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Root word review Are you able to:

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1 Root word review Are you able to:
Recite the definition of each root/prefix/suffix? Give an example of a word that uses each root/prefix/suffix? Use the example in a sentence, showing the meaning of the root? Create a mnemonic device for each root – one that works for you?

2 Anthrop human, man Anthropology

3 belligerent, bellicose
war (or, war-like) belligerent, bellicose

4 brief, brevity, abbreviate
short brief, brevity, abbreviate

5 credo, credit, credulous, credibility, credible
believe credo, credit, credulous, credibility, credible

6 Culpa guilt culpability, culprit

7 dermatologist, epidermis, hypodermic
skin dermatologist, epidermis, hypodermic

8 deduce, induce, conduct, induct, conductor
Duc/duct Lead or pull deduce, induce, conduct, induct, conductor

9 Ego self egotist, egomaniac

10 factory, manufacture, benefactor
to make, or to do factory, manufacture, benefactor

11 judicial, justice, jury, adjudicate
Jud/jur/jus judge judicial, justice, jury, adjudicate

12 lucid, elucidate, illuminate
Luc/lum light lucid, elucidate, illuminate

13 Mega great or large Megalopolis, megabyte

14 Ocu eye Ocular, binoculars

15 orthodontist, orthodox,
straight, or correct orthodontist, orthodox, orthopedic

16 Poly Many Polygon, polygamy

17 Rect straight, upright rectangle, rectify

18 theology, monotheistic, polytheistic, atheism
The/theo god, deity theology, monotheistic, polytheistic, atheism

19 Urb city suburb, urban

20 Vir man, manliness virtue, virtuoso, virus

21 vacation, vacuum, vacant
empty vacation, vacuum, vacant

22 antecedent, ante-bellum, antechamber
Prefixes Ante before antecedent, ante-bellum, antechamber

23 Counterproductive, counterstrike
against Counterproductive, counterstrike

24 dysfunctional, dysentery
ill, bad dysfunctional, dysentery

25 hypersensitive, hyperactive
over hypersensitive, hyperactive

26 Inter between interstate, intervene

27 Introspective, intrastate, intramural
Intra/intro within Introspective, intrastate, intramural

28 microscope, microbe, microeconomics
small microscope, microbe, microeconomics

29 pseudonym, pseudoscience
false pseudonym, pseudoscience

30 Transatlantic, transcontinental, transient
across Transatlantic, transcontinental, transient

31 brotherhood, sisterhood, knighthood, neighborhood
Suffixes Hood the property of being brotherhood, sisterhood, knighthood, neighborhood

32 dramatic, scientific, linguistics
having to do with dramatic, scientific, linguistics

33 Purify, humidify, solidify
Ify/if to make, or to become Purify, humidify, solidify

34 biology, geology, etymology
study of biology, geology, etymology

35 exposure, rupture, legistlature
state of, or act of exposure, rupture, legistlature

36 Root word review Are you able to:
Recite the definition of each root/prefix/suffix? Give an example of a word that uses each root/prefix/suffix? Use the example in a sentence, showing the meaning of the root? Create a mnemonic device for each root – one that works for you?

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