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Chapter 8 Political Participation. Quiz 1a Quiz 1a Quiz 1a Quiz 1a Quiz 1b Quiz 1b Quiz 1b Quiz 1b Quiz 1c Quiz 1c Quiz 1c Quiz 1c Copyright © 2011 Cengage.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Political Participation. Quiz 1a Quiz 1a Quiz 1a Quiz 1a Quiz 1b Quiz 1b Quiz 1b Quiz 1b Quiz 1c Quiz 1c Quiz 1c Quiz 1c Copyright © 2011 Cengage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 Political Participation

2 Quiz 1a Quiz 1a Quiz 1a Quiz 1a Quiz 1b Quiz 1b Quiz 1b Quiz 1b Quiz 1c Quiz 1c Quiz 1c Quiz 1c Copyright © 2011 Cengage

3 Pop Quiz 1a 1. Gomillion v. Lightfoot (1960) unanimously held that: a) state school segregation was unconstitutional. b) the federal courts should not intervene in electoral apportionment cases. c) state action denying the right to vote in municipal elections on the basis of race violated the Fifteenth Amendment. d) the federal courts should exercise judicial self-restraint in reviewing a state apportionment scheme unless an explicit intent to discriminate on the basis of race was part of the apportionment law. 2. Justice Frankfurter in Gomillion v. Lightfoot (1960) found: a) the complaint amply alleged racial discrimination. b) the state gave important but not compelling reasons to support the discrimination. c) racial gerrymandering was beyond the jurisdiction of the federal courts. d) the Alabama law violated the Fourteenth Amendment.s due process clause. V. O. Key, Jr., concludes that studies of electoral behavior: a) present a picture of voter rationality. b) give a vivid impression of the variety and subtlety of factors that enter into individual voting decisions. c) reveal that voters do not take their economic interests into account in making their choices. d) conclude that group identification determines electoral choice. V. O. Key, Jr., argues, in discussing the responsible electorate, that theories about how voters behave become important because: a) voters are aware of them and vote accordingly. b) candidates and their advisers are aware of them, and act as if voters’ behavior conforms to thetheories. c) they demonstrate that economic interests are always paramount in political campaigns. d) they reveal that most electoral outcomes depend upon a single issue. In discussing the responsible electorate, which of the following statements does V. O. Key, Jr. not make? a) It can be a mischievous error to assume, because a candidate wins, that a majority of the electorate shares his views on public questions. b) Election returns tell us precious little about why a candidate wins. c) The voice of the people echoes candidate inputs, and even the most discriminating popular judgment can reflect only ambiguity, uncertainty, or even foolishness if those are the qualities of the input candidates make into the echo chamber. d) The electorate is rarely moved by concerns about central and relevant questions of public policy and governmental performance, but rather are always persuaded by the facile public relations techniques of political candidates. Copyright © 2011 Cengage

4 1. Gomillion v. Lightfoot (1960) unanimously held that: a) state school segregation was unconstitutional. b) the federal courts should not intervene in electoral apportionment cases. c) state action denying the right to vote in municipal elections on the basis of race violated the 15th Amendment. d) the federal courts should exercise judicial self-restraint in reviewing a state apportionment scheme unless an explicit intent to discriminate on the basis of race was part of the apportionment law. 2. Justice Frankfurter in Gomillion v. Lightfoot (1960) found: a) the complaint amply alleged racial discrimination. b) the state gave important but not compelling reasons to support the discrimination. c) racial gerrymandering was beyond the jurisdiction of the federal courts. d) the Alabama law violated the Fourteenth Amendments due process clause. 3. V. O. Key, Jr., concludes that studies of electoral behavior: a) present a picture of voter rationality. b) give a vivid impression of the variety and subtlety of factors that enter into individual voting decisions. c) reveal that voters do not take their economic interests into account in making their choices. d) conclude that group identification determines electoral choice. 4. V. O. Key, Jr., argues, in discussing the responsible electorate, that theories about how voters behave become important because: a) voters are aware of them and vote accordingly. b) candidates and their advisers are aware of them, and act as if voters’ behavior conforms to the theories. c) they demonstrate that economic interests are always paramount in political campaigns. d) they reveal that most electoral outcomes depend upon a single issue. 5. In discussing the responsible electorate, which of the following statements does V. O. Key, Jr. not make? a) It can be a mischievous error to assume, because a candidate wins, that a majority of the electorate shares his views on public questions. b) Election returns tell us precious little about why a candidate wins. c) The voice of the people echoes candidate inputs, and even the most discriminating popular judgment can reflect only ambiguity, uncertainty, or even foolishness if those are the qualities ofthe input candidates make into the echo chamber. d) The electorate is rarely moved by concerns about central and relevant questions of public policy and governmental performance, but rather are always persuaded by the facile public relations techniques of political candidates.

5 1. Gomillion v. Lightfoot (1960) unanimously held that: c) state action denying the right to vote in municipal elections on the basis of race violated the 15th Amendment. 2. Justice Frankfurter in Gomillion v. Lightfoot (1960) found: a) the complaint amply alleged racial discrimination. 3. V. O. Key, Jr., concludes that studies of electoral behavior: b) give a vivid impression of the variety and subtlety of factors that enter into individual voting decisions. 4. V. O. Key, Jr., argues, in discussing the responsible electorate, that theories about how voters behave become important because: b) candidates and their advisers are aware of them, and act as if voters’ behavior conforms to the theories. 5. In discussing the responsible electorate, which of the following statements does V. O. Key, Jr. not make? d) The electorate is rarely moved by concerns about central and relevant questions of public policy and governmental performance, but rather are always persuaded by the facile public relations techniques of political candidates.

6 Copyright © 2011 Cengage

7 Quiz 1b Draw and label the following graphs Guns/Butter Increasing Opportunity cost PPC showing what happens when there is an increase of quantity of inputs but performance of output has grown more relative to the increase of inputs. It is now an overheating economy. Draw the point of output along with the correct shift. Guns/Butter Increasing Opportunity cost PPC showing what happens when there is an increase of quantity of inputs but performance of output has grown more relative to the increase of inputs. It is now an overheating economy. Draw the point of output along with the correct shift. Then draw a business cycle and stop the curve where it matches up with the given performance of the economy above.Then draw a business cycle and stop the curve where it matches up with the given performance of the economy above. Supply and Demand for Legos showing a simple case where Legos Corporation has had an increase in its resource costs. Show what will happen to the graph. Supply and Demand for Legos showing a simple case where Legos Corporation has had an increase in its resource costs. Show what will happen to the graph. FOREX Curve of US currency in relation to EU currency showing what happens in the US when there is an increase in taste of American goods. FOREX Curve of US currency in relation to EU currency showing what happens in the US when there is an increase in taste of American goods. Consumption schedule with Saving Schedule showing what happens when households have an increase household debt. Consumption schedule with Saving Schedule showing what happens when households have an increase household debt. Investment Demand curve showing what happens when there is an decrease in operating costs. Investment Demand curve showing what happens when there is an decrease in operating costs.

8 Copyright © 2011 Cengage

9 Quiz 1c Draw and label the following graphs Guns/Butter Constant Opportunity cost PPC showing what happens when there is an increase of quantity of inputs but performance of output has not yet kept up with the shift of the curve. Guns/Butter Constant Opportunity cost PPC showing what happens when there is an increase of quantity of inputs but performance of output has not yet kept up with the shift of the curve. Then draw a business cycle and stop the curve where it matches up with the given performance of the economy above.Then draw a business cycle and stop the curve where it matches up with the given performance of the economy above. Supply and Demand for Legos showing a simple case where consumer taste of Legos increases due to the popularity of the Lego movie. Supply and Demand for Legos showing a simple case where consumer taste of Legos increases due to the popularity of the Lego movie. FOREX Curves of US and EU currencies showing what happens in the US when there is an increase in interest rates in US banks. FOREX Curves of US and EU currencies showing what happens in the US when there is an increase in interest rates in US banks. Consumption schedule with Saving Schedule showing what happens when liberals increase household taxes. Consumption schedule with Saving Schedule showing what happens when liberals increase household taxes. Investment Demand curve showing what happens when there is an increase in operating costs. Investment Demand curve showing what happens when there is an increase in operating costs.

10 Copyright © 2011 Cengage

11 Types of Political Participation 2000 Election participation (Example) 82% watched the campaign on television 82% watched the campaign on television 54% voted in the election 54% voted in the election 34% tried to influence others how to vote 34% tried to influence others how to vote 10% put a sticker on their car 10% put a sticker on their car 9% gave money to help a campaign 9% gave money to help a campaign 5% attended a political meeting 5% attended a political meeting 3% worked for a party or candidate 3% worked for a party or candidate Other types of Political Participation: signing petitions & writing letters signing petitions & writing letters

12 National Voter Turnout in Federal Elections: 1960–2010 2010 - 37.8% 2010 - 37.8% 2008 - 56.8 2008 - 56.8 2006 - 37.1 2006 - 37.1 2004 - 55.3 2004 - 55.3 2002 - 37.0 2002 - 37.0 2000 - 51.3 2000 - 51.3 1998 - 36.4 1998 - 36.4 1996 - 49.1 1996 - 49.1 1994 - 38.8 1994 - 38.8 1992 - 55.1 1992 - 55.1 1990 - 36.5 1990 - 36.5  Bold type = presidential years! ↵ Midterm elections: The president is not being elected All member of the House of Representatives & 1/3 of the Senate is up for election or reelection Midterm elections always draw fewer voters Voters tend to be more radical “die- hards” Always voting in opposition to the president’s party

13 Who REALLY participates? Different factors can tell us who votes 1. Education – MOST IMPORTANT, more education=higher level of voting 2. Religious involvement improves voting 3. Race and Ethnicity – Whites higher than minorities (might be economic based) 4. Age – 18-24 the lowest, 45 & up the highest 5. Gender – generally similar pattern, but women tend to vote slightly more today than men


15 Copyright © 2011 Cengage

16 WHO GOVERNS? WHO GOVERNS? 1.Who votes, who doesn’t? 2.Why do some people participate in politics at higher rates than others? TO WHAT ENDS? TO WHAT ENDS? 1.How did the Framers of the Constitution think average citizens should participate in America’s representative democracy? 2.Should today’s college-age citizens participate more in politics?

17 A Closer Look at Nonvoting I:A-C Voting-age population – citizens who are eligible to vote after reaching the minimum age requirement. Voting-age population – citizens who are eligible to vote after reaching the minimum age requirement. Registered voters – people who are registered to vote. Registered voters – people who are registered to vote. Source of low voter turnout – a relatively low percentage of the voting-age population is registered to vote. Source of low voter turnout – a relatively low percentage of the voting-age population is registered to vote. Copyright © 2011 Cengage

18 Registration has costs in the U.S.; there are no costs in European countries where registration is automatic Eligible Voter turnout Voter Registration – blamed as one of the causes of low turnout (Institutional issues) Voter Registration – blamed as one of the causes of low turnout (Institutional issues) “Motor-Voter” (1993) – National Voter Registration Act – allowed people to register to vote while they get license “Motor-Voter” (1993) – National Voter Registration Act – allowed people to register to vote while they get license

19 Copyright © 2011 Cengage



22 Figure 8.1 Voting and Registration Copyright © 2011 Cengage Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Survey, “Voting and Registration,” June 2008, Figure 6.

23 Copyright © 2011 Cengage Source: Adapted from U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, June 2008, Table 400.

24 Copyright © 2011 Cengage Source: Updated from Michael P. McDonald and Samuel L. Popkin, “The Myth of the Vanishing Voter,” American Political Science Review 95 (December 2001): table 1, 966. Reprinted with permission of Cambridge University Press; Michael P. McDonald, “2008 General Election Turnout Rates,” updated April 26, 2009, at, accessed May 8, 2009.

25 The Rise of the American Electorate II:A-B From State to Federal Control From State to Federal Control Literacy testLiteracy test Poll taxPoll tax Grandfather clauseGrandfather clause White primaryWhite primary Voter Turnout Voter Turnout Copyright © 2011 Cengage After the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, blacks and whites voted together in a small Alabama town, p. 179 Flip Schulke/CORBIS

26 After the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, blacks and whites voted together in a small Alabama town. p. 179 Copyright © 2011 Cengage The campaign to win the vote for women nationwide succeeded with the adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920. p. 180 Flip Schulke/CORBIS Library of Congress

27 After Reconstruction ended in 1876, black voting shrank under the attacks of white supremacists. p. 179 Copyright © 2011 Cengage Department of Social History/Smithsonian Institution


29 Figure 8.2 Voter Participation in Presidential Elections, 1860-2008 Copyright © 2011 Cengage Note: Several southern states did not participate in the 1864 and 1868 elections. Sources: For 1860–1928: Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970, part 2, 1071; 1932–1944: Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1992, 517; 1948– 2000: Michael P. McDonald and Samuel L. Popkin, “The Myth of the Vanishing Voter,” American Political Science Review 95 (December 2001): table 1, 966; 2004 and 2008 elections, American National Election Studies (ANES).


31 Expanding Suffrage 1. Lifting of property restrictions (1830) – “universal manhood suffrage” gave voting rights to all white males 2. Suffrage for African-Americans (1863- 1964) 1.1865 - 15 th Amendment – Voting Rights to all 2.1954 - Brown v. Board – separate but equal is illegal, killed Jim Crow laws 3.1964 24 th Amendment – banned poll tax 4.1965 – Voting Rights Act of 1965 – federal law prohibited (no literacy tests, fair elections etc.)

32 Expanding Suffrage 3. Women’s Suffrage (1920) – 19 th Amendment gave women the right to vote 4. 18-21 year-olds (1971) – 26 th Amendment, sparked by Vietnam

33 Who Participates in Politics? III:A-C Forms of Participation Forms of Participation InactiveInactive Voting specialistsVoting specialists CampaignersCampaigners CommunalistsCommunalists Parochial participantsParochial participants ActivistsActivists Participation: Causes and Meaning Participation: Causes and Meaning Copyright © 2011 Cengage

34 Young women volunteers work rebuilding an area in Katrina-damaged New Orleans, p. 184 Antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan leads a protest against the war in Iraq near the Pentagon, p. 184 Alex Wong/Getty Images Kayte Deioma/PhotoEdit

35 Figure 8.3 Voter Turnout in Presidential Elections Copyright © 2011 Cengage Source: Adapted from U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, June 2008, Table 400.


37 Other reasons for low turnout Institutional Reasons for low Voter Turnout Difficulty of Absentee Voting Difficulty of Absentee Voting Number of Offices to Elect too high Number of Offices to Elect too high Weekday, non-holiday voting Weekday, non-holiday voting Weak political parties – less “get- out-the-vote campaigns Weak political parties – less “get- out-the-vote campaigns Registration requirements Registration requirements

38 Copyright © 2011 Cengage



41 Machine Video Copyright © 2011 Cengage

42 Source: Professor Martin Wattenberg, University of California-Irvine, using data from the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems.

43 Copyright © 2011 Cengage In San Francisco, voting instructions are printed in English, Spanish, and Chinese, p. 187 Daniel Brody

44 HW Turn in DEBATE DEBATE Copyright © 2011 Cengage

45 WHAT WOULD YOU DO? M E M O R A N D U M To: Senator Henry Gilbert From: Peter Clark, legislative analyst Subject: Voting reform legislation In the 1990s, barely half of the electorate voted for president, and only a third or so cast ballots for congressional elections. In a few recent presidential primaries and statewide special elections, turnout has run 10 percent or below. Studies show that often citizens miss the opportunity to vote because of complications with work or child care. To address this problem, legislators from both parties support celebrating Veterans Day on Election Day, which would create a national holiday for voting. Eligible voters who do not go to the polls would be fined. Copyright © 2011 Cengage

46 Arguments for: 1. This proposal honors veterans by recognizing their service with the fundamental requirement of representative democracy, rule by the people through voting. 2. A voting holiday ensures that people who cannot take off time from work or other responsibilities to vote have the opportunity to exercise their democratic right. 3. Imposing a fine for nonvoting sends a moral message that voting is a civic duty in a democracy. More citizens will feel morally obliged to vote if all citizens are legally obliged to do so. Copyright © 2011 Cengage WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

47 Arguments against: 1. Just as veterans volunteer their service, so, too, should citizens volunteer to exercise their democratic responsibilities. 2. Voting is a right, but citizens have a civic duty to exercise that right, and the government should not, in effect, exercise that duty on their behalf. Moreover, people can vote by absentee ballot at their convenience. 3. Compulsory voting does not guarantee informed voting. It is both unwise and undemocratic to legally oblige people to vote. Copyright © 2011 Cengage WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

48 Your decision: Vote for bill? Vote against bill? Copyright © 2011 Cengage WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

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