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Root Words and Prefixes 3 Minute Daily Bell-Ringers to Get Class Started.

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Presentation on theme: "Root Words and Prefixes 3 Minute Daily Bell-Ringers to Get Class Started."— Presentation transcript:

1 Root Words and Prefixes 3 Minute Daily Bell-Ringers to Get Class Started

2 Week 1: Monday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. bio = life  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

3 Tuesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. graph = write  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

4 Wednesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. phon = sound  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

5 Thursday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. scope = see  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

6 Friday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. rupt = break, burst  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

7 Week 2: Monday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. terr = land  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

8 Tuesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. geo = earth, ground, soil  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

9 Wednesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. photo = light  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

10 Thursday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. tract = pull, drag  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

11 Friday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. meter, metr = measure  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

12 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

13 Week 3: Monday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. ject = to throw  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

14 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

15 Tuesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. struct = build  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

16 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

17 Wednesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. vis = to see  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

18 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

19 Thursday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. vid = see  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

20 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

21 Friday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. jur, juris = judge, oath, law  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

22 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

23 Week 4: Monday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. log, logue = word  Now, write FOUR examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

24 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

25 Tuesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. path = feeling, suffering, disease  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

26 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

27 Wednesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. ast, astr = star  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

28 Thursday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. aud, audi = hear  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

29 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

30 Friday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. dict = to say, tell  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

31 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

32 Week 5: Monday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. mit = to send  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

33 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

34 Tuesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. port = to carry  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

35 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

36 Wednesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. scrib, script = to write  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

37 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

38 Thursday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. spect = to see, watch, observe  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

39 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

40 Friday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. vac = empty  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

41 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

42 Week 6: Monday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. hydr = water  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

43 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

44 Tuesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. chron = time  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

45 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

46 Wednesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. therm = heat  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

47 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

48 Thursday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. bene = good  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

49 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

50 Friday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. aero = air  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

51 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

52 Week 7: Monday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. aqua = water  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

53 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

54 Tuesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. biblio = book  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

55 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

56 Wednesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. dem = people  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

57 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

58 Thursday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. hemi = half  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

59 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

60 Friday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. micro = small  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

61 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

62 Week 8: Monday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. migr = change, move  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

63 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

64 Tuesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. mim = same  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

65 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

66 Wednesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. mort = death  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

67 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

68 Thursday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. tele= distant, from afar  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

69 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

70 Friday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. test = to witness or affirm  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

71 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

72 Week 9: Monday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. agri = field  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

73 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

74 Tuesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. circum = around  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

75 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

76 Wednesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. corp = body  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

77 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

78 Thursday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. dict = speak  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

79 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

80 Friday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. dur = to harden, to hold out  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

81 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

82 Week 10: Monday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. equ, equi = equal, fair  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

83 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

84 Tuesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. luna = moon  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

85 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

86 Wednesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. nav = ship  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

87 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

88 Thursday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. ped = foot  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

89 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

90 Friday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. psych = mind, soul  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

91 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

92 Week 11: Monday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. sci = know  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

93 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

94 Tuesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. sent, sens = feel  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

95 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

96 Wednesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. sol, soli = alone  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

97 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

98 Thursday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. anthrop = man  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

99 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

100 Friday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. belli = war  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

101 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

102 Week 12: Monday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. brev = short  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

103 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

104 Tuesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. cred = believe  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

105 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

106 Wednesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. derm = skin  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

107 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

108 Thursday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. duc, duct = lead  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

109 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

110 Friday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. ego = I  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

111 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

112 Week 13: Monday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. fac = make, do  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

113 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

114 Tuesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. luc, lum = light  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

115 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

116 Wednesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. urb = city  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

117 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

118 Thursday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. the, theo = god  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

119 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

120 Friday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. rect = straight  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

121 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

122 Week 14: Monday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. poly = much, many  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

123 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

124 Tuesday  Copy down the root word and its definition below. mega = large, great, grand  Now, write five examples of words that include this root. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

125 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

126 Wednesday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. un- = not, opposite  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

127 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

128 Thursday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. re- = back again  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to completethe Bell Ringer Activity.

129 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

130 Friday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. in-, im- = not  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

131 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

132 Week 15: Monday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. dis- = not, opposite of  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

133 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

134 Tuesday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. over- = too much, above  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

135 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

136 Wednesday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. mis- = bad or wrong  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

137 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

138 Thursday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. under- = too little, below  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

139 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

140 Friday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. bi- = two  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

141 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

142 Week 16: Monday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. tri- = three  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

143 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

144 Tuesday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. quad- = four  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

145 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

146 Wednesday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. over- = too much, above  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

147 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

148 Thursday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. sub- = beneath  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

149 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

150 Friday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. fore- = before, earlier  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

151 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

152 Week 17: Monday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. inter- = between  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

153 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

154 Tuesday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. trans- = across, change, through  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

155 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

156 Wednesday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. super- = above, on top of, beyond  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

157 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

158 Thursday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. uni- = one  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

159 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

160 Friday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. pro- = favor, forward  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

161 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

162 Week 18: Monday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. ex- = former  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

163 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

164 Tuesday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. co- = together  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

165 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

166 Wednesday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. en- = cause, cause to  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

167 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

168 Thursday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. post- = after, later  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

169 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

170 Friday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. semi- = partly, half  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

171 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

172 Week 19: Monday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. inter- = between, among  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

173 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

174 Tuesday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. mal- = bad  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

175 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

176 Wednesday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. ante- = before, in front  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

177 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

178 Thursday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. counter- = against, opposed to  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

179 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

180 Friday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. dys- = not normal  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

181 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

182 Week 20: Monday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. hyper- = extra, beyond, over  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

183 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

184 Tuesday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. intra-, intro- = inside of, within  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

185 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

186 Wednesday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. pseudo- = false, pretend  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

187 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

188 Thursday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. counter- = against, opposed to  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

189 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

190 Friday  Copy down the prefix and its definition below. milli-, mille- = 1,000 (also kilo-)  Now, write five examples of words that include this prefix. Remember, you only have 3 minutes to complete the Bell Ringer Activity.

191 The Bell Ringer Activity is now over. Please put your paper in a safe place until it is ready to be turned in and graded.

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