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Contracting Authorities and Structures
Learning Objectives Terminal Objectives Enabling Objectives
Explain the role and responsibilities of a contracting officer in a contingency contracting environment Enabling Objectives Define contingency contracting Describe how contracting authority is delegated in a joint contingency contracting environment Compare various contracting support structures
What is Contingency Contracting?
The term ‘Contingency Contracting’ means All stages of the process of acquiring property or services by DoD during a Contingency Operation in the United States (CONUS) or outside the United States (OCONUS) ‘Contingency Operation’ [10 U.S.C. 101(a)(13)] means a military operation that: Designated by the Secretary of Defense when armed forces are or may become involved in military actions, operations, or hostilities against an enemy of the U.S. or against an opposing military force; or Results in the call or order to, or retention on, active duty of members of the uniformed services under… United States Code, or any other provision of law during a war or during a national emergency declared by the President or Congress.
Contingency Terminology
In addition to “Contingency Operation”, other terminology associated with contingency contracting includes: Defense or recovery from certain attacks “facilitate defense against or recovery from nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack” Agency head may make this determination if not already done so by higher authority Incidents of national significance, emergency declaration, or major disaster declaration Declared by the President or Congress Humanitarian or Peacekeeping Operation
Lines of Authority Command Authority Contracting Authority COMMAND
Historical Perspective ~ 2009
Contracting Authority Command Authority SecDef SecArmy SAF USD (AT&L) CENTCOM ASA (ALT) SAF(AQ) Head of Contracting Activities (HCA) CJTF-101 MNF-I Defense Contracting Agencies DCMA JCC-I/A USACE ACC AMC AFMC DLA DCAA PARC-I PARC-A Weapon Systems Support GRD/AED LOGCAP AFCEE 6
Geographic Combatant Commands
Unified Combatant Commands
Secretary of Defense Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Unified Combatant Commands Geographical Combatant Commands US European Command EUCOM US Africa Command AFRICOM US Central Command CENTCOM US Pacific Command PACOM US Southern Command SOUTHCOM US Northern Command NORTHCOM Functional Combatant Commands US Strategic Command STRATCOM US Transportation Command TRANSCOM US Special Operations Command SOCOM
CCO’s Authority Contracting Officers (KOs), pursuant to FAR 1.602, are the only personnel authorized to enter into, administer, or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings. KOs may bind the government only to the extent of the authority delegated to them KOs shall receive from the appointing authority clear instructions in writing regarding the limits of their authority SF 1402 is “the Warrant” In the Operational Area, contracting authority flows from Congress to the President, then to the Secretary of Defense, through the Service Agency Head, to the Head of Contracting Activity (HCA) and then to Senior Contracting Official (SCO) to the Contracting Officer.
AFRICOM - Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart, GE
USAFRICOM AFRICOM - Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart, GE Air Force Army Navy Marines Special Ops U.S. Air Forces Africa (USAFAF) U.S. Army Africa (USARAF) Naval Forces Africa (NAVAF) U.S. Marine Corps Forces Africa (MARFORAF) U.S. Special Operations Command Africa (SOCAFRICA) Third AF HQ at Ramstein Air Base, GE Operating from Vicenza, Italy, U.S. HQ Naples, Italy Personnel shared with U.S. Naval Forces Europe Sixth Fleet Located in Stuttgart, Germany shared U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe Co-located with U.S. Africa Command at Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart, GE Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti.
USPACOM PACOM – Camp H.M. Smith, HI Air Force Army Navy Marines
Special Ops U.S. Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) U.S. Army Pacific Command (USARPAC) U.S. Pacific Fleet Marine Forces Pacific (MARFORPAC) Special Operations Command, Pacific (SOCPAC) Fifth Air Force - Japan Seventh Air Force - Korea Eleventh Air Force - Alaska Thirteenth Air Force - Hawaii 25th ID - HI and AK 94th Army Air and Missile Defense Command -HI and Kadena Air Base, Japan US Army Alaska US Army Japan 9th Regional Support Command (USAR) Pearl Harbor, HI Third Fleet - California Seventh Fleet - Japan 1st Marine Expeditionary Force - California 3rd Marine Expeditionary Force - Japan Camp H. M. Smith, Oahu, HI Major subordinate commands: U.S. Forces, Japan (Yokota AB, near Tokyo) U.S. Forces, Korea (Yongsan Army Garrison, Seoul) Alaskan Command (Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage) Standing Joint Task Force: Joint Interagency Task Force West (Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii) Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (Hickam AFB, Hawaii) Joint Task Force-Homeland Defense (Ft. Shafter, Hawaii) Joint Task Force 510 Joint Special Operation Task Force – Philippines
CENTCOM - MacDill Air Force Base, FL
USCENTCOM CENTCOM - MacDill Air Force Base, FL Air Force Army Navy Marines Special Ops U.S. Air Forces Central (AFCENT) U.S. Army Forces Central Command (ARCENT) U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (USNAVCENT) U.S. Marine Forces Central Command (USMARCENT) Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT) Ninth Air Force, HQ Shaw Air Force Base, SC HQ at Shaw Air Force Base, SC 3rd Army Fifth Fleet, HQ at Naval Support Activity Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain HQ at Camp Pendleton, CA HQ at MacDill Air Force Base, FL Major subordinate multiservice commands: United States Forces – Iraq (decommissioned) International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) NATO (Formerly: Combined Forces Command Afghanistan).
EUCOM – Stuttgart, Germany
USEUCOM EUCOM – Stuttgart, Germany Air Force Army Navy Marines Special Ops United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) United States Army Europe (USAEUR) United States Naval Forces Europe (NAVEUR) United States Marine Corps Forces Europe (MARFOREUR) Special Operations Command, Europe (SOCEUR) Third Air Force - Ramstein Air Base, GE Wiesbaden, GE V Corps: Wiesbaden, GE Additional units Sixth Fleet - Naples, Italy Navy Region Europe - Naples, Italy Stuttgart, GE Additional supporting units: George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies (Garmisch, Germany) NATO School (Oberammergau, Germany) Joint Analysis Center (RAF Molesworth, Huntingdonshire, UK
USSOUTHCOM SOUTHCOM – Doral, FL Air Force Army Navy Marines
Special Ops United States Air Forces South (AFSOUTH) United States Army South (ARSOUTH) United States Naval Forces Southern Command (COMUSNAVSO) United States Marine Corps Forces South (MARFORSOUTH) Special Operations Command, South (USSOCSOUTH) Twelfth Air Force – Davis-Monthan Air Base, AZ Fort Sam Houston, TX Fourth Fleet – Mayport Naval Base, FL Miami/Doral, FL Homestead Air Reserve Base, FL Additional supporting units: Joint Task Force Bravo – Sota Cano Air Base, Honduras Joint Task Force Guantanamo – Cuba Joint Interagency Task Force South – Florida Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies – D.C.
USNORTHCOM NORTHCOM – Peterson AFB, CO Air Force Army Navy Marines Special Ops United States Air Forces North (AFNORTH) United States Army North (ARNORTH) United States Fleet Forces Command (USFF) United States Marine Corps Forces North (MARFORNORTH) Special Operations Command, NORTH First Air Force – Tyndall Air Force Base, FL Fifth Army, Fort Sam Houston, TX Fourth Fleet – Mayport Naval Base, FL Operational in 2014 Standing Joint Task Force (previously assigned to USJFCOM): Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region Joint Task Force Alaska Joint Task Force Civil Support Joint Task Force North
USSOCOM SOCOM – MacDill AFB, FL Air Force Army Navy Marines
United States Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC) United States Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC) Hurlburt Field, FL Fort Bragg, NC San Diego, CA Camp Lejeune, NC Sub-unified command: Joint Special Operations Command Special Operations Research, Development and Acquisition Center Acquisition Executive – Warrant Authority USSOCOM has their own Warranting Authority!
United States Air Force Air Mobility Command United States Army Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Military Sealift Command Joint Enabling Capabilities Command Scott AFB, IL Washington D.C. and Norfolk, VA Norfolk, VA TRANSCOM is always a supporting command and like SOCOM, they have their own Warranting Authority.
Contracting Support Structures
In-Theater Contracting Organizations - Options Single-Service Logistics Support (SSLS): service component provides “ALL” contracting support required for their service component. Lead Service for Contracting Coordination (LSCC): common contract requirements or logistic classes, and scarce services are coordinated and assigned through formal action (JCSB). Lead Service for Contracting (LSC): tied to common user logistics, most capable service contracting, or BOS integration. Joint Theater Support Contracting Command (JTSCC): centralizes both command and contracting authority of service contracting organization personnel. The joint contracting support board (JCSB) is primary mechanism to coordinate and de-conflict contracting actions within a designated operational area, normally a joint operations area (JOA) The joint requirements review board (JRRB) is primary mechanism to review, validate, prioritize and approve selected service component contract support requests
Support Structure Considerations
Decision Factors Include but not Limited To Size, primary mission, expected duration of the joint operation Scope, criticality & complexity of theater support contracting requirements Need for enhanced JFC control of theater support contracting mission Location of supported units compared to available commercial vendor base Dominant user and most capable Service considerations May not be the same Service in any given operation A designated lead Service or Joint Contracting Command would normally only have coordinating authority over Service component external support contracting organizations and DCMA ACOs. These organizations, in general, have no authority over system support contracts.
Support Structure Synopsis
Service Component Support to Own Forces During smaller-scale operations with expected short duration Bulk of the units will be operating in distinctly different areas of the JOA Limited potential competition for the same vendor base Lead Service Contracting Coordination Economies of scale and efficiencies Different industrial base within operational area Lead Service for Contracting Major, long-term operations JFC wants a consolidated contracting effort within the operational area Joint Theater Support Contracting Command Larger or more complex contingency operations Mission is long-term duration JFC requires more oversight Extremely complex operation that requires direct control of theater support contracting by the JFC commander Mission beyond the capability of a single Service Mission that requires significant coordination of contracting and civil-military aspects the JFC's campaign plan Significant numbers of different Service forces operating in same area/joint bases served by the same local vendor base
Support Structure Design
Oct 2008, p 140
Contracting Chain Nomenclature
Head of Contracting Activity (HCA) Senior Contracting Official (SCO) Equates to PARC (Principle Assistant Responsible for Contracting) in the Army Regional Contracting Chief (RCC) or Chief of Contracting Office (COCO) Contingency Contracting Officer (CCO) Field Ordering Officer (FOO) and Ordering Officer (OO) Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR)
Warrant Application - Example
Some of you may currently be warranted KOs Likely use same warrant if supporting exercise/operation in support of your service/agency If supporting joint operation, expect to apply/reapply for a warrant What documents/information is needed to apply? Copies of DAWIA certificates, course completion certificates Proof of education, experience Copies of previous warrants held, if any Endorsement(s) from your contracting leadership
Practical Exercise Who is YOUR
Command Authority and Contracting Authority in a Contingency Environment?
Commonly Used Back-Up Slides
Historical Perspective - JCC-I/A
Service Component Contingency Contracting Capabilities
Army Service Component Contingency Contracting Capabilities Has an integrated approach to a theater support contracting structure Core of officers and NCO’s trained as contingency contracting officers are part of the Contracting Support Brigades (CSBs) CSBs made up of contingency contracting battalions, senior contingency contracting teams and contingency contracting teams CSB commanders responsible for training and readiness of their subordinate units to support, in coordination with the Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB’s), contracting planning efforts at the Army Service component and senior Army logistic command levels The Army's modular contracting units train and deploy as a unit and provide general (vice direct) support in order to better meet and address contingency operation requirements
Army Material Command & ACC
AMC Commanding General ASA(ALT) DCS for Logistics G-4 HCA DASA (P&P) DCG USAR Army Contracting* Command (ACC) Liaison Officers (LNOs) DCG ARNG AMC LCMCs/MSCs HCA HCA HCA Expeditionary* Contracting Command LOGCAP Program Directorate Mission & Installation Contracting Command Acquisition Centers TACOM CECOM AMCOM Arsenal JM&L RDECOM ASC OPM – SANG Acq. Mgt. Division SDDC From To Contracting** Support Brigade (x4) (x7) Contingency Contracting Battalion Enterprise and Installations (x3) (x8)*** Sr Contingency Contracting Teams * ACC & ECC Deployable ** Also performs OCONUS Installation Support *** USASOC 1 CCBn / 5 CCTs Head of Contracting Activity (HCA) Authority LOGCAP & Contractors Accompanying the Force Policy Note: MTOE Structure Includes: ARNG; 272 spaces & USAR; 98 spaces (3 CCBns, 8 SCCTs, 56 CCTs) (x7) (x10) Regional Contracting Centers (x5) ITEC4 Contracting Center of Excellence Contingency Contracting Teams (x30) (x78)*** Directorate of Contracting (x36)
ECC Alignment & Support Relationship
AFRICOM Africa Command CENTCOM Central Command CONUS Continental United States CSB Contracting Support Brigade ESC Expeditionary Sustainment Command EUCOM European Command EUSA Eighth US Army NORTHCOM Northern Command PACOM Pacific Command SETAF Southern European Task Force SOUTHCOM Southern Command TSC Theater Sustainment Command USARCENT US Army Central USAREUR US Army Europe USARNORTH US Army North USARSO US Army South USFK US Forces Korea CENTCOM 1st TSC KUWAIT USARCENT 408thCSB Kuwait EUCOM 21st TSC EUROPE USAREUR * 409thCSB EUSA 19th ESC KOREA USFK 411thCSB Korea NORTHCOM SOUTHCOM USARSO USARNORTH 167th TSC CONUS 377th TSC 412thCSB Ft. Sam Houston AFRICOM SETAF 410thCSB USARPAC 8th TSC PACOM 413thCSB Hawaii
Army Tactical Structure
Additional Unit Types
Service Component Contingency Contracting Capabilities
Air Force Service Component Contingency Contracting Capabilities Has a large and well trained theater support contracting capability USAF meets theater support contracting needs by: Developing military contracting professionals, enlisted and officer, who are anticipated to spend the majority of their career in this field Augmenting home-base contracting experience with contingency training, exercises, and deployments Organizing almost all military personnel for potential deployment using flexible, modular skills packages called Unit Type Codes (UTCs) Employing UTCs and individual augmenters in a predictable, structured, managed Air Expeditionary Force (AEF) deployment process
Air Force Contracting
Air Force Tactical Structure
Legend: Command Authority Contracting Authority The Numbered Air Force is the Service Component to the Combatant Commands MAJCOM AFICA OL Numbered Air Force Wings Maintenance Group Mission Support Group Medical Group Security Forces Group OPS Group Contracting Squadron CCOs X 2-10+
Service Component Contingency Contracting Capabilities
Navy Service Component Contingency Contracting Capabilities The Navy does not maintain a dedicated contingency contracting force Contingency contracting capability is based on two principles: Naval officers and civilians, assigned to field contracting and systems acquisitions commands performing contracting functions, are deployed as contingency contracting officers as operations dictate Leverages the network (Husbanding Contractors) that provides global logistics support to maritime and expeditionary forces operating worldwide to create a scalable and multi-level response to real world situations The Navy Civil Engineer Corps is responsible for contingency construction contracting. Civil Engineers are warranted separately via Navy Facilities Systems Command (NAVFAC)
Navy Contracting Support
Naval Special Warfare Command Naval Facilities Engineering Command Naval Supply Systems Command Special Warfare Group One Special Warfare Group Two Special Warfare Group Four Special Warfare Development Group NAVFAC Atlantic Northwest, Mid-Atlantic, Southwest, Southeast, Midwest, Europe Africa Southwest Asia, Washington NAVFAC Pacific Hawaii, Marianas, Far East Global Logistics Support (GLS) FLC Norfolk FLC Jacksonville FLC San Diego FLC Puget Sound FLC Pearl Harbor FLC Yokosuka FLC Sigonella FLC = Fleet Logistic Center Does not represent Contracting units that execute System Support Contracts (NAVSEA, NAVAIR, and ONR, etc.) Navy Expeditionary Contracting Command 35
Service Component Contingency Contracting Capabilities
Marines Service Component Contingency Contracting Capabilities Have increased their cadre of Officer and Enlisted personnel trained to conduct contingency contracting Uniformed contingency contracting personnel deploy as part of a MAGTF The MAGTF contracting section develops a contract support plan as part of the overall logistic support plan that includes the number of personnel to be deployed Generally, the Marine Corps does not deploy civilian contracting professionals in support of contingency operations Marine Corps contracting officers do not contract for construction The MAGTF is by design a self sustaining force, including their contingency contracting capabilities
Marines Contracting Structure
Marines Tactical Structure
Marine Expeditionary Force Ground Divisions Air Wings Other Major Claimants Regiments x 3 CCOs x 8 Groups x 2 or More Battalions x 2 or More Squadrons x 2 or More Companies x 4
US Marines Field Offices
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