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© 2008 Chapter 1: Small Islands – Big Horizons Main Developments in British History.

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1 © 2008 Chapter 1: Small Islands – Big Horizons Main Developments in British History

2 © 2008 The First World War to the Present (pp. 35-72)  AThe First World War and Aftermath  BThe Second World War and Post War Britain  CReinventing Britain  DRealigning  EThe Future

3 © 2008 A.1 The First World War  Unexpectedly long war  Savage trench fighting  Three million British soldiers killed  UK severely shaken

4 © 2008 A.2 Aftermath  Independence movements grow in Empire  Irish rebellion creates Free State in south  Economic depression hinders reform  Disillusionment promotes pacifism

5 © 2008 B.1 The Second World War  Hitler and “Appeasement”  Winston Churchill and resistance  Total war and civilian solidarity  “Their finest hour”

6 © 2008 B.2 Post-War Britain  A weak UK faces changes  Creation of welfare state  Youth culture and consumerism develop  “New Commonwealth” immigration to UK

7 © 2008 C.1 Reinventing Britain – Economics  UK loses its competitive edge  Welfare state seen as too expensive  Thatcherism reduces state activities  Blair and Labour Party regain centre

8 © 2008 C.2 Reinventing Britain – Government  Dismantling the Empire  Expanding the Commonwealth  Devolution for Scotland and Wales  Northern Ireland; the Troubles and self- government

9 © 2008 D.1 Realigning  UK and EU, economic partners  UK and USA, strategic partners  Conflicts between EU and USA  Which way to turn?

10 © 2008 E.1 The Future  Democratic and prosperous at home  Culturally and militarily powerful abroad  Faces challenges of growth and inequality  A force to be reckoned with in 21st century

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