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Responsible Sourcing and Tackling Deforestation Duncan Pollard Sustainability Advisor.

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Presentation on theme: "Responsible Sourcing and Tackling Deforestation Duncan Pollard Sustainability Advisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Responsible Sourcing and Tackling Deforestation Duncan Pollard Sustainability Advisor

2 Nestlé...built on Milk Farm Assessment Tool

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5 Nestlé Actions Suspend Purchases from Golden Agri Introduce a Responsible Purchasing Guideline for Palm Oil & Pulp Protect High Conservation Value Forest Support the Free Prior and Informed Consent of indigenous and local communities to activities on their customary lands where plantations are developed Protect peat lands Protect forests of high carbon value Be derived from plantations and farms that abide by local laws and regulations Partner with The Forest Trust Rethink of Responsible Sourcing 5

6 Traceability Programme For high risk spend categories Audit Programme vs. Nestlé Supplier Code Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Direct engagement with 560,000 farmers Main categories: Milk Coffee Cocoa 2010/2011: 1735 audits of key suppliers (focus on high risk countries)

7 Responsible Sourcing Guidelines

8 Biodiversity Nestlé will ensure that all its raw material sourced from forested areas: Has not led to deforestation Has not led to loss of high conservation values - including high carbon stock soils/forests Complies with the Nestlé Supplier Code - legal, human rights, working practices, & business integrity Creates Shared Value for society and local communities - delivers rural development & small holder benefits - free, prior and informed consent - water stewardship plans Nestlé Position on Deforestation & Forest Stewardship

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