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Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 1 Taikan Suehara (Kyushu University) ILC detectors.

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Presentation on theme: "Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 1 Taikan Suehara (Kyushu University) ILC detectors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 1 Taikan Suehara (Kyushu University) ILC detectors

2 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 2 Electroweak production – Predictable process – Low background ILC sales points (cf. LHC) 4-Momentum conservation – One more constraints High resolution detector(s)

3 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 3 1.Quark flavor tagging capability –High S/N ratio in b-tagging –Ability of c-tagging 2.Momentum resolution of tracks 3.Jet energy resolution by Particle Flow Specialty of ILC detectors Vertex Tracking Calorimeter

4 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 4ILD ILD is larger than SiD Components: Vertex Silicon tracking (SIT/SET/ETD/FTD) Gas TPC ECAL/HCAL/FCAL (finely segmented) SC Coil (3.5 Tesla) Muon in Iron Yoke International Large Detector

5 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 5SiD Compact  cheaper Silicon vertex/track/ECAL Components: Vertex Silicon tracker (no gas) ECAL/HCAL/FCAL (finely segmented) SC Coil (5 Tesla) Muon Silicon Detector Similar concept

6 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 6 Simulation framework Event generator (whizard, physsim, etc.) Detector Simulation (geant4 based: Mokka/SLIC) Reconstruction (Marlin/org.lcsim) Analysis (cuts, MVAs, fits...) particles  hits hits  particles models  particles particles  models stdhep file LCIO file LCIO file, ROOT file

7 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 7LCIO

8 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 8 Quark flavor tagging with vertex detector

9 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 9 Vertex detector: design Target: 5  m position resolution for high-p tracks within high background environment b hadrons: c  ~ 400  m c hadrons: c  ~ 100  m  : c  = 87  m BSM quasi-stables ILD: 3 double layers SiD: 5 single layers Both at r=14-15 to 60 mm e+ e- e+ e-   beam background

10 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 10 Vertex detector: technologies Many hits overlaid – pixel detector! ILC beam: 1300 bunches with 300 nsec interval Two options: Faster readout (to reduce bunches to be overlaid) CMOS-type, SOI, 3D, MAPS, etc. Smaller pixels (to reduce occupancies by hits) Fine pixel CCD (bonus: better resolution) Technologies developing Vertex detector is the last to be installed - options can be delayed for ~ 5 years

11 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 11 Faster readout: many techs. CMOS: readout in 32  s (~ every 100 bunches) with 20 x 20  m pixels DEPFET: will be used in Belle2 Chronopixel: aims to specify bunch on every hits 20 x 20  m pixels 3D sensor in development

12 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 12 Fine Pixel CCD 5 x 5  m pixel (goal), 6 x 6  m (current) occupancy will be < 3% at 250 & 500 GeV after integrating all bunches in a train Readout: OK (6 x 6  m with larger horizontal shift register) 50  m thickness is realized Full well capacity (~6K electrons) is not satisfactory Beam test planned  cancelled due to J-PARC accident Neutron damage test done at CYRIC (Tohoku)  measuring CO2 two phase cooling: to be tested KEK, Tohoku, Shinshu + Hamamatsu

13 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 13 Expected Performance ILD < 5  m impact parameter resolution with 20  m pixels 1-2  m impact parameter resolution with 5  m pixels

14 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 14 Vertex finder IP Secondary vertex Single track vertex (nearest point) Vertex-IP line track D  Incorporated in LCFIPlus package Build-up method is used for secondary vertex finder Does not require jet direction (avoid jet ambiguity)  better in multi-jet environments (ZHH etc.) Single track can be used to be assigned to second vertex to identify b-c cascade decay

15 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 15 Flavor tagging b-tag c-tag In LCFIPlus package Multivariate analysis (BDT) Separated by # of vertices Vertex position/mass/tracks Impact parameters of tracks ~ 20 variables c-tag depends on vertex resolution

16 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 16 Momentum resolution of tracks with main tracker (silicon/TPC)

17 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 17 Requirements High momentum resolution Low material Two approaches Silicon-only tracking (SiD) Silicon + TPC (ILD) Tracker: design & requirement Both gives similar performance & cost

18 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 18 Time Projection Chamber (+ Silicon) Pros Continuous tracking good for non-pointing tracks and dense tracks dE/dx capability (not yet taken into account in the simulation) 2ns topological time stamping with inner silicon strips (two layers in baseline) Issues/Cons Field distortion by ions from gas amplification  ‘gating’ Cathode plane at z=0 worse spatial resolution (but we have inner silicon)

19 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 19 TPC amplification & readout track at test beam GEM Micromegas

20 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 20 Mainly traditional silicon strip –no active development Readout chip is the same as ECAL in SiD – KPiX – bump-bonded to the sensors –Test sensor made –Time stamping at the chip – stored to outside between trains Silicon tracking

21 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 21 Resolution / material ILDSiD

22 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 22 ILD tracking (sorry, for SiD I have no info) Standalone Silicon tracking (VTX + SIT) –Kalman filter (partially) – now improving –Cellular automaton also now being developed TPC tracking (Clupatra) –Kalman filter Combining Silicon + TPC tracking Tracking software tracking efficiency of tt  6 jet events

23 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 23 Jet energy resolution with particle flow calorimetry

24 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 24 Particle flow calorimetry Separate each particle in jet DetectorFractionResolution Charged ParticleTracker~ 60%0.1% / p T sin  (GeV) for each PhotonECAL~ 30%15% /  E (GeV) Neutral HadronHCAL~ 10%60% /  E (GeV) ILC CalorimetryAll30% /  E (GeV) PFA simulation Performance of particle flow calorimetry depends on Mis-clustering  highly granular calorimeter (esp. ECAL) Energy resolution of neutral hadrons  HCAL Jet clustering dominates in many-jet (6-, 8-jet) final states

25 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 25 Starting at r~1.8m (ILD)/1.3m (SiD) ECAL granularity: 5 mm adopted (both) –Optimized (roughly) by PFA –apparently the cost driver (with magnet) ECAL thickness: 15-20 cm –25 X 0 HCAL granularity: 1-3 cm HCAL thickness: ~100 cm –6 interaction length Calorimeter: design

26 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 26ECAL SiECAL ScECAL Absorber: W 2-2.5 mm thick maybe thicker in outer layers Readout several options: Silicon ECAL Scintillator ECAL with SiPM MAPS (digital readout, 50 x 50  m pixel)

27 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 27 Strip scintillator/clustering Scintillator strip (5 x 45 mm) is proposed instead of tiles for ECAL Layering horizontal and vertical strips may come to similar resolution as 5 x 5 mm tiles Cost is almost half of SiECAL performance close to tile hybrid of SiECAL and ScECAL is also being investigated

28 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 28 Design is almost the same in ILD and SiD Absorber: Fe Detector: 2 options –RPC with digital readout: 1 x 1 cm 2 –Scintillator with analog readout: 3 x 3 cm 2 (strip is not considered now)HCAL

29 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 29PandoraPFA Sophisticated algorithm of track-cluster matching used in ILC community for > 5 years – no substitute

30 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 30 Optimization for particle flow

31 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 31 Jet clustering is the performance driver in many-jet (>=6) final states Usual Durham clustering, using Many ideas, not so successful... –Using reconstructed vertices to be separated good for some cases, used default now –Color-singlet clustering connect jets with more particle between them –Kinematic constrained jet clustering Jet clustering

32 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 32 Other things

33 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 33Magnet/Yoke/Muon

34 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 34 Important to tag t-channel background Used for BSM with forward particles Luminosity meas. Detectors –LumiCal –LHCAL –BeamCal –pair monitor (beam size measurement) (optional) Forward detectors

35 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 35 Two detectors are on platform Change the detector to be used (changing time is assumed to be a week or 2) Experts say it’s possiblePush-pull

36 Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration meeting @ Fukuoka, 23 Oct. 2013 page 36 Novel technologies are adopted to ILC detectors to employ best possible performance Key improvements are –Vertex detector for b/c tagging –Tracker with excellent momentum resolution –PFA calorimeter Detector optimization has now being started, in terms of physics performance.Summary

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