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Unit 1 Chapter 3 Colonial America 1587-1770. What would have happened if the British had not defeated the Spanish Armada? What were the real intentions.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Chapter 3 Colonial America 1587-1770. What would have happened if the British had not defeated the Spanish Armada? What were the real intentions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Chapter 3 Colonial America 1587-1770

2 What would have happened if the British had not defeated the Spanish Armada? What were the real intentions behind the Virginia Company of London?

3 Before 1607 Spanish Navy controlled the seas Defeat of the Spanish Armada Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh 91 men, 17 women, and 9 children Virginia Dare What do you think happened to the colonists?

4 The Virginia Company of London Petitioned King James I for a Charter. Comprised of stockholders. Set sail for Virginia in December 1606 144 settlers 3 ships 40 died

5 The Virginia Company, Cont’d Entered into Chesapeake Bay in April 1607. Peninsula on the James River Swampy, no good land to farm By the spring of 1608, only 38 still alive Do you think that if they had landed elsewhere they would have had better survival rates? Like where?




9 John Smith and the Powhatans 27 year old adventurer Was kidnapped by the Powhatans Traded with the Indians for corn

10 The Starving Time Winter of 1609- 1610 John Smith left for England after 400 settlers arrived Only 60 settlers lasted through the winter

11 John Rolfe and Pochahontas John Rolfe introduced Tobacco Married Pochahontas Great Indian relations during their marriage

12 Jamestown Colony Began to prosper 1614-some could rent land to grow on By 1619-all who paid their way-100 acres Virginia Company land grant offer

13 Beginning of government House of Burgesses July 30, 1619 Why is the House of Burgesses important? What idea did this group of men plant into the minds on English colonists?

14 Africans in Jamestown First Dutch ship arrived in 1619 20 Africans on board William Tucker-1 st African American

15 Royal British Colony King James revokes the charter and claims the colony for England in 1624.

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