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The Church: Christ in the World Today. Vocabulary  diocese: A specific community of believers under the leadership of a bishop, also known as a “particular”

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1 The Church: Christ in the World Today

2 Vocabulary  diocese: A specific community of believers under the leadership of a bishop, also known as a “particular” or “local” Church. It is usually determined on the basis of geography but may also be determined by language or culture.  liturgy: The Church’s official, public, communal prayer. It is God’s work, in which the People of God participate. The Church’s most important liturgy is the Eucharist, or the Mass.

3  foreshadow: to represent or prefigure a person before his or her life or an event before it occurs.

4 The Origin of the Church The Meaning of “Church”  Can refer to the building  A parish  An ecclesial community  The Catholic Church

5 Defining Church  The New Testament Greek word translated as church is ekklesia.  Ekklesia- related to the word ekkalein meaning to “call out”  Refers to an “assembly of people called together by God.

6 Three Meanings of Church in Christian Usage  The entire community of the People of God around the world  The diocese or archdiocese-the local community  The community assembled for liturgy These meanings of church are all interconnected.

7  “The Church draws her life from the word and the Body of Christ and so herself becomes Christ’s Body.” (CCC)

8 A Part of the Divine Plan from the Beginning  Jesus established the Church when he proclaimed and ushered in the Kingdom of God.  The Father had always planned to call together a holy people to form Church, even before the Church was instituted.  The call to covenant relationship with the people of Israel was preparation for the establishment of the Church.

9 God’s Covenant with Israel  The gathering of the people of Israel foreshadows the future gathering of all nations into one People of God.

10  Jesus is the fulfillment of the Sinai Covenant.  He transformed the Law engraved on stone and engraved it on his heart.  Jesus reveals the true meaning of the Law.  He is the “covenant of the people.” (Isaiah 42:6)

11  Jesus initiates the New Covenant at the Last Supper

12 Images of the Church Drawn From Hebrew Bible (OT) Images  Flock of sheep (Psalm 77:20)/(Luke 12:32)  A vineyard (Isaiah 50)/(john 15:5)  Israel’s Temple (stones) which form a “spiritual house” (1 Peter 2:5); The community as the Temple of God (1Cor 3:16, 2 Cor 6:16); with Christ as the cornerstone (1 Peter 2;7, Matthew 21:42).

13 Christ Instituted the Church Jesus Preached the Kingdom of God  At the appointed time, Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of the Father, became human and lived among us on earth.  The mystery of the human and divine nature in one Person is called the Incarnation

14  He preached, “the Kingdom of God is at hand (Mark 1:15)  Drew upon the OT hope announced by prophets of a coming age when God’s will would be done on earth.  Jesus message for all, but especially the poor.  People judged by their care of the poor (hungry, thirsty, etc. -Matthew 25:31-46)

15  Jesus’ words and actions, miracles and healings, were signs.  The Kingdom had already begun on earth.

16 Jesus Gave Himself fully for the Church  Church established by Jesus’ sacrificial gift of self fulfilled on the cross  Anticipated in his words at the institution of the Eucharist (“This is my body…” Luke 22:19)  Expressed his self-giving for the sake of all humankind

17 Jesus Sent His Disciples  Gathered and sent to preach the Kingdom  To make disciples of the nations  Calling all to join Christ’s Church  Disciples became the Church, he true family of Jesus.  The seed and beginning of the Kingdom on earth

18 In the Eucharist  In a mystical way, we share in Christ’s sacrifice  We also share in the grace given by his sacrifice to the Church  The Church proclaims that the Sacrament also increases the unity of the People of God and enables us to share in the divine life.

19 Structure of the Church: Set Up by Jesus  Jesus and his appointment of the Twelve Apostles as leaders of the community sets the template for the future structure of the Church.  Peter has a special role as head  Apostles sent out to build Church and proclaim the faith.  Given the power to act in his place  Structure and hierarchy of the Church established

20  The Twelve Apostles reflect the Twelve Tribes of Israel, God’s Chosen People.  This inauguration of the Church recalls Jewish hope in the re-grouping of the Twelve Tribes scattered in exile.





25 The Holy Spirit and the Church Introducing the Spirit  First appears in the first Creation account: appears as a mighty wind  Appears throughout the OT  The Spirit’s greatest participation in the work of salvation begins with the Incarnation (Luke 27-35)  Fully revealed at the Pentecost event (Acts 2:1-4)

26 The Holy Spirit and Christ  Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit possessed a common mission since the beginning of time.  The Spirit however was full revealed when poured out on the Church by Jesus at Pentecost after his death, Resurrection, and Ascension.

27 Mission of the Holy Spirit  The mission of Jesus and the Holy Spirit are united and inseparable  Although Revelation and salvation are the common work of the Holy Spirit  The Holy Spirit is the principal agent of the Church’s mission  Because Christ served the poor, so too must the Church

28 The Church is a Sign of Unity  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Church carries out its mission to bring all people into union with the Trinity.  Why? Because people only live in harmony with one another when they are in union with God.  The Church is a sign and instrument of the unity, the final and eternal perfection in which we will truly be in union with The Triune God.


30 Pentecost: The Church Revealed to the World  The Church, revealed on Pentecost, is a means to this communion.  Communion refers to the reception of the Body and Blood of Christ. In general, it refers to one’s companionship and union with Jesus and other baptized Christians in the Church.  This union has its high point in the celebration of Eucharist.


32 The Day of Pentecost  The Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost, fifty days after Passover  Jesus followers gathered together in Jerusalem  A noise like a strong driving wind filled the house.  Tongues of fire rested on each one  The apostles began to preach in many different languages  All those listening understood, each in his or her own language.  Was thought the apostles were drunk

33 Peter’s Speech  Peter clarifies that the Pentecost events are the fulfillment of Hebrew Bible (OT) prophecies, especially the prophet Joel.  The Holy Spirit was being poured out upon the apostles so that they were understood by all.  Peter instructs the listeners to repent and be baptized; they, too, would then receive forgiveness and the Holy Spirit.  3,000 people were baptized that day.

34 The Meaning of Pentecost  Pentecost revealed the Church for the first time: the Church to the world  God as Trinity revealed for the first time  Jews who followed Jesus at that time worshipped the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, also believed in Jesus as the Divine Son of God the Father  Jesus’ followers, thus, become aware of the encounter with God the Holy Spirit  Pentecost marked the beginning of the Church’s mission on earth: the Age of the Church

35 The Age of the Church  The Apostles begin work of evangelization  They baptize in the name of Jesus’  Christ, thus, lived and acted in the world through his Church and the Holy Spirit  Promise fulfilled: “I am with you always until the end of the age (Matt 28:20) The Age of the Church

36 The Holy Spirit Animates the Church  The Holy Spirit animates or gives life to the Church.  It is this transforming power or energy that converts the disciples and all.

37 The Holy Spirit Sanctifies the Church  The Holy Spirit makes the Church holy or sanctifies the Body of Christ.  Makes the Church closer in union to God  Growing in holiness  Taking on the righteousness of Christ with the gift of sanctifying grace.

38 H.S. “builds up” the holiness of the Church through:  The Sacraments  The virtues by through which we live a moral life  Gifts of the Holy Spirit given to each person  First, through Baptism

39 The H.S. Builds the Church  The Spirit’s power to build made known on Pentecost.  Over 3,000 people baptized that day  Mission of Church to bring people in union with the Trinity  H.S. builds people faith lives.  Brings new members to Church

40 Life in the Spirit  Life in the Spirit brings change.  Paul spoke of the fruits of the Spirit “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self- control” (Galatians 5:22-23)  One living according to the Spirit of God lives for others  Spirit allows us to deepen our relationship with her, the Father, and Son (Trinity)

41 The Teaching of the Holy Spirit  The Holy Spirit has a teaching role in the Church  The Spirit will teach and remind us or what Jesus taught (John 14:26)  The Spirit guides you to all truth-the truths of the faith. (John 16:13)  Spirit teaches how to pray-call on her when in need.

42 The Holy Spirit and Our Prayer Lives: Master of Prayer  She intercedes for us.  Instructs us in our prayer life: inspiring us to express new forms of the basic prayer types.

43 Prayer Types  Blessing  petition -a prayer form in which we ask God for help and/or forgiveness  intercession -a prayer on behalf of another person or group.  Thanksgiving  Praise

44 Holy Spirit and Prayer (cont.)  H.S. is like a well of living water within the heart of a person who prays.  But the H.S. also points the one who prays to the source of living water, Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit operates through the Tradition of the Church-the living transmission of God’s truth to us.

45 The Holy Spirit Gifts the Church  The H.S. gives various gifts or charisms to members of the Church for the benefit of the whole Church  And through the Church to the world.  charism -a special gift or grace of the H.S. given to an individual Christian or community, commonly for the benefit and building up of the entire Church.

46 Charisms of the Church  Charisms according to Paul in 1 Corinthians (12:8-10): - expression of knowledge or wisdom, - faith, - gifts of healing, - mighty deeds, - - prophecy, - - discernment of spirits, - - gifts of tongues, - - interpretation of tongues.

47 Charisms: Different from the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Dispositions or tendencies as opposed to skills:  Wisdom  Understanding  right judgment (counsel)  courage (fortitude)  Knowledge  Reverence (piety)  Wonder and awe (fear of the Lord) sd

48 Ordinary Charisms Ordinary charisms are at work all the time, for example:  Teachers sharing their knowledge and wisdom in the classroom  Doctors and nurses using the tools and skills of medicine in healing patients

49 Extraordinary Charisms Gifts of the Holy Spirit that involve spiritual powers beyond normal human ability:  Miraculous healing and cures with no scientific explanation Gift of speaking in tongues, interpreting, etc. Extraordinary Charisms

50 Charism of Leadership  Founders of religious orders and congregations have specific charisms that their members pursue.  Examples: Benedictines’ charism of combining work and prayer, inspired by founder St. Benedict  Franciscans: charism of embracing a life of poverty and simplicity inspired by St. Francis of Assisi

51 Charism of Leadership (cont.)  As leaders and teachers of the church, the Pope and bishops have the charism of infallibility on teachings of faith and morals.  Infallibility -the gift given by the Holy Spirit to the Pope and bishops in union with the Spirit to teach on matters of faith and morals without error.  The charismatic movement is given acceptance by the authority of the Church Magisterium -the living teaching office, which consists of all bishops in communion with the Pope, the bishop of Rome.

52 All Charisms Needed by the Church  Everyone has gifts given to them by the Spirit  All gifts can contribute to the building up of the Church  Musical gifts, being a good listener, leadership, counseling, etc.

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