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Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1234 7891011 1415161718 2122232425 28293031 What's New? National School Breakfast Week is March 7 – 11. Celebrate.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1234 7891011 1415161718 2122232425 28293031 What's New? National School Breakfast Week is March 7 – 11. Celebrate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1234 7891011 1415161718 2122232425 28293031 What's New? National School Breakfast Week is March 7 – 11. Celebrate with our NEW Breakfast Cinnamon Crumble on the 10 th ! Let’s hear your crunch on March 10 th #hearthecrunch BREAKFAST Get it to go! Download The Daily Bite to view the menu on your Android or iPhone. Email for your school code! hot omelet w/ cheese Fresh Fruit hot egg and sausage quesadilla Fresh Fruit rf cocoa bops cereal Fresh Fruit blueberry muffin Fresh Fruit rf honey button cereal Fresh Fruit hot cinnamon bagel toast Fresh Fruit hot turkey, cheese & egg english muffin Fresh Fruit hot waffles w/ syrup Juice apple muffin Fresh Fruit yogurt with dick and jane crackers Fresh Fruit hot pancakes w/ syrup Fresh Fruithot bagel sandwich w/ cheese Fresh Fruit hot breakfast buenos dias burrito Juice rf cocoa bops cereal Fresh Fruit rf flurries cereal Fresh Fruit apple muffin Fresh Fruit hot waffles w/ syrup Fresh Fruit hot omelet w/ cheese Juice NO SCHOOL SPRING BREAK Breakfast: choice of 1% or fat-free milk; fresh fruit available daily except when fruit juice is offered once per week. Dairy-free (DF) and vegetarian (V) options available daily – if not listed on the menu, available upon request. This institution is an equal opportunity provider

2 Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1234 7891011 1415161718 2122232425 28293031 What's New? We’re serving not one, not two, but THREE all new, JUMBO meatball lunches for March: Caribbean, Asian, and Italian. Look out for them on March 1 st, 11 th 15 th and 23 rd ! LUNCH K-12 Get it to go! Download The Daily Bite to view the menu on your Android or iPhone. Email for your school’s access *NEW* jumbo italian meatball o three bean salad w/ blanched broccoli cheese lasagna (vg) o sweet potatoes all natural cheeseburger o shredded lettuce/sliced tomatoes w/ ranch chicken potstickers (df) o chilled seasoned green beans sloppy joe(df) o seasoned corn chicken teriyaki w/ brown rice (df) o edamame w/ baby carrots macaroni and cheese with baked beans (vg) o sweet potatoes chicken bites (df) o celery sticks w/ ranch chicken caesar wrap o braised greens ) turkey and cheese sandwich o chilled seasoned green beans *NEW* jumbo caribbean meatball with rice (df) pinto beans w/ blanched broccoli orange chicken rice bowl o sweet potatoes all natural cheeseburger o shredded lettuce/sliced tomatoes w/ ranch chicken taco trio o seasoned corn crispy chicken sandwich (df) o seasoned corn sausage pizza o three bean salad w/ baby carrots chicken ranch wrap o chilled seasoned green beans grilled chicken sandwich (df) o shredded lettuce/sliced tomatoes w/ ranch NO SCHOOL SPRING BREAK Lunch: choice of 1% or fat-free milk; fresh fruit available daily. Dairy-free (DF) and vegetarian (V) options available daily – if not listed on the menu, available upon request. o Vegetable of the day This institution is an equal opportunity provider

3 Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1234 7891011 1415161718 2122232425 28293031 SNACK sunflower seeds goldfish pretzels/fruit zac attack bar apple/fruit (snack) skeeter cinnamon grahams/fruit dick and janes smartblazin hots seeds/fruitskeeter honey grahams/fruit sunflower seeds/carrots/ranch dipperstring cheese/fruit zac attack bar apple/fruit (snack) multigrain rumbles - ranch/fruitstring cheese/fruitmini dipperdoodle (1.3 oz) /fruitgoldfish pretzels/fruit wholegrain goldfish cheese crackers/fruit sunflower seeds/fruitskeeter honey grahams/juicemini dipperdoodle (1.3 oz) /fruitNO SCHOOL SPRING BREAK Snack: fresh fruit available daily except when sunbutter, string cheese, or juice is served. Dairy-free (DF) and vegetarian (V) options available daily – if not listed on the menu, available upon request. This institution is an equal opportunity provider

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