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To express reasons for different views of belief in God. To analyse the concepts of theist, atheist and agnostic.

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Presentation on theme: "To express reasons for different views of belief in God. To analyse the concepts of theist, atheist and agnostic."— Presentation transcript:

1 To express reasons for different views of belief in God. To analyse the concepts of theist, atheist and agnostic.




5 How are these images linked to God.


7 Psalm 7:11 God is a righteous judge, a God who expresses his wrath every day.

8 1 Samuel 2:2 "There is no one holy like the LORD; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.

9 Genesis 1:1 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

10 Matthew 6:14-15 14For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.


12 Atheist: Someone who is certain that God does not exist Agnostic: Someone who is uncertain of God’s existence Theist: Someone who is certain that God does exist

13 theist atheist agnostic -a person who believes that God does exist -a theist would believe that God had created everything. -a person who does not believe that God exists -an atheist would not believe that God had created the universe. -a person who is not sure whether God exists, they are still searching -an agnostic is not sure whether God created the world

14 Theist Agnostic Atheist A person who is not sure if you can know if there is such a thing as a God A person who believes there is no God Someone who believes there is a God

15 The Universe? I believe in God because there is so much design in the world that there must be a designer.

16 Is there a God?

17 Reasons people believe in God

18 Reasons people don’t believe in God

19 Natural evil Many theists (those who believe God is all loving and all powerful) respond to the problem of evil by suggesting that a lot of suffering is caused by nature. In the same way that foxes kill rabbits to survive, so too can humans be killed or injured by the planet’s natural cycle of birth and death.

20 Which statements do you agree/ disagree with and why? Think- Pair- Share! Science deals with facts, while religion deals with something that can’t be proved. Science explains how the world got here- there is no need for God. Science explains how we got here but religion explains why we are here. Science is limited to facts rather than being open to the spiritual side of humans. God gave humans free will otherwise we would just be robots. God can’t intervene in the world, as it compromises our free will. Suffering helps humans become stronger. It allows us to deal with events more effectively, so suffering has some purposes in our lives. Without evil, we couldn’t appreciate good. God has a master plan that humans are not aware of because God is beyond our human understanding. God must exist. There are too many examples of miracles and religious experiences. They can’t all be coincidences. The problem is the huge amount of evil and suffering in the world. Surely if God was all-loving, God would help us. Suffering is a test of faith. Religious believers know if they trust God, they will be rewarded.

21 Discover reasons for a belief / disbelief in God..

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