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TFS / Teamprise for J2EE Development Groups Month 00, 0000 Mac Noland Configuration Management Engineer Saturday, July 02, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "TFS / Teamprise for J2EE Development Groups Month 00, 0000 Mac Noland Configuration Management Engineer Saturday, July 02, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 TFS / Teamprise for J2EE Development Groups Month 00, 0000 Mac Noland Configuration Management Engineer Saturday, July 02, 2016

2 2 Agenda Introduction Tool Evaluation Our TFS Instance Interfaces Builds Challenges Next Steps / Summary Questions

3 3 Mac Noland Background Eight years working for Thomson. Six of it in the Configuration Management space. Spent the last two years, evaluating a new CM tool and then implementing TFS.

4 4 Our Former Situation TeamTrack VSS Tracker Change Management Source Management Defect Management

5 5 Our Former Situation – cont. 30+ VSS databases in our group. VSS databases with 185+ users. 40+ gig VSS databases. Continued corruption issues with VSS. Egregious contracts with three tool sets. Data integrity issues in all three tools. Non-Windows desktop users.

6 6 Agenda Introduction Tool Evaluation Our TFS Instance Interfaces Builds Challenges Next Steps / Summary Questions

7 7 Our Evaluation ClearCase / ClearQuest Perforce / TeamTrack Synergy CM TFS –With the use of Teamprise for cross platform users.

8 8 Our Evaluation – cont. When looking at just source control, the tools are hard to differentiate. The value add is integration. Change Request  Task  Source Control  Bug While Upper Management will say “money does not matter.” Money does matter. In a large company, there are advantages of multiple groups having the same CM solution, especially when they, at times, work on the same code!

9 9 Our Conclusion TFS, with the use of Teamprise for our cross-platform developers, was the best fit for Thomson’s business. Why? –Usability –Administration –Cost –Company Politics Four different Business Units are implementing TFS or preparing to implement TFS. Some groups are starting with just Source Control. We implemented Source Control, Work Item Tracking, Reports, and Team Build. Documents (i.e. SharePoint) is being used in a few areas.

10 10 Agenda Introduction Tool Evaluation Our TFS Instance Interfaces Builds Challenges Next Steps / Summary Questions

11 11 Online Services’ TFS Instance We are up to 200+ users on the system. Eagan, Europe, and South America. 2000+ work items. 70,000 changesets 200,000 files and folders. A significant revenue source is using TFS. Almost all code is Java (other groups use TFS for a significant amount of.NET code as well).

12 12 Online Services’ Users About 5% of our users use Linux on their desktops. All of our build machines are Unix/Linux. 90% of our developers work in Eclipse or RAD 6/7. 25-50% of our testers work in Eclipse.

13 13 Agenda Introduction Tool Evaluation Our TFS Instance Interfaces Builds Challenges Next Steps / Summary Questions

14 14 Interfaces Teamprise

15 15 Interfaces - Teamprise Since most developers work in Eclipse or RAD 6/7, we purchased Teamprise. Teamprise is a TFS client written in Java. We use Teamprise on Linux/Linux64/Mac/Solaris/AIX/Windows. Experienced developers like the plug-in, less experienced developers like the stand-alone client (i.e. Teamprise Explorer)

16 16 Interfaces - Teamprise Retail cost of Teamprise is $500. Discounts for bulk buys. Make sure to budget for maintenance. Support for Teamprise is superb. Most TFS functions can be done in Teamprise. Current release is 2.2. 3.0 is adding recursive compare and Team Build integration.

17 17 Interfaces - Teamprise

18 18 Interfaces - Teamprise

19 19 Interfaces - Team Explorer Most all testers use Team Explorer. Why? Because less than half use Eclipse and if they do use Eclipse, they don’t use a source control plug-in. Team Explorer also installs the Excel plug-in which is used by Testers to work with Work Items.

20 20 Interfaces - Team Explorer We do have some.NET development in Online Services. As expected, these developers use Team Explorer. TFS is a natural fit for these users. After learning curve (e.g. workspaces), the users have liked the solution.

21 21 Interfaces - Team System Web Access Most all leads use Team Explorer for the Excel plug-in or Team System Web Access. Some developers use Team System Web Access, but have had troubles using it with Fire Fox. So….developers have a propensity to stay in Teamprise.

22 22 Summary of our solution Java Developers – use Teamprise. Experienced users like plug-in, less experienced users like stand-alone client..NET Developers – use Team Explorer. Testers – use Team Explorer (for Excel plug-in). Leads/Managers – use Team Explorer (for Excel plug-in) and Team System Web Access.

23 23 Agenda Introduction Tool Evaluation Our TFS Instance Interfaces Builds Challenges Next Steps / Summary Questions

24 24 Builds – Example of Old solution Samba

25 25 Builds – Example of New Solution Teamprise or Samba

26 26 Builds – AntHill We use both AntHill and Team Build. We wrote an AntHill adapter that will work with TFS. You can see AntHill OS’s website to get the distribution. We’re slowly migrating to Team Build. Why?

27 27 Builds – cont. Team Build allows you to store Build Results in TFS. Team Build creates the listing of Changesets and Work Items that are part of the build. With TFS 2008, Team Build will have Continuous Build which we don’t have with AntHill. A “Build is Broke” Work Item can be created automatically. One-stop-shop in TFS. My recommendation; invest the effort to use Team Build. Use TeampriseBuild, which is an open source offering from Teamprise (Martin Woodward to be exact).

28 28 Builds – Team Build and Ant

29 29 Builds – Team Build with TeampriseBuild

30 30 Agenda Introduction Tool Evaluation Our TFS Instance Interfaces Builds Challenges Next Steps / Summary Questions

31 31 Adoption Challenges Java and.NET developers have philosophical differences. Management gets excited with the talk of “new tools!” Source Code is often more important than the walls around us. Don’t run too fast, yet don’t run too slow. Reporting Services is hard. Where do we put documentation?

32 32 Adoption Challenges – cont. TFS 1.0 is, a 1.0 product. –Alerts (next slide) –AD integration (displayName issue) –Workflow Looking forward to Teamprise 3.0. –Recursive compare –Error messages –Checkin policies Requirements management tools (e.g. Doors) Project Management Tools (e.g. Clarity)

33 33 Alerts

34 34 Agenda Introduction Tool Evaluation Our TFS Instance Interfaces Builds Challenges Next Steps / Summary Questions

35 35 Our next few months Upgrade server to TFS 2008 Upgrade users to Team Explorer 2008 and Teamprise 3.0 Continuous build Figure our Reporting Services Find better solution for Alerts

36 36 Summary If we had to do it all over again, would we do it? Yes! We feel confident that we’ve successfully adopted TFS for a non- Microsoft development team. And we’ve had plenty of success. Using Team Build for our Java builds was a good idea. The build results listing what changesets and work items are included is a must have. We don’t use Documents and Reports as much as we should. We’ll most likely start using Reports more in the near future.

37 37 References Teamprise TeampriseBuild My Blog http://team-foundation-server.blogspot.com Our custom notification server Anthill Open Source Brian Harry’s blog Buck Hodges’s blog

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