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Conservative Resurgence and the end of the Cold War Chapter 23.

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1 Conservative Resurgence and the end of the Cold War Chapter 23

2 Ronald Reagan 40 th President conservative Republican Elected by a coalition of Republicans and blue- collar Democrats

3 Reaganomics Also called supply-side economics. Belief that by cutting taxes, people will work more and have more money to spend. To cut the taxes and still balance the budget Gov’t needed to reduce federal spending on popular federal programs

4 Sandra Day O’Connor 1 st woman nominated to Supreme Court

5 Mikhail Gorbachev Leader of the Soviet Union Sought a different approach to dealing with the West. Moved USSR away from hard line Communism Negotiates START I treaty with US-reducing nuclear weapon stockpile

6 SDI-Strategic Defense Initiative Dubbed “Star Wars” by media Reagan’s proposal to create a defensive satellite shield for the US Largely imaginary, but Soviet Union was afraid of it.

7 “Tear down this Wall” Speech June 12, 1987-West Berlin, Germany Speech by Reagan challenging Gorbachev’s commitment to reform. Wall will come down in November, 1989 and East and West Germany will reunite a year later.

8 Iran-Contra Affair Arms for hostages deal between the US and Iran. Proceeds from arms sales went to fund Contras rebels in Nicaragua-a violation of laws passed by Congress

9 George H.W. Bush 41 st President President at end of Cold War Lost to Bill Clinton in ‘92 Election

10 Soviet Union Collapse After Berlin Wall and German reunification, communism is defeated in Eastern Europe. Attempted coup fails in 1991 Former Soviet Union breaks up into 15 separate republics, largest being Russia

11 Persian Gulf War Iraq invades their neighbor Kuwait, Aug. 2, 1990. Threat to oil reserves in Saudi Arabia prompts global response, led by the US

12 Operation Desert Storm US led attack on Iraqi forces beginning with air campaign on Jan. 16, 1991. Iraq retaliates by launching missiles at Israel and Saudi Arabia. Land invasion begins on Feb. 23, ends 5 days later. Iraq agrees to leave Kuwait, but Saddam Hussein remains in charge

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