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A Partnership and Resource for Our Church. T HE P HILOSOPHY BEHIND CEEP Envision a Dynamic, Connected, Nimble, Diverse and well-resourced Church in an.

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Presentation on theme: "A Partnership and Resource for Our Church. T HE P HILOSOPHY BEHIND CEEP Envision a Dynamic, Connected, Nimble, Diverse and well-resourced Church in an."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Partnership and Resource for Our Church

2 T HE P HILOSOPHY BEHIND CEEP Envision a Dynamic, Connected, Nimble, Diverse and well-resourced Church in an Evolving World. Envision the Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes (CEEP). You have an endowment. It’s time to empower and maximize its ability to support ministries. Join the CEEP Community. Build up the Church.

3 WHY JOIN? B ECAUSE CEEP IS D YNAMIC, C ONNECTED, N IMBLE, D IVERSE, AND R ESOURCED Why? Because the Consortium is a network of parishes with both human and financial resources who believe endowments provide the springboard for daring in ministries. How? CEEP provides peer-to-peer networking, a 24/7 members website with materials that will keep you from re-inventing the wheel, and full-time CEEP staff who are available to discuss your issues and challenges and work to connect you with the resources you need

4 B ENEFITS OF M EMBERSHIP I NCLUDE : T HE P OWER OF R ESOURCES The Annual conference Ongoing participation in CEEP’s annual conference; CEU credits for participation Life Long Learning Leading Voices,(resource-filled monthly electronically distributed newsletter) Webinars Education-on-demand Regional Meetings Instant Information Access Access to shared resources 24/7 on the web

5 T HE P OWER OF D YNAMICS As a dynamic and nimble organization, CEEP will provide our Church with: Access to some of the best minds in the Church around trends and cutting edge ideas Endowment Benchmarking: We will have access to insights and experience from other endowment trustees around the country In times of transition, we can consult with other parishes in rector searches When governance is an issue, we can access others’ experience

6 T HE P OWER OF C ONNECTION Peer-to-Peer Consultations Professional-quality peer consulting and ongoing networking In-person and online Communities Google Groups, Facebook, Twitter Links to Resources Fresh Ideas and Solutions Access to a Network of Providers

7 T HE P OWER OF D IVERSITY You no longer have to rely on the knowledge of those in your immediate geographic location! Clergy/Lay Parity Ceep provides continuing education for lay and clergy leaders, both staff and volunteer Geographic Diversity CEEP parishes are from all over the USA located in urban, suburban and rural areas Diversity of Size CEEP parishes find peers in the areas of Endowment size, ASA, Physical Plants, Budgets, and more in order to benchmark themselves

8 W HY S PEND THE M ONEY ? W HAT M EMBERS S AY : The benefits are very real. By sending as many lay leaders as possible to the conference, we, as a congregation, receive a renewed commitment and enhanced vision to share with our members.

9 W HY S PEND THE M ONEY ? W HAT M EMBERS S AY : The Consortium allows us, as gifted churches, to address our common concerns and to plan ways in which we could use our 'power and wherewithal' to effect positive change within the church and in the larger world.

10 W HY S PEND THE M ONEY ? W HAT M EMBERS S AY : The Consortium is both a 'brain trust' and a 'heart trust' bringing together some of the greatest minds and hearts in our Church.

11 2014 A NNUAL C ONFERENCE GREATER THAN WE CAN IMAGINE February 26-March 1 Atlanta, GA, The Hilton Atlanta

12 S MART N ETWORKS 2014 The Premiere Opportunity for Peer Networking Pre-Conference sessions which provide clergy, staff and volunteer leaders with an intensive opportunity to meet with their peers from around the country and focus on the challenges unique to their leadership roles. Rectors Assisting Clergy Stewardship Directors (staff position) Stewardship Volunteers (Annual Campaign Chairs) Communications Directors Wardens Parish Administrators Endowment Trustees (Foundation trustees, finance committee members) Faith in Action (staff and volunteer outreach participants)

13 2014 C ONFERENCE T RACKS Best Practices in Stewardship Best Practices in Leadership Best Practices in Administration The Ministry of Communication Changing Church Changing Demographics And More PLUS An Add-on Session with Church Pension Group

14 W HAT ABOUT T HE C OST OF M EMBERSHIP ? Dues are assessed on a sliding scale based on endowment size Conference Costs: Registration, Hotel ($207 in 2014), Airline/transportation fees add up fast. The investment is often $1,000 per person. Be sure to take advantage of early bird fees and member discounts.

15 I DEAS FOR D EALING WITH C OSTS  Line Item the conference as an ongoing continuing education investment for the church’s lay leaders  Include the cost of membership in your endowment’s expense, and a portion of attendance cost as well.  Use attendance as a way of saying "thank you" to those who have included you in their estate planning.  Invite a member to underwrite the dues  Consider it as part of outreach to the wider Church  Don’t forget you can get CEU’s for attendance

16 A S NEAK P EEK AT A M EMBER B ENEFIT Username: parish Password: password Check out the valuable information in the members only section of our website. Experience the Power of Membership.

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