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Chapter 23 Lesson 2. Did You Know? Students are less likely to try drugs if they actively participate in a drug prevention education program.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 23 Lesson 2. Did You Know? Students are less likely to try drugs if they actively participate in a drug prevention education program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 23 Lesson 2

2 Did You Know? Students are less likely to try drugs if they actively participate in a drug prevention education program.

3 What is Substance Abuse? A. Substance abuse is any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes. B. Substance abuse can also involve misusing illegal drugs, or chemical substances that are not lawfully manufactured and used. C. Illicit drug use is the use or sale of any illegal substance.

4 Factors that Influence Decisions About Drugs A. Peer pressure can greatly influence teens. B. Family members can help teens resist drugs. C. Healthy role models who avoid and discourage drug use help influence teens. D. Media messages can be misleading about drug use. E. Perceptions of society’s drug behavior are often inaccurate.

5 Discussion Question What kinds of support can teens find from family members who don’t actively discourage drug use?

6 Health Consequences of Drug Use A. Drug abuse has physical consequences that harm the user’s brain and body, along with the risk of contracting diseases, such as hepatitis B and HIV. B. Drug use can have mental and emotional consequences, altering the brain’s structure and function. C. Drug use can have social consequences, resulting in a negative effect on relationships with friends and family members.

7 Understanding the Addiction Cycle A. The body becomes tolerant of the drug and the user increasingly needs a greater amount to get the same effect. B. Users become psychologically depend on the drug. C. Users experience sever effects of withdrawal when they stop taking the drug. Their bodies have a physiological dependence on the drug. D. Users run the risk of becoming addicted to (physiologically or psychologically) dependent on the drug.

8 Discussion Question What kind of courage does it take to resist drugs?

9 Other Consequences of Drug Use A. Drug use affects all aspects of a person’s health, both mentally and physically, leading to a violent lifestyle. B. Teens possessing, using, manufacturing, of selling drugs face legal consequences. C. Users lose their interest in healthy activities and suffer from strained relationships with friends and family. D. Pregnant females who use drugs cause harm to their developing fetuses, just as mothers ho use drugs harm the lives of their infants and children. E. Drug use causes a rise in drug-related crime and violence throughout society.

10 Discussion Question If you knew a pregnant female who took drugs, what might you say to her to counsel her about the danger she’s creating for her unborn fetus?

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