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Using Planck’s Constant…. Picture credit: He was a German physicist and is considered as the founder.

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1 Using Planck’s Constant…

2 Picture credit: He was a German physicist and is considered as the founder of the quantum theory (Wikipedia 2011). The symbol (h) is used to denote Planck’s constant, which he discovered in 1899. It is used as a proportionality constant between the energy and frequency of an electromagnetic wave (Wikipedia 2011). h = 6.626 x 10 -34 Js (joule seconds)

3 E = hv Where, E = energy of the photon (J) h = Planck’s constant (Js) v = frequency of the wave (Hz) E = hc/λ Where, E = energy of the photon (J) h = Planck’s constant (Js) c = speed of light, 2.99 x 10 8 m/s λ = wavelength of light (m)

4 When we see light from a neon sign, we are observing radiation from excited neon atoms. If this radiation has a wavelength of 640 nm, what is the energy of the photon being emitted?

5 1. Light with a wavelength of 614.5 nm looks orange. What is the energy, in joules, of a photon of this orange light? 2. A photon of light produced by a surgical laser has an energy of 3.027 x 10 -19 J. Calculate the frequency and the wavelength of the photon.

6  Wikipedia 2011, Max Planck, viewed 10 September 2011,.  Wikipedia 2011, Planck’s Constant, viewed 10 September 2011,.

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