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The Holy Spirit: OT (2) Pneumatology. Difference A. Jesus specifically and repeatedly announced the coming of the Spirit at the last supper (Jn 15.26,

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Presentation on theme: "The Holy Spirit: OT (2) Pneumatology. Difference A. Jesus specifically and repeatedly announced the coming of the Spirit at the last supper (Jn 15.26,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Holy Spirit: OT (2) Pneumatology

2 Difference A. Jesus specifically and repeatedly announced the coming of the Spirit at the last supper (Jn 15.26, 16.7-8, 13) B. We know from the preceding points that the Spirit was active during the OT period C. The Lord’s summary of the contrast: abiding with vs. residing in (Jn 14.17)

3 Nature of Work: OT A. The Spirit was in certain people: Joseph (Gen 41.38); Joshua (Num 27.18); Daniel (Dan. 4:8; 5:11– 14; 6:3) B. The Spirit came upon some people: Balaam (Num 24.2); Othniel (Jdg 3.10 & others); Saul (1 Sam 10.10) and others C. The Spirit filled Bezalel (Ex 31.3, 35.31)

4 Extent of OT work: Israel-centric a. Presence and guidance (Neh. 9:20; Isa. 63:10–11, 14) b. Varied among individuals (Num 11.29) c. Bare hints at the Spirit’s work outside Israel (Gen 6.3)

5 Extent of OT work: Only certain ministry a. No general conviction of sin, as in NT b. No indwelling and empowering, as after Pentecost (Jn 7.37-39) c. No sealing and no baptizing (Ac 1.5 – still future)

6 Extent of OT work: Duration  Spirit empowered Samson (Jdg 13.25) and left Samson (Jdg 16.20)  Spirit came upon Saul (1 Sam 10.10) and left Saul (1 Sam 16.14)

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