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PRELIMINARY DETAILS Name of the Teacher : Sr. Ligimol P X Name of the School : St. Michael’s H S S Subject : English Unit : Guns and Roses Sub unit :

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2 PRELIMINARY DETAILS Name of the Teacher : Sr. Ligimol P X Name of the School : St. Michael’s H S S Subject : English Unit : Guns and Roses Sub unit : An Ocurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

3 CURRICULAR STATEMENTS Learner: DDevelops basic language skills DDevelops fast reading comprehension EEnriches Vocabulary  Becomes an efficient user of English Language  Reads and interprets the literary texts and identifies the theme

4 CONTENT ANALYSIS An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge explores historical content [civil war] as well as high level literary elements and techniques. Peyton Farquhar who was the protagonist of thie short story is a man who is watching for his impeding death

5 CLASS ROOOM INTERACTION PROCEDURE INFORMAL TALK Teacher: Good Morning Class Are you all tired? Do you like English? Are you ready to learn? ENTRY ACTIVITY Teacher divides the students into two groups and asks them to prepare a list of wars they heard

6 LINK TALK Teacher shows some pictures related to war and asks some questions like 1. What do you see in these pictures? 2. what do you think are the causes of war? 3. What do you prefer war or peace? Yes, Now we have a story to be learned, named ‘An Ocurrence at Owl creek Bridge’(BB) written by Ambrose Bierce(Teacher presents the profile of the author)



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