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인하 대학원 홍보 대사 임명식 Appointment Ceremony of Inha Student Ambassador (March 23 rd, 2010)

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1 인하 대학원 홍보 대사 임명식 Appointment Ceremony of Inha Student Ambassador (March 23 rd, 2010)

2 Appointment of Inha Student Ambassador On March 23 rd (Tue), the Graduate School appointed 10 Student Ambassadors from 8 countries in recognition of Inha’s commitment to be a global university. For the smooth operation of the body, the school also appointed Mr. Thakur Prasad Subedi (Nepal) as a Chief Secretary and Pan Bo Xing (China) as an Assistant Secretary.

3 Appointment of Inha Student Ambassador Dr. Chong Ho Lee, the Dean of the Graduate School, awarded the certificates of Ambassadorship to the recipients. After the Certification ceremony, vice-dean of Inha Graduate School, Dr. Chang Hee Nam, welcomed the first Inha University Student Ambassadors and gave few remarks on how to make Inha a true Global university. Followed by vice-dean’s comments, Ms. Kim Ji Hee, briefed about the rules, regulations and responsibilities as a Student Ambassador.

4 Appointment of Inha Student Ambassador These ambassadors are expected to strive to improve the quality of Inha University through professionalism, dedication and direct partnership with their home country institutions. They will further facilitate communication to the prospective students in their home countries by providing relevant information regarding admission, scholarships and life at Inha University.

5 Inha Student Ambassadors (2010. 3. 2 ~ 2010. 8. 31) No.Name Degree Program DepartmentNationality 1 Maria Velle Santos Cuaresma Master's Marine Science & Biological Engineering Philippines 2Amarjargal PansalMaster'sKorean Language EducationMongolia 3Nguyen Thi ThomMaster's Program in Culture Management Vietnam 4Syamsul NurdinMaster'sBusiness AdministrationIndonesia 5Dwivedi Ram PrakashDoctoralGraduate School of IT & TIndia 6Belas Ahmed KhanDoctoralTextile EngineeringBangladesh 7Sher Bahadur RawalDoctoralChemistryNepal 8Su De JinIntegratedBusiness AdministrationChina 9Xu Fei FeiMaster'sConsumer and Child StudiesChina 10Shao Xi RongMaster'sSinologyChina

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