parts of a Small Group Meeting WELCOME Greeting and welcome Greeting and welcome Time to “catch up” with each other Time to “catch up” with each other The ice-breaker The ice-breaker

42 Fellowship with those who come early:  Welcome Words  Introduction of guests and get– acquainted activity

43 Breaking the Ice with the Ice-Breaker The Ice-Breaker: creates a relaxed atmosphere creates a relaxed atmosphere enables everyone to say something enables everyone to say something can lead into the Bible study or worship period can lead into the Bible study or worship period

44 WORSHIP With singing Meditation with instrumental music With testimony, prayer or Scripture The Four Parts of a Small Group Meeting Acknowledging the presence of Jesus:

45 Thanksgiv ing: Prayer Singing Praise Reports: Testimon ies Expressi on of appreciation for each other Worship

46  A need expressed  Several lead in prayer Intercessory Prayer

47 WORD The Four Parts of a Small Group Meeting The Bible study

48 WORD The Four Parts of a Small Group Meeting Seek full Participation Seek practical application

49 Small Group Bible Study Should Be Relational Three Questions: ?What is this text saying ? What is this text saying to me/us ?What are we going to do about this

50 Relational Bible Study Asks not only “What does this mean?” but “What is God saying to me/us here?” Asks not only “What does this mean?” but “What is God saying to me/us here?” Based more on real life experience than on a collection of doctrinal texts Based more on real life experience than on a collection of doctrinal texts More concerned with making Christianity real than with proving a point More concerned with making Christianity real than with proving a point Concerned not only with the original characters associated with the story, but where we see ourselves in it Concerned not only with the original characters associated with the story, but where we see ourselves in it Accepts all opinions as equally valid Accepts all opinions as equally valid It allows the group to grow together even when there is serious disagreement It allows the group to grow together even when there is serious disagreement

51 WITNESS The Four Parts of a Small Group Meeting

52 Witness: Praying for Group Growth Witness: Praying for Group Growth Spirit-led prayer Spirit-led prayer Informal, usually seated Informal, usually seated Conversational prayer Conversational prayer Smaller prayer groups Smaller prayer groups Special prayer for individuals Special prayer for individuals

53 C. The “Afterglow” Begin and end the meeting on time Begin and end the meeting on time Simple refreshments afterwards Simple refreshments afterwards Informal: some leave, some stay Informal: some leave, some stay Sometimes the most important time of sharing Sometimes the most important time of sharing

54 Remember the Goal The Goal of Small Group Meetings: The Goal of Small Group Meetings: Life transformation Life transformation Building community Building community Kingdom growth Kingdom growth

55 D. Group Life Outside Group Meetings Social events Social events Community service Community service Church involvement Church involvement Retreats Retreats Mentoring Mentoring Community cannot “happen” in a weekly meeting alone

56 E. Stages of Small Group Development 1. Adventure 2. Discovery 4. Maturity 3.Development

57 When the Group Gives Birth... …the gain is greater than the pain!

58 F. Essential Ingredients  The Senior Pastor needs to be interested and serves as a head coach  The Senior Pastor trains leaders in small groups

59  Start Small  Establish Relaxed Atmosphere is

60  Group Covenant Purpose? How long? When?

61  Leaders’ meetings  Pastor’s commitment to groups  Focus on evangelism  Church’s commitment to small group ministries  The need for follow-up program

62 VALUES needed for successful Small Groups VALUES needed for successful Small Groups Holy Spirit Small Group Prayer Affirmation Availability Openness & honesty Accountability Sensitivity Confidentiality Multiplication

63 G. CORE VALUES The presence of God which makes the group grow Every members is called to minister to others Leaders are called to serve Every group reproduces itself Groups function as basic church Evangelism flows out of group life There will be clear accountability Pastor meets with group leader once a week Pastor meets with group leader once a week Prayers move the life of the church Prayers move the life of the church Assistants are developed at every level Assistants are developed at every level

64 IV. The Goal of Small Groups: Holiness and Harvest “Go, then to all people everywhere and make them my disciples… and I will be with you.” Matthew 28:19, 20. “Go, then to all people everywhere and make them my disciples… and I will be with you.” Matthew 28:19, 20.

65 A. What’s A Disciple? A Disciple is... An apprentice An apprentice- maker

66 B. The Two Disciplines of Discipleship 1. EDIFICATION 2. EVANGELISM Growing in holinessGrowing in numbers

67 1. Edification: Spiritual Body-Building Edification (Oikodomeo) = building up/ strengthening “The church is the body of Christ.” Eph 1:23 “Let all things be done for building up the church.” I Cor 14:27

68 a. Building Community “He gave gifts… to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up…” (Eph 4:8,12) “He gave gifts… to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up…” (Eph 4:8,12)

69 b. Building Believers “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up…” (I Thess 5:11) “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up…” (I Thess 5:11)

70 c. Believers Grow: Through personal spiritual disciplines Through personal spiritual disciplines Through ministry of spiritual gifts Through ministry of spiritual gifts Through accountable relationships Through accountable relationships Through mentoring Through mentoring

71 d. People Grow Faster in Small Groups “I believe that people grow at least eight times faster when they’re in a small group and attending weekly worship celebration on (Sabbath) than if they just attended the service itself.” Dale Galloway “I believe that people grow at least eight times faster when they’re in a small group and attending weekly worship celebration on (Sabbath) than if they just attended the service itself.” Dale Galloway

72 Through All to All Christ ministers to His body through body members. He ministers TO ME through other body members, and He ministers THROUGH ME to other body members

73 God Uses People to Build Up Other People “God has so ordained things that we grow in the Spirit only through the frail instrumentality of one another.” Alan Jones “God has so ordained things that we grow in the Spirit only through the frail instrumentality of one another.” Alan Jones

74 Mentoring building friendships that point to God building friendships that point to God one person “coming alongside” another person one person “coming alongside” another person

75 A Friend to Keep Us On Course “Sin always tends to make us blind to our own faults...We need a friend to stop us from deceiving ourselves that what we are doing is not so bad after all. We need a friend to help us overcome our low self-image, inflated self-importance, selfishness, pride, our deceitful nature, our dangerous fantasies, and so much else.” James Houston

76 Two Alternatives... a) Mature believer meets with new believer for one- way mentoring b) Two mature believers meet for mutual mentoring

77 How Does it Work? we agree on plan we agree on plan meet regularly meet regularly we reflect on what God is doing in our lives we reflect on what God is doing in our lives we pray for each other we pray for each other

78 Mentors Offer: encouragement encouragement prayer support prayer support challenge challenge all that a real friend can be all that a real friend can be

79 a. Evangelism:The Growth Potential of Small Groups...Just Suppose:  Small church of 50 members involved in small groups  Groups grow by 20% per year (e.g. group of 10 grows to 12)  Total in groups after 4 years = 100  Total in groups after 10 years = 310  Total in groups after 15 years = 770  Total in groups after 20 years = 2,358

80 b. Evangelism: Growing in numbers 1. Reaching the unchurched majority 2. Post-modern thinking 3. Bridging cultural differences The challenge of evangelism in western society

81 c. Engel: the Process of Spiritual Decision-Making - 8 No awareness of God -7 Awareness of God -6 Some knowledge -5 Understand basics -4 Grasp implications -3 Positive attitude -2 Intention to act -1 Decision to act +1 New Creature

82 d.The Friendship Evangelism Process Stage 1: Friendship Stage 2: Christian Friendship Stage 3: Adventist Friendship Combines personal, group and public evangelistic witness

83 The Power of Friendship in the Church Friends in 1st Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+ Active Members 0 0 0 1 2 2 8 13 12 12 Dropouts 8 13 14 8 4 2 1 0 0 0

84 Introducing Friends to Your Small Group pray that God will guide you to the other Christians or non- Christians He wants in the group pray that God will guide you to the other Christians or non- Christians He wants in the group take other group members to Bible study contacts take other group members to Bible study contacts offer something of shared interest, e.g. parenting, stress offer something of shared interest, e.g. parenting, stress introduce friends socially to group members, e.g. anniversary, concert, birth-day, barbecue, etc. introduce friends socially to group members, e.g. anniversary, concert, birth-day, barbecue, etc. use a course to introduce Christian beliefs like “Alpha” use a course to introduce Christian beliefs like “Alpha” just invite them to the group just invite them to the group

85 e. Why Small Groups Work Well in Evangelism Small Groups: encourage teamwork encourage teamwork

86 Why Small Groups Work Well in Evangelism Small Groups : encourage teamwork encourage teamwork offer a bridge for shy people offer a bridge for shy people

87 Why Small Groups Work Well in Evangelism Small Groups: encourage teamwork encourage teamwork offer a bridge for offer a bridge for shy people personal and informal personal and informal

88 Why Small Groups Work Well in Evangelism Small Groups: encourage teamwork encourage teamwork offer a bridge for shy people offer a bridge for shy people personal and informal personal and informal maximum participation maximum participation

89 Why Small Groups Work Well in Evangelism Small Groups: encourage teamwork encourage teamwork offer a bridge for shy people offer a bridge for shy people personal and informal personal and informal maximum participation maximum participation flexible flexible

90 Why Small Groups Work Well in Evangelism Small Groups: encourage teamwork encourage teamwork offer a bridge for shy people offer a bridge for shy people personal and informal personal and informal maximum participation maximum participation flexible flexible low cost, minimum organization low cost, minimum organization A B C A B C

91 Why Small Groups Work Well in Evangelism Small Groups: encourage teamwork encourage teamwork offer a bridge for shy people offer a bridge for shy people personal and informal personal and informal maximum participation maximum participation flexible flexible minimum organisation minimum organisation localized evangelism localized evangelism

92 Why Small Groups Work Well in Evangelism Small Groups: encourage teamwork encourage teamwork offer a bridge for shy people offer a bridge for shy people personal and informal personal and informal maximum participation maximum participation flexible flexible minimum organisation minimum organisation localized evangelism localized evangelism natural and spontaneous witness natural and spontaneous witness


94 A. The Shape of Your Future Church… …may well be determined by the quality of your small group leaders… ?

95 … Because the Church Began as a Prototype Small Group… …and Jesus was its Leader!

96 B. Small Group Leaders Are… Special People: Called Called Available Available Gifted Gifted Teachable Teachable Visionary Visionary

97 Small Group Leaders Are Also… …Ordinary people: Live in the real world Live in the real world Don’t know everything Don’t know everything Struggle with their faith Struggle with their faith

98 Small Group Leaders Are All Different… …but they have one thing in common: They LOVE:- Jesus People The Church

99 C. The Small Group Leader as a Shepherd

100 The Shepherd-Leader’s Method “We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the Gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.” Paul, I Thess 2:8

101 Some one who enables others’ Someone who disciples others D. The Small Group Leader as a Facilitator

102 E. The Small Group Leader’s Role Shepherds and facilitates Shepherds and facilitates Manages group life Manages group life Delegates responsibility Delegates responsibility Identifies and develops gifts in group members, trains apprentice leader Identifies and develops gifts in group members, trains apprentice leader Models small group values Models small group values Involves everyone Involves everyone


104 The Dominator The Dominator l Done it all before l Long monologues l Interrupts l Won’t let others finish l Hard to listen to others l Can always go one better l Needs recognition l Give tasks l Address questions to others in the group l Meet personally to address problem

105 The Story-Teller goes off on a tangent goes off on a tangent slows down progress slows down progress tells irrelevant stories tells irrelevant stories minimize eye contact minimize eye contact ask specific group members by name to read or give opinion ask specific group members by name to read or give opinion Don’t be afraid to interrupt is necessary Don’t be afraid to interrupt is necessary

106 The Passive Member Some just are this way Some just are this way Doesn’t get involved Doesn’t get involved Be sensitive, don’t embarrass Be sensitive, don’t embarrass Usually have something valuable to contribute Usually have something valuable to contribute Affirm in the group, encourage in private Affirm in the group, encourage in private Provide opportunity to develop confidence Provide opportunity to develop confidence

107 The Joker or Clown Keeps everyone laughing Keeps everyone laughing Relieves tension Relieves tension May prevent anything serious happening May prevent anything serious happening Can intimidate others Can intimidate others Often shy or self- conscious people Often shy or self- conscious people Don’t kill the humour, but build on it Don’t kill the humour, but build on it Meet personally to share concern if it’s serious! Meet personally to share concern if it’s serious!

108 The Fighter/Defender often hostile often hostile aggressive- defensive type aggressive- defensive type persecuted complex persecuted complex Don’t return like with like Don’t return like with like Work hard to build personal friendship. Try to learn cause of behaviour Work hard to build personal friendship. Try to learn cause of behaviour Be gentle but firm Be gentle but firm

109 The Don Puts things on “higher level” Puts things on “higher level” Intellectualizes Intellectualizes Interprets what others say Interprets what others say Can make others feel inferior Can make others feel inferior Give specific “research” tasks to prepare for Bible study Give specific “research” tasks to prepare for Bible study Also challenge with application questions Also challenge with application questions

110 Oh for Brilliant Leaders! A few leaders are like this A few leaders are like this They ARE the system They ARE the system They’re the complete package… Dynamic Speaker Dynamic Speaker Great Motivator Great Motivator Good with youth and elderly Good with youth and elderly A1 Administrator A1 Administrator Excellent Musician Excellent Musician AND good looking AND good looking

111 The Truth Is… The best and most effective leaders may well look and feel more like THIS The best and most effective leaders may well look and feel more like THIS

112 G. Is God Calling You? If you feel like THIS… If you feel like THIS… …but you like what you’ve heard …but you like what you’ve heard You really want to get involved You really want to get involved You’re not satisfied with the status quo You’re not satisfied with the status quo You would like to give it your best even though you don’t know how to start… You would like to give it your best even though you don’t know how to start…

113 Chances Are He’s Calling YOU Yes YOU

114 WHAT NEXT? Meet with friends to pray and discuss the future If you would like a taste of a small group life, talk to the church pastor or small group coordinator Do it! Join a group or begin to build a new one together

115 Building Christian Community VI. DEVELOPING A SMALL GROUPS NETWORK

116 Getting Started…?

117 A. Need for Strategy!

118 B. Getting Started…? 2. Pray, and follow as God leads 1. Study and understand small group ministry

119 Getting Started... 3. Share the vision with others Focus on values and objectives, not just groups 4. Designate small group co-ordinator

120 Getting Started... 5. Identify leadership teams, each consisting of: Leader Leader Apprentice leader Apprentice leader Host or hostess Host or hostess and begin training. But remember…

121 Getting Started... Grow... Grow... …don’t GO...into small groups. START SMALL

122 6. Form a Prototype Group Getting Started Co-ordinator/ trainer Group leaders Apprentices

123 Getting Started. to train to train to bond to bond to develop a reproducible model to develop a reproducible model to provide an authentic small group experience. to provide an authentic small group experience. to practice the real thing! to practice the real thing! Jesus in the centre The purpose of the prototype:

124 Other church members 7. Build core groups by adding 3-4 members Getting Started... Leadership team Core Group

125 8. Build complete groups by adding 5-6 non-members Getting Started... Core Group Complete Small Group Non-members

126 Introducing Non-S.D.A. Friends to Your Group Pray that God will guide you to the other Christians or non- Christians He wants in the group Pray that God will guide you to the other Christians or non- Christians He wants in the group Take other group members to Bible study contacts Take other group members to Bible study contacts Offer something of shared interest, e.g. parenting, stress Offer something of shared interest, e.g. parenting, stress Introduce friends socially to group members, e.g. anniversary, concert, birth-day, barbecue, etc. Introduce friends socially to group members, e.g. anniversary, concert, birth-day, barbecue, etc. Use a course to introduce Christian beliefs like “Alpha” Use a course to introduce Christian beliefs like “Alpha” Just invite them to the group Just invite them to the group

127 Getting Started 9. Make sure one or two people don’t wear ALL the hats!

128 Getting Started 9a. Identify abilities and gifts in the group, and delegate responsibilities Put the right hats on the right heads

129 JESUS IN CENTRE Getting Started Task Sub- Group Support Sub-Group Study Sub- Group Leadership sub-group Basic Small Group 10. Keep the small group at the level of a basic Christian community, organizing sub- groups as necessary

130 Getting Started... 11. Keep the vision clear by reading, prayer, observation evaluation, and training for group members 12. Plan ahead: have a strategy for growth

131 Getting Started Remember the Jethro leadership principle Remember the Jethro leadership principle Leaders of 10 Supervising pastor Leaders of 50 Leaders of 100 Leaders of 500

132 140 MPH 140 MPH A plane WILL fly! A plane MUST fly! A plane WILL fly! A plane MUST fly! A plane builds up groundspeed A plane builds up groundspeed A plane builds up air speed. A plane builds up air speed. Have Patience…

133 Future Challenge for Small Groups... “The great outpouring of the Spirit of God, which lightens the whole earth with His glory, will not come until we have an enlightened people who know by experience what it means to be labourers together with God…but this will not be while the largest portion of the church are not labourers together with God.” Evangelism 699 “The great outpouring of the Spirit of God, which lightens the whole earth with His glory, will not come until we have an enlightened people who know by experience what it means to be labourers together with God…but this will not be while the largest portion of the church are not labourers together with God.” Evangelism 699

134 Building Christian Community Small Group Ministry in Today’s Seventh-Day Adventist Church

135 OHP 5.5 1 6 5 4 3 2 Be convinced of Small Groups yourself & convince your leaders Plan your teaching & introduce that teaching to your church Prototype Cells 1st Wave Cells & Train new Cell Leaders 2nd & 3rd Wave Adjustment of old programme - Transition complete Six year transition outline Strategy for Change

136 The Pastor’s Changing Role Traditional Responsibilities Year 180% Year 260% Year 340% Year 420% Year 5? Small Group Responsibilities Year 120% Year 240% Year 360% Year 480% Year 5?

137 The Original Cell Model KOREA

138 The “Touch” Model Singapore, Hong Kong, South Africa, U.S.A., Russia, many other nations

139 The Groups of Twelve (Turbo) Model Bogota,Columbia

140 How It Works LEADER OF TWELVE Each of the twelve develops up to three Cell Groups. The goal is to find twelve leaders who will launch Cells.

141 The G12 Structure Cell leader’s main task is to develop more leaders

142 The Story First 7 years, Castellanos worked with Cho’s system of Cells. First 7 years, Castellanos worked with Cho’s system of Cells. Grew to 3,000 people… Grew to 3,000 people… 1992-1997, with “Groups of Twelve” Strategy, grew to 10,460 Cell Groups 1992-1997, with “Groups of Twelve” Strategy, grew to 10,460 Cell Groups

143 The Objective To evangelize all of Colombia and see a Cell Church planted in every town in the nation.

144 How Membership Has Grown 848586878889909192939495969798 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 848586878889909192939495969798 Started “Groups of Twelve” Strategy 3000 members

145 How Cells Have Multiplied! 848586878889909192939495969798 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 848586878889909192939495969798 10,456 Cells as of January, 1997!

146 Growth Principles of G12 (Turbo) Model Everyone is a potential group leader Everyone is a potential group leader Everyone is ministered to then ministers Everyone is ministered to then ministers Everyone can disciple 12 others Everyone can disciple 12 others A believer can only be part of your 12 when they open a cell A believer can only be part of your 12 when they open a cell Everyone should win souls and develop leaders Everyone should win souls and develop leaders Homogeneous cells grow more rapidly Homogeneous cells grow more rapidly


148 It’s One Thing to Start… It’s another thing to continue

149 Small Groups Are… Living things – how can we keep them growing? Living things – how can we keep them growing? We can’t!

150 Jesus also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. All by itself the soil produces grain–first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.” (Mark 4:26-29) Jesus also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. All by itself the soil produces grain–first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.” (Mark 4:26-29) 1. Understand the “All- By-Itself” Principle

151 The “All-By-Itself” Principle Growth takes place without apparent cause, it is spontaneous Growth takes place without apparent cause, it is spontaneous There is order and process in this growth There is order and process in this growth All we can do is prepare the way and remove the obstacles to growth All we can do is prepare the way and remove the obstacles to growth Human anxiety does not make it happen! Human anxiety does not make it happen! The life is in the seed. We must learn to release the natural growth potential The life is in the seed. We must learn to release the natural growth potential This principle applies also to the growth of the kingdom in our lives and in the church This principle applies also to the growth of the kingdom in our lives and in the church

152 2. Focus on Health We are often so focused on FRUIT that we fail to consider the ROOT that produces the SHOOT…

153 2. Focus on Health We are often so focused on FRUIT that we fail to consider the ROOT that produces the SHOOT… …which produces the FRUIT!

154 8 Characteristics of Healthy Churches (Schwartz) Empowering Empowering Gift-oriented Gift-oriented Passionate Passionate Functional Functional Inspiring Inspiring Holistic Holistic Need-oriented Need-oriented Loving Loving Ministry Spirituality Structures Worship Small Groups Evangelism Relationships Leadership Excellent criteria for an occasional small group health check too!

155 It Makes a Difference! Leadership Ministry Spirituality Structures Relationships Small groups Evangelism Worship service 50 5254586056 4042464844 declining churches growing churches +9 +13 +9 +11 +9 Leadership Ministry Structures Small groups Relationships Evangelism Worship service Growing and declining churches vary significantly in all eight quality areas Spirituality

156 3. Multiply Leaders - the Key to Reproducing Groups Every person a leader Every person a leader Leadership development a priority of Jesus Leadership development a priority of Jesus Need for training and nurture of leaders Need for training and nurture of leaders

157 Leaders Leading Leaders Remember the Jethro leadership principle Remember the Jethro leadership principle Leaders of 10 Supervising pastor Leaders of 50 Leaders of 100 Leaders of 500

158 4. Keep it Challenging Re-define and re-state the vision: The pastor’s role The pastor’s role The cell supervisors’ role The cell supervisors’ role The cell leaders’ role The cell leaders’ role

159 5. Keep it Interesting Be creative Be creative Provide variety Provide variety Have fun on the journey Have fun on the journey

160 6. Be Prepared to Take Difficult Decisions Confront difficult people Confront difficult people Close or re-form disfunctional groups Close or re-form disfunctional groups Learn from mistakes: failure is part of success Learn from mistakes: failure is part of success

161 But Small Groups Should be More than Just Alive and Growing… They should be on fire – how can we keep them burning...? …without burning out?

162 How Can We Keep the Fire Burning? We can’t! But we mustn’t quench it either! “Quench not the Spirit.”( KJV) “Do not put out the Spirit’s fire.” (NIV) I Thessalonians 5:19

163 1. Check the Core Values Holy Spirit Is Jesus at the centre? Is every member in ministry? Is every member growing? Is this a genuinely loving community? Do actions support words? Do we love the lost? Do we take accountability Do we take accountability seriously? Small Group

164 “I Give Up!” 2. Understand the Change Process

165 3. Watch for Signs of Overload Are relationships at every level in harmony with Ephesians 4:29-32? Are the people who can’t say “no” saying “yes” too often? Are leaders receiving adequate support?

166 4. Keep an Eye on the Family Is family/personal/ social life neglected? Are children and elderly included in the group network?

167 5. Give Prayer Priority Alone “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” Philippians 4:6 Together

168 6. Believe the Promise “When we have entire, whole-hearted consecration to the service of Christ, God will recognise the fact by an outpouring of His Spirit without measure” (Evangelism. page 699).


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