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GENERATION C Hawai’i International Conference on Education 1.

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1 GENERATION C Hawai’i International Conference on Education 1

2 “Silent Generation”“Baby Boomers” “ Millennial ” “Generation X” “ Greatest Generation ” “Generation Y”“Net Generation” “Echo boomers” “Beat Generation”“Lost Generation”“Google Generation”“I-pod Generation” “Neo-millennials” Generational Names 2

3  Help us group people with like characteristics  Help us define the characteristics of a certain age group  May result is stereotypical ideas about a group of people  Members of a generation often don’t like their “generational name”/attributed characteristics 3

4 What is Generation C?  Not based on a “cohort” – people born within a specific range of years  Under 25, 58+  Based on a set of behaviors  Refers to:  A group of people with a like mindset  Creating/sharing content  Participatory  Creativity 4

5 Generation C  Term comes from advertising  Coined by in 2004 An emphasis on YOU! Source: 5

6 “C”  C stands for many different things: ContentCreativityCommunicationConsumptionConnection Control CelebrityCasual Collapse Cash 6

7 Generation C  Filmmakers  Photographers  Singers  Actors  Writers  Poets  Journalists  Thinkers  Critics 7 ContentConnectionsCommunication

8 Other names for Gen. C  “Chip generation”  Neo-millenials  Google generation  Digital natives/Digital immigrants  NetGen 8

9 Gen. C v “Digital Natives/Immigrants”  Digital natives/Digital immigrants: Those who have grown up with the technology or adapted to using the technology  Gen. C: Digital natives/immigrants “who have an active preference for communication and self- expression” 9

10 Generation C and Web 2.0  Coming together or 2 trends  A group of people who are creative and who have a desire to create content  Tools that make it easy – Web 2.0 technology Use of Web 2.0 technology (such as using Wikipedia) is not the same as content creation 10

11 User-Generated Content  Also called User-Created Content  Needs to be (OECD)  Not created professionally (no experts!)  Collaborative and shared Value added – continuous improvement of the content through collaborative work  Creative effort 11

12 User-Generated Content Tools 12

13 User-Generated Content  Not a new concept  1980 Prosumers (Toffler)  Desktop publishing  Easy tools, motivation 13

14 “Produsage”  Coined by Axel Bruns  Merger of the producer and the consumer  Breaking down the boundaries between producer and consumer 14

15 Why create content?  Communication  Connections  Celebrity  Control  “Social capital” 15

16 Who is creating content?  Numbers vary  Many people have blog, but how many update/maintain them?  Pew Internet & American Life report (2004): “Content Creation Online”  “44% of U.S. Internet users have contributed their thoughts and their files to the online world.”  “10% of Web site owners post to their sites daily or more often.” 16

17 Pros/Cons of user-generated content  “Citizen journalism”  Content quality  Ability to locate and evaluate quality content  Democratic thinking? 17

18 Implications for education  “Preparation of students to be content creators within their disciplinary or professional specialties” (Lippincott)  Basic information technology skills  Information resources skills  Critical thinking skills 18

19 Legal implications  Gen C = creative expression & creation and recreation of content  Ethical and legal implications  Personal responsibility and privacy  Remixed content – who owns it? 19

20 The New “Digital Divide”  Creators/Non-creators  Ability to create content 20

21 Conclusion  “Those who are truly literate in the twenty-first century will be those who learn to both read and write the multimedia language of the screen” (Daley) 21

22 Questions/Comments? Leza Madsen & Stefanie Buck Western Libraries Western Washington University Bellingham, WA 22

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