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Laboratory of Environmental Psychology CNRS UMR 8069 University of Paris 5 Social representations of comfort in trains Marchand Dorothée Marchand Weiss.

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Presentation on theme: "Laboratory of Environmental Psychology CNRS UMR 8069 University of Paris 5 Social representations of comfort in trains Marchand Dorothée Marchand Weiss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laboratory of Environmental Psychology CNRS UMR 8069 University of Paris 5 Social representations of comfort in trains Marchand Dorothée Marchand Weiss & Karine Weiss

2 The context of the research The problem for the French National Railways Society (SNCF): To improve the feeling of comfort in trains The expressed satisfaction does not reflect technical improvements  To identify the socio-environmental dimensions of comfort  To analyse the social representation of comfort in trains

3 Peripheral system Structural analysis of the social representations Central Core  Identification of the elements of the representation  Analysis of its structure

4 Sample & factors 47 subjects : Sex: Male (22)/Female (25) Stage in life cycle: Students (10)/working population (26)/ retired (11) Fréquency of journeys: occasionnaly (19)/frequently (15) Mobility: normal (40)/handicaped (7) Method Semi-directive interviews Analysis: thematic content analysis – Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) –Similitudes analysis

5 Thematics of the interviews - The journey in trains - The comfort (in general) - The comfort in trains - Space appropriation - Temporality - Social Relationships - Discomfort in trains

6 Content analysis Main thematic groups of items: Occupations Social relationships (positive and negative) Space available Temporality Mobility Eating & drinking & other services Rest & tranquillity Perception of noise Odours & sightseeing Travel & spectacle Security & insecurity Negative points

7 MCA, factors 1-2 Occasional experience Everyday life experience Openess Withdrawal Conviviality Satisfaction « Hedonists » Appropriation Control « Regular customers » Negative points Lack of control « Lonesome stressed » Few items « inexperienced » Factor 1 (36,5%) Factor 2 (17,8%)

8 . Sightseeing Travel To read Good education To choose the seat Good souvenir THE TRAVEL Noise Ostracism NEGATIVE SOCIAL DIMENSION Need of mobility Lack of space SOCIO-SPATIAL DIMENSION Similitudes analysis : people with occasional experience

9 Similitudes analysis : people with regular experience.75 Work Long time perceived Punctuality INDIVIDUAL DIMENSION Tranquillity Personal space To read Space and temporality To sleep Timing. Noise Ostracism Crowding Withdrawal NEGATIVE SOCIAL DIMENSION Sigthseeing Travel The seat THE TRAVEL Available space SOCIO-SPATIAL DIMENSION

10 Conclusions RESULTS: - travel vs. regular journey - Openess vs. Withdrawal  Discomfort: noise, lack of space  Comfort = travel + control  Asymmetry between the representations of comfort and discomfort

11 The structure of the social representation of the comfort in trains Other peripheral elements First peripheral elements: - Noise - Space Central core: Social dimension (control & regulation) Travel

12 The central core of the representation Comfort Discomfort Descriptive dimension: - Noise - Social relationships - Space Normative dimension: Behavioural norms (eg. Respect other people) Behavioural scripts: To control its own personal space To regulate interpersonal distances

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