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Copyright ⓒ SunRiver Kim Eun-Sun 20072408 Lee Min-Ji 20092484 Shin Ah-Shim 20092475 Son Gum 20092470 Yun Mi-Na 20115732 Zoyang 20092491.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright ⓒ SunRiver Kim Eun-Sun 20072408 Lee Min-Ji 20092484 Shin Ah-Shim 20092475 Son Gum 20092470 Yun Mi-Na 20115732 Zoyang 20092491."— Presentation transcript:


2 Copyright ⓒ SunRiver Kim Eun-Sun 20072408 Lee Min-Ji 20092484 Shin Ah-Shim 20092475 Son Gum 20092470 Yun Mi-Na 20115732 Zoyang 20092491 An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

3 Copyright ⓒ SunRiver An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge Short Story Contents o Temperal o Spacial o Ch. I o Ch. II o Ch. III o Symbol oTechniqu e 02 Setting01 Author03 Character04 Summary05 Note

4 Copyright ⓒ SunRiver An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge 01 Author Ambrose Bierce Pure English and Realistic writer Born in June 24, 1842, Horse Cave Creek, Ohio Military career Job Literary Works Disappearance Journalism enlisted in the Union Army in The Civil War(1861) American editorialist, journalist, short story writer, fabulist, and satirist. An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, The Devil's Dictionary The San Francisco News Letter, The Argonaut, the Overland Monthly, The Californian and The Wasp Traveling in Mexico, during Mexican Revolution (1913)

5 Copyright ⓒ SunRiver An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge 02 Setting No Factories! Yes to Farming! Civil War

6 Copyright ⓒ SunRiver As Peyton Fahrquhar fell straight downward through the bridge he lost consciousness and was as one already dead. From this state he was awakened -- ages later, it seemed to him – Ch III. p4646

7 Copyright ⓒ SunRiver An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge 02 Setting Alabama 1 mile = 1.609344 km 1.6X30=48km Farquhar : How far is it to the Owl Creek bridge? Soldier : About thirty miles (Chapter II)

8 Copyright ⓒ SunRiver An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge Character 03 Peyton FarquharFarquhar’s wifeNorthern Soldiers Northern Scout A man disguised as a Confederate soldier dual identity A 35-year old Slave owner Peyton Farquhar A civilian and an ardent supporter of the Confederacy Original secessionist

9 Copyright ⓒ SunRiver Can you imagine how you feel if you were bind to the Creek Bridge?

10 An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge Summary 04 Chapter I A man, Peyton Farquhar, stands on Owl Creek Bridge, a rail road bridge, in Alabama, with hands behind his back, wrists bound with cords, with a noose around his neck. In front of him, a soldier stands on one plank that the man stands too If the soldier steps aside, the man will go down and die, hanging the rope around his neck. In tense situation, Peyton Farquhar thinks of many things such as the sound of his watch, and he imagines to escape. However, the soldier moves to one step on his feet.

11 Copyright ⓒ SunRiver An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge ANY CIVILIAN Caught interfering with the railroad bridges tunnels or trains will be SUMMARILY HANGED 04 Summary Chapter II During the war, Peyton Farquhar was staying in his house. He has p lantation with slaves. He was upset ab out just watching the war and longing for help Southern army. One evening, a soldier came t o him and asked his wife for water. For a moment, they talk to each other about what's going onto the Ci vil War. Not knowing the man was a Federal Scout of enemy, Farquhar told him a light joke, which made him a captive of Northern army.

12 Copyright ⓒ SunRiver An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge Summary 04 Chapter III When he is hanged, the rope breaks. Farquhar falls into the water. While underwater, he seems to take little interest in the fact that his hands, which now have a life of their own, are freeing themselves and untying the rope from around his neck. Once he finally reaches the surface, he realizes his senses are superhuman. He can see the individual blades of grass and the colors of bugs on the leaves of trees, despite the fact that he is whirling around in a river. Realizing that the men are shooting at him, he escapes and makes it to dry land.

13 Copyright ⓒ SunRiver An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge 04 Summary He travels through an uninhabited and seemingly-unending forest, attempting to reach his home 30 miles away. He begins experiencing strange physiological events, hearing unusual noises from the wood, and believes he has fallen asleep while walking. As he runs forward to reach his wife, he suddenly feels a searing pain in his neck; everything goes black. Chapter III It is revealed that Farquhar imagined whole things and never escaped at all; his neck was broken, death.

14 Copyright ⓒ SunRiver An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge 05 Note Symbol Freedom Transitional Psychological Space

15 Copyright ⓒ SunRiver An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge 05 Note Technique Flash back! a kind of selective omniscience: the presentation of thoughts and impressions in a lifelike fashion—not in a sequence arranged by logic, but mingled randomly.An Introduction to Fiction The way a character thinks— either scattered and disorganized or logical and orderly—provides clues to the character’s mental condition, intellect, and emotional stability.

16 Copyright ⓒ SunRiver

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