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English Colonization English America from 1500-1733.

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2 English Colonization English America from 1500-1733

3 England gets in on the act 1600 Most of North America remained largely unexplored by the Europeans. 1530’s Launching of the English Protestant Reformation. (Henry VIII) The Irish problem. Queen Elizabeth as a factor.

4 Extent Founded 10 colonies along the northern Atlantic seaboard and formed three colonies out the former Dutch New Netherlands. These became the original 13 colonies.

5 Motives of the English Settlers RELIGIOUS Henry establishes the Anglican church in 1534. Catholics, dissenting Protestants, Puritans, and Quakers, suffered discrimination and sometimes persecution. Religious freedom in the New World?

6 Political motives England had considerable political unrest in the 17th century. Fights between the Stuart kings and Parliament. Civil war (1642-1645) Cromwell’s Puritan military dictatorship. Wanted to escape gov’t tyranny and unrest.

7 Economic 16th and 17th century, English lords fenced their land for sheep pastures. Forced out tenant farmers. Forced to move to the city where unemployment was high. Debtors prisons. A chance for a fresh start in the New World.

8 Motives of the English Government England as a world power. Conflict with Spain. 1588. Drake and the other “sea dogs” defeat the Spanish Armada. (with a little help from the wind!)

9 Economic benefits England accepted the mercantilist doctrine. Colonies serve to enrich the mother country. Colonies would assure raw materials for English manufacturers, trade for English merchants and revenues for the English treasury.

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