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The FH Foundation Cat Davis Ahmed Director of Outreach.

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1 The FH Foundation Cat Davis Ahmed Director of Outreach


3 Family history + High Cholesterol* = Familial Hypercholesterolemia * LDL-C > 190 mg/dL in Adults * LDL-C > 160 mg/dL in Children

4 30

5 Why does the diagnosis matter?



8 Title Goes Here The FH Foundation is a patient- centered nonprofit organization, dedicated to education, advocacy and research of Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH). Our mission is to raise awareness of FH and save lives by increasing the rate of early diagnosis and encouraging proactive treatment. The FH Foundation

9 The FH Foundation Website

10 CASCADE FH 1.PROMOTE AWARENESS OF FH at both the patient and provider levels. 1.IDENTIFY AND ENROLL FH PATIENTS through clinic-based, community-based, and family-based screening initiatives. 1.EVALUATE PATTERNS OF REAL-WORLD CLINICAL PRACTICE AND PATIENT EXPERIENCES 1.CONTRIBUTE TO THE STATE OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE OF FH 2.IMPROVE HEALTH OUTCOMES, quality of life, and impact policy decisions. CAscade SCreening for Awareness and DEtection of FH Registry

11 What can you do? 90% of people with FH are undiagnosed. We need your help to Find FH. Incorporate FH into your cholesterol-related programs. Encourage universal cholesterol screening. Contribute to FH research by building the CASCADE FH Registry. Invite an FH Advocate to speak. Tweet and Post to raise awareness #KnowFH.

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