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242/102/49 0/51/59 181/172/166 Primary colors 248/152/29 PMS 172 PMS 137 PMS 546 PMS 407 251/206/146 202/227/233 141/129/123 Secondary colors 114/181/204.

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Presentation on theme: "242/102/49 0/51/59 181/172/166 Primary colors 248/152/29 PMS 172 PMS 137 PMS 546 PMS 407 251/206/146 202/227/233 141/129/123 Secondary colors 114/181/204."— Presentation transcript:

1 242/102/49 0/51/59 181/172/166 Primary colors 248/152/29 PMS 172 PMS 137 PMS 546 PMS 407 251/206/146 202/227/233 141/129/123 Secondary colors 114/181/204 PMS 148 PMS 7458 PMS 7457 PMS 409 93/79/75 PMS 411 233/166/143 PMS 487 © 2012 MediaMind | A Division of DG | All rights reserved Overview - 2012 Stefania Balsamo | Business Development Manager Smart Versioning

2 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved The MediaMind Difference: SV Faster Time to Market ▸ Launch campaigns in about a week Optimization & Decision Engine ▸ Advanced Decision and Optimization Engine to maximize KPIs ▸ Increased Campaign Performance & ROI Customizable Reporting ▸ Integration with MM Analytics Platform ▸ Deep insights into customer behavior across multiple channels Creative Freedom ▸ No template restrictions ▸ Instant creative changes ▸ Flexible Dynamic elements Streamlined Workflow ▸ Easy campaign set up ▸ MediaMind Support Services

3 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Smart Versioning: Targeting

4 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Target by Geo-location ▸ Global geo-targeting across entire plan Automatically showcase product features based on consumer’s environment

5 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Target by Geo-location ▸ Global Geo-targeting across entire plan

6 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Target by Audience Demographics Age group: 18-24 Age group: 30-54

7 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Target by User Behavior MSN Behavioral Segment: “Home Buyers” MSN Behavioral Segment: “College Financial Planners”

8 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Targeted Placements Luxury CarFamily Mini-Van Targeted Placements: DMP or DSP Ad Network Publisher:

9 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Frankfurt - Marseille ▸ Using Smart Versioning, copy/images were dynamically updated, via an IP lookup, to include user’s current location ▸ Geo-targeted banners promoted driving to their "sister metropolitan" area without having to re-fuel ▸ Dwell time went through the roof jumping 27.4% over benchmarks at a lower production cost Geo-Targeting Increased Client KPIs by up to 69%

10 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved ▸ Using Smart Versioning, copy/images were dynamically updated, via an IP lookup, to include user’s current location. ▸ Geo-targeted banners promoted driving to their "sister metropolitan" area without having to re-fuel ▸ Dwell time went through the roof jumping 27.4% over benchmarks at a lower production cost Geo-Targeting Increased Client KPIs by up to 69% Avg. Dwell Time (sec.)

11 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved ▸ Using Smart Versioning, copy/images were dynamically updated, via an IP lookup, to include user’s current location. ▸ Geo-targeted banners promoted driving to their "sister metropolitan" area without having to re-fuel ▸ Dwell time went through the roof jumping 27.4% over benchmarks at a lower production cost Geo-Targeting Increased Client KPIs by up to 69% Avg. Dwell Rate

12 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Smart Versioning: Retargeting

13 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Segmented Retargeting Site ExperiencesAd Experiences

14 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Smarter Retargeting Yields Record CTR

15 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Smarter Retargeting Yields Record CTR © 2011 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved RECORD CTR INCREASE!

16 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Smart Versioning: Optimization

17 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Post-view Conversions & RateClicks and CTR Smart Versioning Optimization Criteria Dwell RateInteractions and Rate Post-click Conversions & Rate Geography

18 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Optimization by Creative ▸ Optimize against creative/messaging performance to see what generates stronger response ▸ Variant Elements: Image, Primary Copy, Benefit, Call to Action, etc. Call to Action Primary Copy Image

19 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Geo-Optimization Multiple Campaigns

20 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Version Optimization Is Simple 3 Step Process to Setting Optimization Parameters: How you want your campaign to react What to optimize towards Inventory pool to optimize

21 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Most DCO Optimization is “Broken” P1P2P3P4P5 Placement 1 Placement 2 Placement 4 Placement 3

22 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Smart Versioning Affords More Optimization Cell Phone Sale 1 Cell Phone Sale 3 Cell Phone Sale 2 Cell Phone Sale 4

23 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Smart Versioning Continual Learning Process Campaign Launch Campaign End 10% of Imps for Continual Optimization 90% of Imps for Campaign Period 2 Optimization Period … Optimization Period 9 Optimization Period 10 Optimization Period 1 All Creative Since Testing is Ongoing, Smart Versioning is Always Adapting to Consumer Preferences Ensuring the Highest Performance Possible

24 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Case Study: Optimization Weeks 1 – 2 All Creative Running Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 ▸ Tourism Australia utilized six unique banners highlighting different vacation activities: Week 6 90% Rotation 10% Rotation 90% Rotation 10% Rotation 90% Rotation 10% Rotation 90% Rotation 10% Rotation

25 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Case Study: Optimization Weeks 1 – 2 All Creative Running Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 ▸ Tourism Australia utilized six unique banners highlighting different vacation activities: Week 6 90% Rotation 10% Rotation 90% Rotation 10% Rotation 90% Rotation 10% Rotation 90% Rotation 10% Rotation Improvement in CTR!

26 © 2012 MediaMind | A Division of DG | All rights reserved Smart Versioning: How It Works

27 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Creating a Master Ad ▸ Divide Creative into Variable Sections ▸ Create Different Variable Assets to Rotate in Ad

28 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Quickly Generate Multiple Versions, Multiple Campaigns Movie Category: Movie Title: Current Creative: Geography: Behavioral: JAMES BOND STAR WARS Comedy - Thriller - Action - - Site Ad - RM Ad - Std. Ad

29 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Setting Up SV Campaign is a Breeze Five Easy Steps to Increased Performance: Define Target Audience Plan Smart Versioning Campaign Define Master Ad Single vs. Mass Versioning Set Optimization or Rotation vs.

30 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Smart Versioning: Reports Version Report Audience Report Version & Audience Reporting Metrics: ▸ Served Impressions ▸ Total Clicks ▸ CTR ▸ Dwell Rate ▸ Impressions w/ Dwell ▸ Dwell Avg Duration ▸ Interactions (Rate) ▸ Total Conversions (Rate) ▸ Post Impression Conversions (Rate) ▸ Total Conversions (Rate) ▸ Post Impression Conversions (Rate) ▸ Post Click Conversions (Rate) Detailed Product Reporting Metrics: ▸ Product View ▸ Product Click ▸ Product CTR ▸ Product Post Click ▸ Product Post-Click Conversion Rate Detailed Product Report

31 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Product Walkthrough

32 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved© 2012 MediaMind | A Division of DG | All rights reserved Appendix

33 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Keyword Targeting ▸ Keywords are passed into the Ad Call by Yahoo! Keywords can be passed to MM from: ▸ Search Terms ▸ URL ▸ Categorical Taxonomy of the Page (for Contextual Targeting)

34 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Sequencing with Consumer Data $ © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved User: books ticket to Rio MediaMind: delivers final ad heavily enticing booking User: gets an email and looks at schedules doesn’t book MediaMind: serves ad for trip to Brazil with current price User: search for flights to Brazil MediaMind: Deliver initial ad based on IP address

35 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Retargeting Optimization 1. Audience visits site 2. Plays game 3. Optimize between best performing retargeted message Version #1: Play Again Version #2 : Present Offer Version #3 : Cross-Sell

36 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Setting Up Target Audiences for Geo-Targeting

37 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Making Ad Updates Instantly with Single Versioning

38 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Making Ad Updates Instantly with Single Versioning

39 © 2012 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Mass Versioning – Excel Sheet ▸ Create thousands of versions from a single Master Ad by simply uploading this Excel Sheet Version Classification allows you to define how the version shows up in reporting Dropdown menu will allow you to assign Target Audiences (geo targeting) to creative versions Each smart item will be its own column for editing. Text is a free text field Image items can either be entered as free text for external URLs, or chosen from a dropdown menu with available asset linked to the ad in the platform Click-through and tracking URLs are also entered via Excel. Media and creative teams can take turns updating the ad to suit their workflow

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