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LANGUAGE ARTS 7 & 8 GREEK & LATIN AFFIXES. Create this graphic organizer in your 3-subject— Section 1; Vocabulary AffixDefinitionExample.

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Presentation on theme: "LANGUAGE ARTS 7 & 8 GREEK & LATIN AFFIXES. Create this graphic organizer in your 3-subject— Section 1; Vocabulary AffixDefinitionExample."— Presentation transcript:


2 Create this graphic organizer in your 3-subject— Section 1; Vocabulary AffixDefinitionExample

3 PREFIX STUDY a-, an-: not, or without  Examples:  Abyss: a hole without an end  Anarchy: without a formal government

4 PREFIX STUDY amphi-: both, around  Examples:  Amphibious: living or able to live on both in and out of water

5 PREFIX STUDY bene-: well, or good  Examples:  Benevolent: desiring to help others

6 PREFIX STUDY co-: together  Examples:  Cooperative: working or acting together willingly for a common purpose

7 PREFIX STUDY dis-: opposite, not  Example:  Distrust: to not trust

8 PREFIX STUDY e-, ex-: out  Example:  External: of or pertaining to the outside part

9 PREFIX STUDY im-, in-: not  Example:  Impersonal: not personal

10 PREFIX STUDY mis-: wrongly, bad  Example:  Misplace: to put in a wrong place

11 PREFIX STUDY pre-: before  Example:  Preview: to view before

12 PREFIX STUDY re-: back, again  Example:  Redo: to do again

13 PREFIX STUDY sub-: under  Example:  Submarine: a vessel that can be submerged and navigated under the water

14 PREFIX STUDY super-: above, beyond  Examples:  Superimpose: to impose, place, or set over or on something else

15 PREFIX STUDY trans-: across  Examples:  Transatlantic: across the Atlantic Ocean

16 PREFIX STUDY un-: not  Example:  Unlike: to not like

17 PREFIX STUDY de-: to reverse, get rid of  Examples:  Devalue: to reverse the value of

18 ROOT STUDY act: do  Examples:  Activity: something that a person does

19 ROOT STUDY cred: believe  Examples:  Credulous: inclined to believe readily

20 ROOT STUDY chron: time  Examples:  Chronology: the study of time

21 ROOT STUDY dic: speak  Examples:  Contradict: to express the opposite of

22 ROOT STUDY path: feeling, suffering  Examples:  Apathy: a lack of feeling or interest

23 ROOT STUDY spec, spic: to see, observe, look  Examples:  Circumspect: cautious, looking all around  Conspicuous: easy to notice

24 ROOT STUDY tract: pull, drag  Examples:  Attract: to pull objects nearer

25 SUFFIX STUDY -ful: full of  Examples:  Helpful: full of help

26 SUFFIX STUDY -ion, -sion, -tion: act of; state or quality of Examples:  Comprehension: the act of comprehending

27 SUFFIX STUDY -y: being or having the quality of  Examples:  Curly: having the quality of curls

28 SUFFIX STUDY -ly: like or in a _________ manner  Examples:  Quickly: in a quick manner

29 SUFFIX STUDY -er: one who ___________; more  Examples:  Teacher: one who teaches  Smaller: more small

30 SUFFIX STUDY -ness: the state or quality of  Examples:  Happiness: the state of being happy

31 SUFFIX STUDY -able: able to  Examples:  reachable: able to be reached

32 SUFFIX STUDY -cide: to kill or cut  Examples:  Pesticide: to kill pests

33 SUFFIX STUDY -en: to make  Examples:  Lighten: to make light

34 SUFFIX STUDY -est: most  Examples:  Highest: the most high

35 SUFFIX STUDY -ice: act of, time of  Examples:  Service: the act of serving

36 SUFFIX STUDY -less: without  Examples:  Hopeless: without hope

37 SUFFIX STUDY -let: little  Examples:  Droplet: a little drop of something

38 SUFFIX STUDY -logy, -ology: study of  Examples:  Biology: the study of life

39 SUFFIX STUDY -ment: state, quality, act  Examples:  Commitment: the state of being committed

40 SUFFIX STUDY -or: one who  Examples:  Creator: one who creates

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