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Gifts of Supernatural Power: Gift of Faith Gifts of Healings Working of Miracles.

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2 Gifts of Supernatural Power: Gift of Faith Gifts of Healings Working of Miracles

3 Gifts of Supernatural Power: The Power Gifts are the doing Gifts These gifts bring supernatural breakthrough in people’s lives and situations

4 The Gift of Faith must not be confused with human faith, Godly faith (Rom.12:3) or faith that comes from hearing the Word (Rom.10:17)

5 The Gift of Faith is a supernatural release of faith to believe God to do a certain thing in order for Him to accomplish His purpose in a certain situation –e.g. Jesus curses the fig tree (Mark 11:14,20- 22).

6 The Gift of Faith is always accompanied by some form of action like a spoken word –Jesus and Lazarus (John 11:43-44); Laying on of hands –Peter and the lame man at Gate Beautiful (Acts 3:6-7) Taking an unusual, bold step –Peter walking on the water (Matt.14:28-29).

7 The Gift of Faith also comes through a revelation of an instruction from God to do something humanly impossible.

8 A good way to position yourself for this Gift is by developing your Godly faith and ensuring that you are living by faith

9 This is the only Gift that is in the plural, the reason being that there is a gift of healing for every conceivable illness, disease or physical injury

10 Much can be said about healing, but the Word teaches that it is God’s will to heal everyone –Matt. 4:23-24; John 4:34; 5:19 and Acts 10:38

11 There are many ways that God heals people –Laying on of hands –A walk of faith –The anointing of oil by the Elders

12 The Gifts of Healings is a Gift that will manifest supernaturally through a person, mostly with an immediate result. Jesus’ ministry was full of examples of this as were the Apostles’

13 Because it is a Gift, the recipient actually does not need to have faith –The man at the Pool of Bethesda (John 5:5-9)

14 A good way to develop this Gift is to –Have compassion for those who are suffering –Trust God for their healing –Actually pray for people It would be good to start small e.g. headaches, and allow your faith to grow before praying for critical cases

15 The Working of Miracles is a supernatural, sovereign act of God that will cause a definite change in the natural realm

16 The Working of Miracles were very evident in the ministries of Elijah and Elisha in the O.T. and through the ministry of Jesus in the N.T. –Jesus turned water into wine –Fed thousands of people on two occasions with a few loaves and fish –He walked on water –Supernaturally stilled a raging storm –Raised the dead –Cast out demons

17 John, in summing up Jesus’ ministry, said: “And there are many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.” (John 21:25)

18 Development of the Gift Read the Word and take particular note of the many miracles that occurred throughout Genesis to Revelation. Meditate on them and allow the possibility of miracles to grow in your heart and then trust God to perform them for you and through you.

19 Development of the Gift Remember the statement that Jesus made in John 14:12 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do because I go to My Father.”

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