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Integrating health and social care: what about children? Peter MacLeod President, ADSW.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating health and social care: what about children? Peter MacLeod President, ADSW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating health and social care: what about children? Peter MacLeod President, ADSW

2 History of social work in Scotland 1960’s Kilbrandon commission Social Work Scotland Act 1968 1968 unified system which joins children, adults and criminal justice services

3 Bob Winter, ADSW Annual Lecture, 2009 Forty years ago, Social Work in Scotland was on the cusp of massive change. The Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 had been passed and was in the process of being implemented. The Act proved to be a landmark for Scotland. It provided a comprehensive service, dealing with problems affecting individuals, families and communities. It recognised the need for a director who could advise local authorities about social needs, and recognised that human problems ‘seldom come singly’. It swept away the segregated welfare, children’s and probation departments.

4 Social work now 32 local authorities 11 Directors of Social Work who are also CSWO Variety of organisational models including social work paired with housing, education, health and corporate services Highland model

5 Why this, why now? Summer 2010 – SNP minority government announce change fund for older people’s services Autumn 2010 – Labour party announce proposals for a single health and care service February 2011 - SNP up the ante and talk about imposing the Highland model. All about delayed discharge of older people

6 Older people and children Urgent change required in health and care because of demographics BUT we have the highest number of children in care at 16000 AND the lowest delayed discharge levels

7 Consequences When you integrate one part of public services, you run the risk of disconnecting another. Children lives are determined by the adults in them – we all know the GIRFEC ‘My World’ triangle


9 Services which impact on children Addiction Housing Mental health Criminal justice Learning disability Substance misuse Education

10 Issues to consider How to we keep the links to children’s services? Should we break current integrated arrangements to accommodate new ones? Why is this being done in isolation?

11 Thank you "It takes a village to raise a child."

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