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Data to be released after chamber annual meeting and Methodology Statement.

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Presentation on theme: "Data to be released after chamber annual meeting and Methodology Statement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data to be released after chamber annual meeting and Methodology Statement

2 Nearly Two-Thirds Have Heard of Right- to-Work Laws Turning to some other issues, have you heard of state laws called right- to-work or “open-shop” laws?

3 Gallup Poll, August 2014 For or Against: Right-to-Work Laws As you may or may not know, some states have passed right-to-work or open shop laws that say each worker has the right to hold a job in a company, no matter whether he joins a labor union or not. If you were to vote on such a law would you vote for it or against it?

4 Many West Virginians Believe Workers Should Not be Required to Join a Labor Union Mr. Smith says that no American should be required to join a private organization, like a labor union, against their will. Mr. Jones says that all workers share in the gains won by the labor union, all workers should have to join and pay dues to give the union financial support.

5 Methodology Statement Results of this edition of The West Virginia Poll® are based on interviews conducted between August 19-30, 2015 with a sample of 400 West Virginia residents age 18 and over. Multiple data collection methods have been used to conduct the Poll including random digit dialing (RDD), landline phone, cell phone, and opt-in Internet panel. Each data collection method has strengths and weakness. Respondents were screened and qualified to participate in the Poll. Screening qualifications included West Virginia residency, current voter registration, and claimed likelihood to vote in the 2016 general election. While it is not appropriate to apply a margin of error to the interviews completed online, statistical tests of significance were used between segments at the 95% confidence level. This method yields an estimated statistical error for each question asked and an overall statistical error of +/- 4.9 percentage points. The purpose of the West Virginia Poll is to provide a snapshot of opinion and timely voter views in the Mountain State. The media sponsor of The West Virginia Poll is MetroNews, the statewide radio network owned by West Virginia Radio Corporation. REPASS is responsible for questionnaire design, the respondent screening and selection process, data tabulation, statistical analysis, and reporting of results. Interviewing is conducted by the firm’s data collection partner, McMillion Research Services. All data collection is conducted from the firm’s Charleston, West Virginia data collection facilities for telephone, Internet, and mobile surveys. Both the REPASS and McMillion firms are members of the Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO). Data as reported has been statistically weighted based by estimates of voter participation by age, party affiliation, and gender. The West Virginia Poll is a non-partisan survey of public opinion owned and conducted by Repass. The West Virginia Poll has been conducted periodically since January 21, 1980 and reported by sponsored by statewide media organization. The name The West Virginia Poll is a registered trademark of REPASS, all rights reserved.

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