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Working Together To Safeguard Children (December 2015)

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1 Working Together To Safeguard Children (December 2015)

2 Aim To enable participants to WORK TOGETHER effectively in order to achieve good outcomes for children through the inter-agency safeguarding and child protection processes.

3 Learning Outcomes By the end of the course, participants will: Gain knowledge of the procedures following a referral to Social Care Gain an understanding of their role and responsibilities Develop skills and confidence to contribute effectively Identify and develop strategies for effectively overcoming barriers in the inter-agency process, to the benefit of the child Identify and develop strategies for constructively managing everyone’s feelings throughout the process.

4 NCSCB Learning Agreement In order to create a safe space to learn we should: Maintain respect for others within the group Be Sensitive to others needs Challenge all forms of discrimination Maintain Confidentiality (wherever possible) Turn off all mobile phones (or mute them) We can then: Have a bit of fun!Take a few risks



7 What is the child’s level of need? Do you : Contact Children & Families Direct because of concern that they are a Child in Need or at risk of Significant Harm Initiate a CAF No action at all? Feedback 1.Easy decision? 2. Three key points considered? 3. Your decision? Scenarios In your professional role, you have become aware of this situation.

8 The importance of Working Together is relevant whatever the level of need of a child we are responding to.

9 Common Assessment Framework The child protection pathway First Response Team (Social Care) respond within 24 hrs Verbal contact made (confirmed in writing) Childrens Assessment (CA1) completed within 10 days of referral S17 Continued Childrens Assessment (CA2) completed within 45 days of referral Initial Child Protection Conference Core Group actions Child Protection Plan Review S47 Continued Childrens Assessment (CA2) completed within 45 days of referral Plan of Action Referral to other services or no further action Strategy discussion with police (and health if child in hospital). Emergency Protection Children & Families Direct

10 Please note telephone number for all referrals to Vulnerable Children & Family Teams and Children’s Social Care Children & Families Direct 0115 876 4800 There is now a Multi-agency Referral Form to use. This can be downloaded here: spx?articleid=16898

11 All the information in this course is drawn from the Nottinghamshire and Nottingham City Safeguarding Children Procedures, and the Nottingham City Protocol for Childrens Assessment. Everyone should familiarise themselves with the procedures and how to find more detailed information. They are now in a web enabled form and can be found at the following link: The Protocol can be found in the Appendices and Protocols section of the procedures.

12 Step 1: Childrens Assessment (CA1) A brief assessment to address the following questions: 1.What are the development needs of the child? 2.Are the parents able to respond appropriately to the needs of the child? Is the child being safeguarded from significant harm? Are parents able to promote the child’s health and development? 3.What impact are family functioning and history, wider family and environmental factors having on the parent’s capacity to meet their child’s needs.

13 Assessment Framework Health Emotional & Behavioural Development Education Identity Social presentation Selfcare skills Family & Social Relationships Basic Care Ensuring safety Emotional Warmth Guidance & Boundaries Housing, Wider Family Family History & Functionning & Well Being Community resources Stability Stimulation Employment Income Family’s social integration Family & Environmental Factors Parenting Capacity Child’s Development Needs CHILD Safeguarding and promoting welfare

14 Step 1: Childrens Assessment (CA1) Should: Be led by a qualified and experienced Social Worker with management oversight; Involve seeing and speaking to the child alone where ever possible (according to age and understanding). Their views, wishes and concerns should be clearly heard and recorded. If a decision is taken that it is not necessary to see the child or to see the child alone, the reasons for this must be clearly recorded; Involve visiting the child’s home and the child’s bedroom being seen; Include all the children in the household; Ensure relevant information is sought from all appropriate agencies and professionals, who are in contact with the child and family;

15 Step 1: Childrens Assessment (CA1) Should (Continued): Draw together and analyse available information from a range of sources including existing records and information from other Local Authorities; Include family members views including estranged partners; Ensure all historical information pertinent to the child and family has been accessed and taken into account; Determine whether any specialist assessment should be undertaken to assist decision making; Ensure that any decisions made are endorsed at a management level and recorded in writing.

16 Step 1: Childrens Assessment (CA1) Need to decide: Step down to a CAF Step down to universal services The assessment now indicates the child may be at risk of significant harm and Section 47 enquires following strategy discussions should commence A further more in-depth assessment (Children’s Continued Assessment- CA2) is required.

17 Step 2: Strategy discussion A discussion to address the following questions: 1.Is a criminal investigation required? 2.Is a S47 children (CA2) assessment required? 3.What action is required to immediately safeguard and promote the welfare of the child? 4.What information will be shared with the family? 5.Is any legal action required?

18 Step 2: Strategy discussion Who is involved: Social Care Police. If child a hospital patient: Medical consultant If relevant the senior ward nurse or senior doctor. Safeguarding Nurse Specialist Any other agency rep who is significant in the case.

19 Step 2: Strategy discussion Need to decide: A plan for carrying out the S47 children’s (CA2) assessment if agreed needed, what further information is required and how to obtain and record it. Who should be interviewed, by whom and when. How the child’s wishes and feelings will be ascertained and taken into account. How the child’s race and ethnicity should be taken into account How the needs of any other children involved should be handled.

20 On completion of S47 enquiries Children’s Social Care decide how best to proceed, after discussion with other agencies that have been involved. Options: No evidence of significant harm Evidence of significant harm, but child not judged to be at continuing risk of harm Evidence of significant harm, and child judged to be at continuing risk of harm Provision of supportive services Plan developed without child protection conference Child protection conference required

21 Step 3: Initial Child Protection Conference A meeting to consider: All the information that has been obtained through the continued children’s assessment based on the three domains of the assessment framework. A written report from Children’s Social Care Other agencies detailed involvement with the child and family The child’s and family members view of what the issues are and what they need. There is now a template for reports to conference, which can be downloaded from here:

22 Step 3: Initial Child Protection Conference Who is involved: People that have a significant contribution to make, including: The child or his / her representative Family members. Social Care staff involved in the CA2 assessment Representatives from at least two other professional agencies who know or are involved with the child / family. Police if there is a criminal investigation Legal services Meeting chaired by an Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO)

23 Step 3: Initial Child Protection Conference Need to decide: The likelihood of the child suffering significant harm in the future and therefore is at risk of continuing harm What action is required to safeguard and promote the welfare of the child, how that action will be taken and with what intended outcomes Which category of abuse the child is suffering or at risk of suffering Appoint a lead person and members of the core group to develop and implement a child protection plan and associated timescales. Agree date for first review

24 Signs of Safety All agencies in the City have agreed to adopt the ‘Signs of Safety’ approach to assessment when there are concerns about a child / young person. This will have an impact on what is asked when a referral is made, and how conferences are managed.

25 Signs of Safety approach “I think it’s really good as most families have a mixture of strengths and deficits … and if you don’t recognise some of the things they are doing well then they’re not going to listen or work with you … and you have to work in a co-operative way… so I found it helpful to break down barriers really.”

26 When we think about the situation facing this family: What are we Worried About? What’s Working Well? (Strengths & Safety) What Needs to Happen? 0 10

27 Signs of Safety (continued) 0 = means things are so bad for the child that they can’t live at home 10 = means the child is safe and healthy with no additional needs 0 10

28 When we think about the situation facing this family: What are we Worried About? Past harm: What has happened to these children, that worries us, or to other children in the care of these parents?) Future worries: What are we worried might happen to these children in the care of these parents in the future? Complicating factors: What makes building safety for the children and working with this family more complicated? Grey areas what things are we are unsure about or don’t know enough about? Danger Statement/s What’s Working Well? (Strengths & Safety) A strength is a positive attribute, good intention, a positive act outside of the harm Safety must be directly related to the concerns and clearly demonstrate protection over time What Needs to Happen? What will the end result if everything that we are worried about is resolved (What outcome are we looking for? Safety Goal/s Next Steps 0 10

29 Child Protection Conference Task You will be divided into groups, each taking one of the earlier cases that needed referring to Social Care. One person will be asked to act as the Chair for the meeting (IRO) and one person as an observer.

30 Child Protection Conference Task Task 1: Who you think would be involved in the meeting? Discuss and agree

31 Child Protection Conference Task Task 2:  Evidence that the child is at risk of harm (What are you worried about?)  Strength & safety factors (What is working well?)  Any other info required  Should the child be subject to a Child Protection Plan and which category of abuse the child is suffering or at risk of suffering. Discuss and agree Make sure you consider any diversity issues (culture / religion / race / disability / sexuality etc

32 Child Protection Conference Task Task 3:  What action is required to safeguard and promote the child’s welfare, by whom and with what intended outcomes. (What needs to happen?) Discuss and agree Make sure you consider any diversity issues (culture / religion / race / disability / sexuality etc

33 Child Protection Conference Task Siobhan 13 yr old girl with cerebral palsy, who when staying with respite foster carers, disclosed that her mothers (Lucy) live in boyfriend (Ben) had been ‘touching her between her legs’. Further interview showed the alleged offence to be even more serious. Medical evidence was consistent with the allegations. Her birth father works away in the week, but has her to stay every other weekend.

34 Child Protection Conference Task Unborn baby 20 yr old Trudy is 4 months pregnant, and until just over a month ago was working as a prostitute and has been using heroin and crack cocaine for at least a year. She has been in a relationship with the father, Mohammed, for 7 months and on finding out she was pregnant, moved in with him and stopped sex working saying she wants to be a good mum.

35 Step 4: Core Group Responsible for developing the recommendations of the ICPC into a detailed protection plan and implementing it. Who? Social Worker Child (if appropriate) Family members Practitioners who will have a direct contact with the family Social Worker has the lead role but ALL members are jointly responsible for the plan, it’s implementation and monitoring progress.

36 Step 4: Core Group Social worker role: Co-ordinates everbody’s contributions, including the child and family members. Sees the child alone when appropriate at least every 6 weeks. This should be a therapeutic relationship, keeping the child informed, ensuring their views and feelings are known and communicated. Clear records kept of when seen and who else present.

37 Step 4: Core Group First meeting: (Chaired by the Team Manager) Should happen within 10 days of the ICPC, but straight after if possible. Should agree the detail of the plan Should agree what is to be done, by whom and by when Guidance in Safeguarding Procedures on what should be included in the plan. Child given copy of plan in appropriate language Minutes distributed within 5 days of meeting. Subsequent meetings chaired by the Social Worker

38 Step 5: Review First review meeting held within 3 months of the Child Protection conference, and others at intervals of not more than 6 months. Involving people involved in the initial child protection conference. If people are unable to attend, a written report should be provided. Chaired by the Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO)

39 Step 5: Review Purpose: To review the safety, health and development of the child against the planned outcomes of the plan. To ensure the child continues to be safeguarded from harm To consider whether plan should be changed or continue in place. Consider continuing support through a ‘Team around the Child’.

40 Key messages from Serious Case Reviews The need for better analysis of information gathered, including historical information. The need to identify men in households The need to consider the trilogy of risk factors (Parental mental health, domestic violence and substance misuse) The need to consider race and culture in assessments Importance of referring in cases of ‘home alone’ where and their age and vulnerability places them at risk. The need for a better understanding of the different types of neglect, particularly medical neglect.

41 The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on LA’s, childcare, education and other children’s services to ‘have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. (The Prevent Duty). For more information see Safeguarding guide: Safeguarding children against radicalisation and violent extremism

42 What things get in the way of effective inter agency working together in the interests of children? Overcoming the barriers

43 What range of feelings may child, parents/carers and workers experience during the Child Protection Pathway? How can these feelings and their impact be managed constructively?

44 Working Together to Safeguard Children

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