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Somerset HIA conference Taunton, 10 November 2003 Housing older people: healthy living Jeremy Porteus Housing Network Lead Health & Social Care Change.

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Presentation on theme: "Somerset HIA conference Taunton, 10 November 2003 Housing older people: healthy living Jeremy Porteus Housing Network Lead Health & Social Care Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Somerset HIA conference Taunton, 10 November 2003 Housing older people: healthy living Jeremy Porteus Housing Network Lead Health & Social Care Change Agent Team

2 The policy framework: National Service Framework (NSF) for Older People - DH Access - & Systems Capacity Grant - HIA funding £1.6m “Quality & Choice in Housing for Older People - a Strategic Framework” - DH/ODPM Investment, Expansion & Reform: Planning & Priorities Guidance 2003-2006 (for NHS and Social Care) Access - & Systems Capacity Grant - Extra Care funding £87m mainstream NHS, social care & housing budgets Supporting People

3 what do older people want and need ? what will we want and need ?


5 “A new generation of 17 million older people are marching towards retirement with a clear set of demands. The boomers are unlikely to put up and shut up”. Gordon Lishman, Age Concern

6 higher expectations - quality and choice most will be owner-occupiers most will want ‘care at home’ traditional residential/nursing home care not acceptable some will be capital-rich, income-poor direct payments will take off shrinking workforce - who will do the caring ? What will we want ?

7 Falls prevention and reducing risks at home e.g, grab rails, lighting, access... Improved safety and security to combat fear of crime Prevent or delay admissions into hospital e.g, fast track aids and adaptations… Support transfer of care to tackle delayed discharges e.g Intermediate Care and rehab services Energy efficiency/fuel poverty e.g reduce winter deaths, access to benefits/grants most will want ‘care at home’ traditional residential/nursing home care not acceptable some will be capital-rich, income-poor direct payments will take off shrinking workforce - who will do the caring ? Some positive outcomes

8 different models of housing with care better alignment of housing with health, social care and personal care services more attention to owner-occupied sector bigger role for HIA, ‘staying-put’ services greater use of assistive technology (mirroring trends in health care) much slicker delivery of services What does this mean for services ?

9 Towards a local approach: assessing future needs numbers + profile of age, tenure, household composition, specialist needs e.g. dementia mapping current provision across health, social care & housing, incl. preventive and support services, developments in intermediate care, acute health care & care at home, housing stock condition identifying gaps & shortfalls (against current & future needs) joint commissioning strategy& plans including decommisioning\diversification of existing services or stock, new models of housing with care, devpt of HIA s & other support services, use of assistive technology, redesign of service processes

10 Links: lin.htm Housing LIN enquiries

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