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Basic Chemistry for Biology Students Topic 3.0. Atoms.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Chemistry for Biology Students Topic 3.0. Atoms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Chemistry for Biology Students Topic 3.0

2 Atoms

3 Atoms, Orbitals, Stability

4 Periodic Table Atomic # = # of protons = # electrons # neutrons = (atomic mass - # of protons)

5 Elements

6 Carbon

7 Molecules & Compounds

8 How are molecules and Compounds Formed? BONDING! Covalent Bonds Ionic Bonds

9 Bonding Continued

10 pH Scale

11 To Do: Review Questions 1. What are the nine most biologically important elements? 2. Define: Atom. Define: Element 3. When are atoms stable? Which group of atoms/ elements are stable? 4. What is an ion? Give an example. 5. What is a covalent bond? Give an example. 6. What is an ionic bond? Give an example. 7. How are double bonds and triple bonds formed? 8. What is the pH scale? Which end is acidic? Neutral? Basic?

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