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  Aware of many variants  Great faith in original writers & little in copyists  A tendency to blame heretics & careless scribes  Respect for church.

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Presentation on theme: "  Aware of many variants  Great faith in original writers & little in copyists  A tendency to blame heretics & careless scribes  Respect for church."— Presentation transcript:


2   Aware of many variants  Great faith in original writers & little in copyists  A tendency to blame heretics & careless scribes  Respect for church tradition  Reluctant to simply dismiss passages  Focused on understanding and teaching  Never questioned the Bible because of variants Early Church

3   One scribe using one manuscript  One scribe comparing manuscripts  Scribe has to make decisions  Scriptorum: One reader, many scribes writing  Copies show additions, corrections, & notes  Uncertain text often set off or marked The Process of Copying




7  Early Greek Bibles Later Greek Bibles

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