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Syllabus.  Room number 113  Room phone: 794-4985   Moodle Password: 12345.

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Presentation on theme: "Syllabus.  Room number 113  Room phone: 794-4985   Moodle Password: 12345."— Presentation transcript:

1 Syllabus

2  Room number 113  Room phone: 794-4985  Email:  Moodle Password: 12345

3  1. Please sit in your assigned seat.  2. I take attendance based off of your seat number.  3. Your book and folder number is based off your seat number.  4. There will be time on 90% of the days where you can move and work with a partner.

4  1. Folder:  2. Pencil:  3. Paper:  4. Book: These stay in the room, before you leave make sure they are stacked in the middle!  I Can…  Each day you will write down the I can statement.  1. Show example for today.

5  Respect: We must respect each other’s ideas, backgrounds, and feelings.  Classroom rules: See Handbook  Desks:  1. Do Not move desks from where they are.  2. Sit in your assigned seat daily.  Folders/paper/pencil: Each day you will NEATLY place your folder with its pencil and paper inside into the correct box.  Bell Work: At the start of each class you will get your folder, sit down and take out your daily paper. On the paper you will write the date, the I Can statement, and the quote of the day if there is a quote.

6  Late Work: If you are absent see me for make up work. Late work can be turned for 60%.  Grades: Grades will be calculated from daily assignments, the daily paper, worksheets, projects and quizzes.

7  Course Description: Students will learn habits that are basic to survival and contribute to the total well being of individuals and families.

8  Michigan Merit Curriculum Health Standards:  Strand 1: Nutrition and Physical Activity  Strand 2. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs  Strand 3: Safety  Strand 4: Social and Emotional Health  Strand 5: Personal Health and Wellness  Strand 6: HIV Prevention  Strand 7: Sexuality Education

9  Distribution of marking period grading components  Quizzes and test = ___50_%  Daily = __40__%  Projects=___10___%

10  Homework Policy: Students have the same amount of days to make up an assignment as they were absent for full credit. Anything turned in later than that will be accepted for 60% of the credit.  Use MOODLE!!!!

11  Pass out assignment  Assign Due dates  Provide Demo  Identity Box Score Sheet:  Name:   On Time:_____/_10____   Procedures:_____/_10____   Presentation:_____/_10____   Reflection:_____/_10____   Key Terms:_____/_10____   Total:_____/_50____

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