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INTRO TO NITRO BALL Background: NitroBall was created in summer of 2005 in Sarasota, Florida. And was first known as “inverted volleyball” Created by Peter.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRO TO NITRO BALL Background: NitroBall was created in summer of 2005 in Sarasota, Florida. And was first known as “inverted volleyball” Created by Peter."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTRO TO NITRO BALL Background: NitroBall was created in summer of 2005 in Sarasota, Florida. And was first known as “inverted volleyball” Created by Peter Boucher

2 Game play

3 Like volleyball But played on Tennis Courts (Badminton courts for us) 3-6 players per side Must hit floor/ground before each strike Use overhand or underhand volleys 3 times to get over the net NO blocking Play to 21 (must win by 2) VODmk

4 SERVING Players take turns serving in a clockwise rotation, with the server standing behind the service line. The ball must be served underhand either out of hand or off a bounce. A point is scored when:  The ball bounces twice on the opponents’ side The opposing team is unable to return the ball within 3 hits  The opposing team cannot legally return the ball in the court  The opposing team hits the ball out of bounds  The opposing team commits a fault or foul

5 How is it like Volleyball? Net game 3 hits/ attempts over net Serve and scoring similar Uses similar skills DIFFERENCES: No blocks, can spike but ONLY off of bounce, not as BIG of a court QUESTIONS??????

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