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Romans Series #22 6/15/14 AM Grace Baptist Church.

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1 Romans Series #22 6/15/14 AM Grace Baptist Church

2  We died to the law- to its authority and grip of death and no longer need to bring forth fruit to death.  We now serve Christ, enabled by the Spirit in a new life, to bring forth fruit to God.  Legalists serve the law and produce death- fruit- fruit that kills prayer, evangelism, forgiveness, fellowship, worship- fruit that produces vice and hatred.  New life in Christ produces the fruits of the Spirit and healthiness!

3  The Law was not given to show men how good they could be, but how good they could not be. The Law revealed God’s standard. The Law revealed the impossibility of meeting that standard. The Law revealed the need to be forgiven and to trust God’s mercy.  Before, during, and after the days of the Law – man has always ONLY been saved by faith – Hebrews 11

4  The Law is not only NOT sinful or evil, but it has GREAT value for Christians and non-Christians by convicting them of sin.

5  Rom. 3:20  Paul uses coveting- the last of the 10 C’s- an inward attitude, not an outward action- it leads to the breaking of the other 9 C’s- an ugly sin that most never recognize in their own lives, but God’s Law reveals it.  Mark 10:17-27- Jesus used the Law to reveal sin and the need for a Savior- an outwardly moral man who hadn’t faced the sin within- when faced with his covetousness, he went away unconverted.

6  Rom. 8:7  Wet Paint- Do Not Touch- people still touch it.  Trying to live by rules and regulations only arouses more sin and creates more problems. Self-will asserts itself against God’s will.  Vs. 9- aroused = revived  It is the sin already in our hearts that takes opportunity through the commandment to produce coveting of all kinds plus multiple other sins.  Just as a broom does not rid a room of dust, but only stirs it up, the law does not cleanse the heart of sin, but only agitates the sin.

7  The lawbreaker begins to see himself as he really is. His sin lives before him – realizing his true condition.  He then dies by realizing that his attempts at law- righteousness are spiritual garbage.  He prays, “Lord, be merciful to be a sinner.” Lk 18:13.  Trusting Christ, the Law’s requirements are fulfilled!  Gal. 3:21- “but the law cannot give life.”  Even for Christians, “Legalistic churches and Christians do not grow and bear spiritual fruit. They are living by Law and Law always kills. Few things are more dead than an orthodox church that is proud of its “high standards” and tries to live up to them in its own energy. Often the members of such a church start to judge and condemn one another, and the sad result is a church fight or split, leaving people angry and bitter.” Wiersbe

8  Another subtle form of legalism “killing,” is a growing new Christian - coming in contact with a book, seminar, tapes, etc. where he will start following a human leader and accept his teachings as law- it kills spiritual growth- no leader can take the place of Christ, no book the place of the Bible- information, yes, but the Spirit gives illumination. He enlightens and enables- no human can do that. Live by the law- die by the Law.

9  Paul’s Argument  The Law is not sinful- but holy, just, and good  The Law reveals sin, arouses sin, and then uses sin to slay us.  If something as good as the law accomplishes these results, than something is radically wrong somewhere.  Conclusion:  See how sinful sin is when it can use something good like the Law to produce such tragic results. The problem is not with the Law, but with my sinful nature.

10  Behavior standards are good- but sin…  Personal dress standards are good- but become abused- but sin…  Personal music standards are good- but sin…  Leadership requirements are good- but sin…  We begin to judge ourselves and others by externals, and a good thing is twisted and misused.  Glorify Christ! “Whether we eat or drink…”

11  Before salvation The ultimate purpose of the law is to drive us to faith in Christ who fulfilled the demands of the law on behalf of sinners who then trust in HIS righteousness instead of their own.  After salvation We need exposure to the standard of God’s law to clearly see the sin in our lives and confess it and experience great blessing. Psalm 119:11; I John 1:9.

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