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Operating Systems (CS 340 D) Dr. Abeer Mahmoud Princess Nora University Faculty of Computer & Information Systems Computer science Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Operating Systems (CS 340 D) Dr. Abeer Mahmoud Princess Nora University Faculty of Computer & Information Systems Computer science Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operating Systems (CS 340 D) Dr. Abeer Mahmoud Princess Nora University Faculty of Computer & Information Systems Computer science Department

2 Course  Title: Operating Systems  Code : CS 340 D  Prerequisites: CS 212 D  Credits: lecture 3 + 1 lab = 3 Dr. Abeer Mahmoud 2

3 Topics  This course will introduce you to the field of Operating Systems  Main topics which will be covered:  Introduction to Operating systems.  Processes  Threads  CPU Scheduling Process Dr. Abeer Mahmoud 3

4 Topics  Main topics which will be covered (cont..) :  Process Synchronization  Deadlocks  Memory Management  Virtual Memory  File-System Interface  File-System Implementation  I/O Systems  Mass-Storage Structure Dr. Abeer Mahmoud 4

5 Goals  By the end of the course the students should be able to: Explain the objectives and functions of the operating systems. Identify the notion of a process, and a program in execution. Describe the notion of a thread, CPU Scheduling and deadlocks Analyze and evaluate various Scheduling algorithms Explain the function of file systems. Discuss the benefits of various memory-management techniques, including paging and segmentation. Describe the benefits of a virtual memory system and the physical structure of secondary storage devices Dr. Abeer Mahmoud 5

6  Main Text Book: Books and references: “OPERATING SYSTEM CONCEPTS“, by Abraham Silberschatz and Wesley.- Edition, Addison 8 th Peter Galvin, “ OPERATING SYSTEMS: A DESIGN- ORIENTED APPROACH”, by Charles Crowley, The Latest Edition,McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0256151512. “OPERATING SYSTEMS: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION”, by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Albert S. Woodhull, 2006. Dr. Abeer Mahmoud 6

7 Resources  Course Blog: http://www. Dr. Abeer Mahmoud 7

8 Marks Distribution - Marks distribution is not final and is subject to change. Percentage from overall grade Grade Assessment Week Assessment method (Write an essay - test - a collective project - a final test...) 15%15 7 th week1 st Med Term 15%15 12 th week2 nd Med Term 10%109 th week quiz 10% 10 week Assignments 2rd, 4 th, 6 th, 8 th and 10 th + Attendance (Lab) 10% 10exam 40 After 15 Final exam (Theory) “Two academic hours“. 100 Total Dr. Abeer Mahmoud 8

9 Course Policy  NO bonus  NO makeup quizzes.  NO midterm makeup exams unless: You must bring a medical excuses from a government hospital. + agree on the excuse from department + agree on the excuse from course coordinator Dr. Abeer Mahmoud 9 Then the makeup exam will be in the whole course contents

10 Course Policy (cont..)  Assignments must be completed individually unless specified otherwise.  If groups are permitted, each student should team up with students from the same tutorial section.  Cheating is forbidden. Both parties will be penalized in Minus. Dr. Abeer Mahmoud 10

11 Course Policy (cont..)  Email Communication: Anonymous emails will be ignored. When you send an email, you should use your PNU account and make sure to put “OS 340D " in the subject line and identify yourself with your group code and Student ID in the email message (body).  Late submissions of any course material is not allowed.  It is your responsibility to check the course’s website regularly for any assignments, announcements, etc.. Dr. Abeer Mahmoud 11

12 Thank you Enjoy the Course & never forget to smile Dr. Abeer Mahmoud 12

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