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New Seats! 1.Mason Delan 2.Mady Garcia 3.Jacob Gitin 4.Danielle Johnson 5.Madeleine Loud 6.Kyle Duh-Gapol 7.Gavin Cross 8.Chris Mintz 9.Lea Pistorius 10.Una.

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Presentation on theme: "New Seats! 1.Mason Delan 2.Mady Garcia 3.Jacob Gitin 4.Danielle Johnson 5.Madeleine Loud 6.Kyle Duh-Gapol 7.Gavin Cross 8.Chris Mintz 9.Lea Pistorius 10.Una."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Seats! 1.Mason Delan 2.Mady Garcia 3.Jacob Gitin 4.Danielle Johnson 5.Madeleine Loud 6.Kyle Duh-Gapol 7.Gavin Cross 8.Chris Mintz 9.Lea Pistorius 10.Una Kaufusi 11.Jessica Dickson 12.Jaelen Young 13.Nico Garrido 14.Angel Aguilar 15.Shareen Estremera 16. Kaely Roa 17. Albert Pham 18. Deshan Yapabandara 19. Khoa Tran 20. Emil Wonge 21. Bentley Chen 22. Chase Randolph 23. Katherine McWhinney 24. Paul Inocencio 25. Meg Uyeda 26. Ginger Quijano 27. Max Nelson 29. Antonio Nerio 30. Brian Hong

2 Good Morning!!!! 1.Trains: Beneficial or Detrimental? 2.Four Corners: Debrief Trains Essential Question: Were trains beneficial or detrimental when they were first introduced in England?

3 Big Question! Was the Industrial Revolution really progress, or was it a problem?

4 Controversy! Were railroads beneficial or detrimental to the people of England when they were first introduced? – Beneficial: helpful, useful, a good thing! – Detrimental: harmful, damaging, a bad thing!

5 Team 1: Trains were BENEFICIAL (good)! Team 2: Trains were DETRIMENTAL (bad)! 30 minutes: actively read each document and DISCUSS WITH YOUR TEAMMATE. Does this document support your argument? – TOGETHER construct an ARGUMENT and find THREE QUOTATIONS that support it. Write these down on your graphic organizer 5 min: Team 1 presents, Team 2 listens and takes notes. RESTATES Team 1’s position 5 min: Team 2 presents, Team 1 listens and takes notes. RESTATES Team 2’s position 10 min: CONSENSUS! Abandon your role and discuss. AGREE on and answer to the essential question

6 CHOOO CHOOOO!!! Trains were beneficial Move large amounts of goods and services to parts of the country – Cheap price and fast speed Leisure travel possible for the first time = going on vacations – Travel easier, cheaper and faster Enhanced lives and speediness of time – Fast trains means more time for other stuff (doc A) Revolutionized business, trains bring goods and people to businesses Industrializes the cities through transportation, gets people where they need to go Trains were detrimental Environmental hazard of the century (Doc E) – From country to “filled with dense smoke” Trains were unsafe which led to many deaths (Doc B) – Trains collapse and explode – What good is speed if you die? Poor people burial ground dug up for the railway – Not good for the poor – Existing neighborhoods bulldozed

7 Four Corners Trains were highly beneficial to people in England when they were first introduced. – Strongly Agree – Somewhat Agree – Strongly Disagree – Somewhat Disagree

8 Advertisement: Choose an Invention! Power Loom Telegraph Steam Engine Steam Ship Cotton Gin Light bulb Locomotive 1.You must explain how your invention will make life better for the person who buys it. 2.You must list AT LEAST 3 different reasons your invention is good. 3.You must include a picture AND A SLOGAN! 4.You must mention some of the problems or some of the dangers of your product

9 Trains Advertisement Create an advertisement for Trains in 1850s England! – Include an image and a slogan! – Include three reasons trains are a good thing for society! – Include a disclaimer with at least two warnings and problems that come with trains!

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