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Introduction to Process Models Emerson Murphy-Hill.

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1 Introduction to Process Models Emerson Murphy-Hill

2 Software Poses Challenges ● How do we ensure the quality of the software we produce? ● How do we meet growing demand and still maintain budget control? ● How do we avoid disastrous time delays? ● How do we successfully institute new software technologies?

3 Graphic © Pressman A Layered Technology Software Engineering a “quality” focus process model methods tools

4 The Process Model: Adaptability ● the framework activities will always be applied on every project... BUT ● the tasks (and degree of rigor) for each activity will vary based on: o the type of project (an “entry point” to the model) o characteristics of the project o common sense judgment o concurrence of the project team

5 Process Models ● A process model models the desired phases or activities for a project ● Application o Following a pre-specified model, a project should increase the quality of its process and ultimately the product  Repeatability  Manageability  Measurability o Interim work products are more clearly defined and justified  Design documents and plans o Activities are less likely to be forgotten

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